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American Sushi Chef Tracy Griffith Rolls W/Dean & DeLuca & Tells Me All About It

(the “Cowboy” roll)

I had the fun chance to speak with Chef Tracy Griffith just a few days ago. I won’t tell you who she is, so you’ll have to listen to the podcast. You’re in for a treat!  This is a time sensitive podcast because of an event she’s hosting tomorrow in Manhattan.

I will say she had me salivating the entire time we were talking and little did she know I was in a daze at times, just thinking about where’d I’d be eating her food! She’s also super nice and multi-talented. I was geeke’d to learn we had a lot of things in common and hope to meet her in person.

She was a charmer, for sure!

Enjoy! (15 minute interview well worth getting to know her!)

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WHEN: Monday, December 14, 2009

11am – 5pm



WHERE: Dean & DeLuca’s New York Times Building café.

620 8th Avenue (at 40th Street)

WHY: It is part of Dean and DeLuca’s mission to discover the newest, most interesting, and highest quality foods from coast-to-coast and all over the world and introduce them on store shelves. The launch will celebrate Dean & DeLuca bringing Sushi American Style into its markets and cafes starting in late December. And, the tasting event will give food enthusiasts an opportunity to sample the fish-free rolls.

(the “Lobster Love” roll)

* I hope you listened to the interview, because we’re giving something away!*

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Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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75 thoughts on “American Sushi Chef Tracy Griffith Rolls W/Dean & DeLuca & Tells Me All About It

  1. Hubby would love to eat this.I would even try sushi without raw fish.The cowboy roll looks very tempting

  2. Great podcast Bren! You have a gift for conducting interviews! Thank you for helping Dean & DeLuca get the word out about Chef Griffith’s Sushi American Style.

  3. I really enjoyed speaking with her. She was funny and very generous. I’m just sorry the music track wasn’t audible til about the 6 min. mark. Makes all the difference. Either way, glad you enjoyed listening to it!

  4. Chef Irie: Hahaha. I need that book myself!! Need to make sushi at home

    GC: Me, too! I need her to send me a copy as well

  5. Creo que esta muchacha es una excelente chef,sus recetas son muy buenas,tiene buen desenvolvimiento,en preparar su menu,creo que sera la ganadora en preparacion de alimentos.

  6. Love sushi but I will never try to make it. I’m gonna leave that up to the experts. Shout Out to Maru Sushi! They hook it up over there.

  7. I just got back from NYC (I live in Florida) and had the Lobster Love Rolls at Dean and DeLuca, they were FABULOUS!!!

    Wonderful taste and presentation!

  8. I’m really interested in learning more about this and turning it into a profession of mmy own one day (: I’m,actually, basing my whole Senior Project around the history and evolving future of American Style Sushi.

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