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#FlanFridays: Eggnog Rum Flan for Christmas

eggnog flan mainIt’s Saturday and officially CHRISTMAS! I’ve just arrived in Miami where it’s 75 degrees, an uncomfortable temperature for me for the occasion. I like it freezing on Christmas Day. I love for it to snow. But, I’m here with all the joy in the world because my grandfather turns a beautiful and wise 90 today and the family is celebrating through music–his life-long career of singing the praises.

I wrote this post yesterday morning at 10 a.m. while switching back-and=forth between waiting for the delectable eggnog and rum flan to chill, picking up a gift for Abuelo, working out and packing. Needless to say, my day escaped me and trying to be the superwoman I’m not, I was unable to publish this post before my 9 pm flight. Nonetheless, I hopped on my flight and went to work, finishing up the pictures…

Here is how my post was supposed to read as I had every intention of having posted it at a reasonable hour on Friday. But, I’m happy to know it’s still Friday somewhere in world. So for those of you still celebrating Christmas Eve, here is today’s #FlanFriday!


It’s Friday which means another creation for #FlanFriday. Ooh wee, I’ve been waiting to make this one all month and it’s here! Eggnog is my favorite drink of the season, hands down. I can and do drink it by the gallon when it’s store bought. If I make it (which, truthfully, is not often), I also chug it down like an addict that pretends to get tipsy off the many glasses.

On Wednesday I tweeted that I’d be making an eggnog flavored custard for today’s feature. To my surprise more than a few people chimed in and said they’d jump in on the fun and make one also. I’ve not seen any of them yet, but it was great to see the ooh and aah response to the creamy and very alcoholic dessert.

Yes, alcoholic.

While I was contemplating my approach to making the flan, I  looked at my bar and considered the options I had. I’m not a Bourbon gal (I think I mentioned that here). Admittedly, it is very appropriate for eggnog, but I thought I’d try something different. I took a sniff of my Mt. Gay vintage “Old Reserve” dark rum and called it. It was perfect. At least it smelled lovely and I was overly confident it would work in my custard.


So, here’s the thing, though. I didn’t make the eggnog per se for the flan. I made the drink to actually drink a few days ago and wanted to reserve it for drinking with the flan. So, I improvised for the dessert. I took all the ingredients needed for the drink and figured out the proportions that would make the flan just right. At its core, flan is made of eggs, sugar and milk, therefore adding alcohol and freshly grated nutmeg would make it complete.

And, my friends, complete it was. As I whisked my mix, whiffs of the Mt. Gay rum seeped up and the freshly grated nutmeg almost caused me to dig my fingers all in the bowl. I resisted.

Flanboyant Eats caramelizing sugar

(caramelizing sugar for ramekins)

I would have loved to make a an entire flan, but since I’m traveling this evening, two ramekins sufficed for my tasting. Surely, food in my place does not go waste and leaving and entire “pie” in my fridge would be sinful (though I’m certain a few friends would have gladly driven here to snatch it up).

Flanboyant Eats eggnog flan ramekin

(ready to chilled for a few hours)

The flan was just as I expected: creamy in texture and color, perfect in notes of the nutmeg and that whiff of the rum was just right.  Adding staple ingredients of eggnog to the mixture made perfect sense and removed the extra trouble of making the drink itself. I am in fact enjoying that tall glass you see in the picture. Ironically, I was reminded I made this flan for a friend last year and can I tell you, I have no recollection. That makes this one all the better because it’s like tasting something new. Experiencing something delightful and on the eve of Christmas, it couldn’t get any better!

Here’s to you and yours on this occasion! May your Christmas and holiday be filled with all the fabulous, wonderful, beautiful, delicious and sexy things your heart desires.

eggnog collage Flanboyant Eats

(Middleburg, VA church; One flan ramekin after I bit into it)

And, bite on this flan. You know you want to! 🙂 If interested in the recipe, please email me. I’ll be happy to share it with you!

Enjoy this merry #FLANFRIDAY!

 Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself. B-

*If you love, pin away. If you really love, share on Twitter and Facebook! 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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64 thoughts on “#FlanFridays: Eggnog Rum Flan for Christmas

  1. Congrats to you grandfather, and it’s always a pleasure to see your flans, even if it’s not on a Friday!

    I recently made a savory flans, I haven’t seen any on your website, let’s see some savory flans from you!

    Here is mine:
    Leek & Pine Nut Savory Flan in Radicchio Wrapper

    The olive oil coating on the flan form and the wet Radicchio leaf help these little beauties slip right out – not quite like a carmel – but a great way to keep the flan from sticking into the form!

    Ciao and Happy New Year!


  2. delicioso lo hize para navidad fue un exito felicidades gracias chef que el ano nuevo te traiga ricas bendiciones

  3. Rosa: It was good and better because I love eggnog! I hope you had a lovely Christmas!

    Laura: thanks for sharing your savory flan. Looks more like quiche, but the flavors are enticing.

    Carmen: me alegro que lo hayas hecho! la verdad que esta rico… feliz, feliz navidad… y muchas bendiciones para ti 🙂

  4. Feliz Navidad! That flan looks delicious. Congrats to your abuelo reaching 90. Thats a big deal!

  5. ay mama, que bonito te quedo el flan ese. sabes que tu mama hace un flan tremendo. voy a tener que probar el tuyu uno de estos dias! Besitos.

  6. Hope you’re having a flanboyant holiday season, my dear!
    This flan is breathtaking. I wish i could have a bite right now.
    Hope to catch up with you in the new year! 🙂

  7. I’m not exactly a fan of eggnog, but if you spike it with a little rum, vodka or some brandy (cognac, armagnac, calvados) it probably would taste even better (for me). Yet, I know that for eggnong lovers this must be a great treat, especially now during the Christmas holidays.

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