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"Eat & Tweet" v.2 With I Can't Believe It's Not Butter–Grilled Corn Wins!

This post is going to be so much more about the pictures than about my writing on the fabulous event I hosted 2 weeks ago, right before I took off for Maya, Mexico. I hope.

If you read this blog and follow me on Twitter (@BrenHerrera), then you might know all about my monthly “Eat & Tweet” private soirées I’ve started to host in my home and soon enough at someone else’s place, because quite frankly, I’m busting at the seams.

It’s all about food, social media, good friends, wine, more food and a whole lot of prepping and cooking.

Two weeks ago, I put my hostess with the mostess hat on and entertained 20 new and old friends during an after-work indoor summer grilling dinner party! On the menu? Well, let’s just say it was basted and saturated with butter!

Who doesn’t love butter! Or anything of the like!?

In Cuba, butter (and mayonnaise) are just as popular as Coke is here in Atlanta. It’s in everything. Not so much because it’s so darn good, rather because it’s cheap and readily available while food is still being rationed.

In this case, butter ruled the evening because if you didn’t know, I’ve fallen in love all over with the smooth, creamy, sweet spread, which I had cut way back from my diet. You know, the spread that goes into just about everything and makes my hips quickly spread. More importantly, the spread that you simply can not cook without when grilling, baking and a litany of high-yum factor dishes. And,  I wanted to share it with some die hard foodie friends.

Back in November, I became really good friends with the folks over at I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter when I shot this commercial using their reformulated spread.

(my right-hand man A, buttering up some chicken skewers for me)

Since then, I’ve really gotten into their product, not just because of the commercial, but because I like the idea of using a healthy substitute that is transparent about their nutrition and ultimately allows me to spread a little more than I would with conventional butter.  In fact, while volunteering as a chef for Share Our Strength’s Operation Frontline program, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter offered and I gladly treated my class of 18, to lots of spread, recipes, and general information why switching up from Country Crock (what I used to swear by) might be a great idea.

And, so, in keeping with my mission to educate people on better eating habits and alternatives to fatty foods, I partnered up with them again to be the star of my June shindig. With 3 of their special summer grilling recipes and 3 additional ones I came up with that may or may not have requiredI Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, the evening got started with some unspiked punch and much talk about the new iPhone 4.

Most fun to prepare with my friend and chef April, were the rosemary orange chicken skewers which had fresh summer vegetables. For me, the eggplant was a winner and of course it was grilled, using I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter. It was super fresh, had great color and popped with a bit of sea salt and black pepper.

All skewers were gone–with myself only able to enjoy one (see note below).

Greedy friends.

While some of the early guests started tweeting about our digs, I was sweating in the kitchen making sure I had enough rosemary and fresh oranges to squeeze over the uncooked skewers. Still trying to sneak a few off to side, with little luck.

Next on the summer grilling menu was garlicky parmesan toast. You know I like my  Cuban bread, so I took it and loaded with more garlic than anyone at my place probably cared for. But that’s okay, because 100 pieces of toast were ghost at the end of the night! The parmesan naturally off-set the unimaginable amount of ajo that I used, so, in my opinion it was the  perfect garlic bread to be paired with the fresh smoked salmon and capers I also offered.

As friends continued to pop up through out the evening and the tweeting ensued, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter tweeted me asking what our favorite dish was. Surely, it was going to the the pulled flank steak or garlic and cheese stuffed mushrooms, right?! Yeah, not so much.

Grilled corn. Yeah. Corn was the answer by 80% of my clearly-very-hungry friends…I wasn’t disappointed, because after all, I did make it, having husked every single one of those bad boys that morning at the market. And, we all know grilling corn has to be one of the easiest things to make, ever.  But then again, food doesn’t have to be complicated to be good. It just has to be good.

Evidently, the corn was great and somehow, I didn’t have a single ear.

More food and wine.

Happy, happy and full-bellied and empty plate friends.

(my friend D on the bottom right joined Twitter that night ONLY because he didn’t want to miss out on eating what turned out to be fun and delicious summer foods)

Between April and me, the skewers were replenished every 15 minutes or so. And so were the bread and mushrooms, buttered all up with the spread. Oh yeah, and the corn, too!

More tweets, especially from the gals. The guys were off in mi oficina talking techie stuff… making cameo appearances when I’d come out of the kitchen with piping hot food.

Fab photog, Jenna snaps away as we bring food out. Yes, there were two photogs there and both captured the evening with a distinct different eye and I loooove that!

(remind me to have wardrobe assistant there next time. Bra exposure: not sexy)

I’m tweeting away, uploading pictures and complaining about not having a single ear of corn left to my name. My friends, on their 2nd and sometimes 3rd plate were completely blind to the fact. A shame if you ask me! 🙂

(gotta love the dining room wall mirror w/half the guests remaining!)

At the end of the night, and 3.5 hours later,  all of my friends walked away having had a full out dinner with 6 menu items, to have them talking for days, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter. At some point, they all inquired and learned about the nutritional value and changes the brand has made, including no hydrogenated oils, no trans fat and no cholesterol–all important factors we should consider when grocery shopping–things Megan Mullaly will sing to you about!

And, as things would go in a typical Cuban home, all left with a bag full of goodies. This time, butter spreaders, coupons, recipe books, magnets and plates with mere scraps! How else were we going to end the evening?

If you’re in Atlanta and are interested in joining me or the 3rd installment of “Eat & Tweet,” leave a comment stating so and I’ll send you an email! You’ll love it, no matter the food, theme or guests! Always a good time and good food to be had in abundance!

* huge and special thanks to my friend Mark of Leah & Mark Photography for sending their intern Jenna of  Jenna Shea Photography for her awesome and glow-y shots of everything and to my girl Chieu of Chieu Lee Photography for always coming through for me and making everything pop! Both gals did an exceptional job of capturing the evening. I wish I could share all of the wonderful pictures they took!

* and, to I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter for supporting my latest engagement and providing me and my guests with so much food to dig into! “E” rocks! Please visit them at http://www.icbinotbutter.com for all the recipes I made and more!

Rosemary & Orange Chicken with Grilled Vegetables (adapted from thier website)


  • 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed
  • 1 small eggplant, cut into 1″ cubes
  • 2 medium, red and green bell peppers, cut into 1.5″ squares
  • 1 medium yellow squash, cubed
  • 30 sprays of ICBINB Spray Original, divided
  • 1 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1 tsp. grated orange peel
  • 2 tbsp. orange juice
  • salt and pepper to taste


Spray chicken and vegetables with 15 sprays of ICBINB Spray, then toss with rosemary and orange peel, salt and pepper. Alternately thread chicken and vegetables on skewers*. Grill chicken and vegetables, turning once, 8 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked and vegetables and tender but nicely charred with grill lines. Arrange chicken and vegetables on serving platter. Spray with remaining 15 Sprays, then drizzle with orange juice. *If using wooden skewers, soak in water at least 30 minutes prior to use.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

53 thoughts on “"Eat & Tweet" v.2 With I Can't Believe It's Not Butter–Grilled Corn Wins!

  1. The food was delicious! The company was great! Looking forward to next time so much that I will ask off work for that night 🙂

  2. …and THIS is why I am 38 HOT that I missed this particular event! That corn is mesmerizing! Congrats on the successful event, doll! You’d have to pay me to miss the next one!

  3. Hmm, corn may have been the winner, but those chicken skewers look off the chart. Great food, great post, great pics! my only regret is not being there.

  4. What a fabulously fun and DELICIOUS night! You are so great to do something like this. Your friends look like they’re having such a jolly time. 🙂

  5. Rosa: it was incredibly fun!! 🙂 Everything was soo good!

    April: Girl, your rock! I know you’ll be at the next one! 🙂 Funnnnnn times! You know the them for the next one, right!

    Tammy: ooh wee, we missed you! We ate soooo much and just kept on grubbin’… I’m still mad I didn’t get corn–of course I can make it whenever, but a shame I didn’t get my hands on one that night… You’ll be here this month, right!

    David: Skewers were yummy, too–especially b/c of the eggplant. You’ll have to come to one of them… they’re so much fun!

    Krista: It was all that and then some, Krista! They all left here full and happy!

  6. Everything was GOOD! Not surprised that corn was the favorite. This is your best “EAT & TWEET” yet(talking about the food). Once again can’t wait until the next one!

  7. This was truly a GREAT event and I can’t wait until the next one! The food was awesome! The corn was my favorite.

  8. Dullah: I know you loved it! You always do, hungry man! All we need you to do is sign up for Twitter! You’re always the only one not on board!

    Zerrin: We did and always do! The event is great. I always look forward to putting them together and having a blast with my friends and guest.

    Canika: Wasn’t it!?! Soo glad you were able to make it! You’ll have to be here next time! Your tweets were fun!

    Pam: You rock for coming and eating and tweeting and taking food home! Love me some Pam! See you at the next one! Bring your new iPhone next time!

  9. Yummy to my belly. The food was great and since I was being greedy, I took some home with me. I’m looking forward to the next one!

  10. The capers, mushrooms, and corn were my favs! Great job, Bren! the next one is sure to be a treat as well!

  11. Kenneth. Love it. Yummy for sure. I loved the shrooms as you may have read, the corn was off the chain according to all of you and uhm yeah, the next one will be faBulous!! Thanks for supporting!

    Lori Lynn: It was pretty darn good for an indoor grill party!

    Aletha: please tell not the capers alone! LOL! Rather on salmon!


  13. So bummed I was not able to make this event! Ahhh! And, the corn? I might have just grabbed the plate and run with it. 🙂 Congrats on another great Eat N Tweet. I hope hope hope I can make it to the next one!

  14. I really enjoyed my first Eat & Tweet, everything was super delicious. Bren, I know that the punch was spiked. This Eat & Tweet was a great chance to meet and network with some really nice people and the opportunity to sample some very good food. I especially enjoyed the chicken and veggie skewers. I think that I ate way too much I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter (ICBINB) and Cuban bread. I used to enjoy eating Country Crock, but now I’m hooked on ICBINB (especially when grilling sweet corn. With football season fast approaching I think that it would be a good idea to have some type football related Eat & Tweet. Can you put ICBINB on a hamburger, Hotdogs, or ribs? Oh well.. I’m already looking forward to the next Eat & Tweet session!

  15. Carmen: si, dicen qu’el maiz estaba delicioso pero ni puve tratarlo. que desgracia. yo tampoco no puedo handar sin ICBINB en my cocina. Buena alternetiva a la mantequilla autentica.

    Chris: YOU MUST be at the next one, lady! You missed so much yumminess!

    Chieu Lee: Thank YOU for taking some amazing shots.

    Derek: too funny! Glad you came out, ate and enjoyed. And I love the idea of a football themed one… will be getting on it now!

  16. too bad I didn’t know you when you did this, but all that means is that next time you host one, you have to let me know. I love grilled corn like no one’s business! Especially Mexican style–thanks to my hubs!

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