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Green is Good! A Simple, Spicy & Cheesy Omelette.

As I sit in my green office, staring outside my windows (particluarly at this growing spider web that’s been there for 5 days now), I can’t help but notice the leaves changing colors every day. Just this morning, a crusty leaf fell into my coffee mug as I walked to my car (yes, I don’t have a transportable coffee mug, so I have to walk out with my own glassware. Shame, I know).

I have an affinity for green. Green in all forms: clothes, shoes, painted office walls, marble, nail polish (Jade is the new Black is sooo fly!) and food. Have I told you split green peas are my absolute fave “bean.” Oh my Holy word…. Mami couldn’t make me a happier child when she makes me chicharros when I go home.

But, as I child, I hated every and any green vegetable. There was nothing mami could do to make in take that stuff in. No tricks pulled in her tactics. As I get older, I realize and appreciate the importance of greenery in our systems. I like to think my body is a temple and that I need to treat it properly and with respect if I want it to be a full performance. Surely, there are other factors, but the nutrients and vitamins found in most green leaf ingredients.

With a big birthday just two weeks away, I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time thinking about what I put in my body. In the last 3 weeks I’ve lost 7 or so pounds, all caused by the proper elimination of certain dairy (my pobresito café con leche is missing me and starting to Jones me). But, I, feel great! Now, if it were stress-induced weight-loss, I’d be telling a different story. Though in all honesty, no matter the reason, the elimination of heavier foods combined with the physical lightness has given me a bit more stamina and energy… as in I’m dancing a whole lot to Beyoncé songs while I cook and write.

So back to the greens. It’s been a challenge but I’ve been diligently adding any variety to my food whenever possible. I started with steamed edamame twice a week. Then I went on to leafy salads with beets and other goodness (thanks to some local tastings). And, finally, to eggs—because I can eat a dozen a day.

In order to curb the urge to eat 3 single eggs in one sitting, it dawned on me to add other things to it to fill it up, resulting in less eggs.

I’ve always loved omelettes, especially this one, but I don’t always have time to make an elaborate one and quite frankly–I’ve said here before– I borderline loathe cooking for myself. Really, I do. It’s kind of depressing. But, when this chick is hungry, I have to eat!

I made this omelette just an hour ago because I was starving and thought it would fit the bill of something light enough to keep these 7 pounds off. I had some cilantro, jalapeños and Gruyère cheese. An odd combination, you might think, but the heat of the chile paired with the aroma and bite of the cilantro went well with the Swiss cheese, which, if you’re familiar with it, gave it a nutty and mushroomy flavor. Nothing wrong with that at all.

And, while I’m not a fan of heat at all, there are times I can tolerate it. The blend and balance has to be perfect. Almost hidden so deeply that it’s barely detectable. That may take the thrill factor out of eating a heat-packed dish, but if it’s too hot I can’t even begin to enjoy the meal. I get that from my dad. I always find substitutes for chiles, peppers, etc…but in this case, it needed it…simply to kick up the composition up a bit. And it worked.

Perfection, my friends. Simple perfection, rather. Took no longer than 6 or so minutes. After I finished plating it, I ran outside, snapped a few pics of the leaves outside my office and came back to enjoy a perfect breakfast or brunch dish; in this case a spot on pre-dinner filler!

My honest disclosure: I’d have to eat 10 of these omelettes to get my suggested daily green vegetable allowance, but it’s a start and a delicious one at that. They say baby steps, first, right?!

I took no measurements for this recipe because the ravaging hungry woman made her appearance, so the recipe I offer is loosely based on what I felt like chopping and slicing. Surely, you can tweak it and figure out the right proportions for your needs and taste.

¡Buen Provecho!

(and eat more green!)

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. Gruyère cheese, chopped
  • 2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped
  • 2 tsp. jalapeño, seeded and minced
  • 1 tsp. butter
  • 2 fresh sprigs of cilantro for garnish
  • salt to taste
In medium bowl, combine and whisk eggs, cilantro, jalapeño and salt. In 6″ or 8″ skillet, melt butter. Add cheese and allow cheese to start melting. Add egg mixture to skillet. Cook on bottom side for 2 minutes. Using rubber spatula, carefully fold over and flip to cook other side. Cook that side for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown and no egg yolk or white is runny.
Serves 1.

0 thoughts on “Green is Good! A Simple, Spicy & Cheesy Omelette.

  1. Bren, I could eat this omelete any time of day. I so appreciate the simplicity of eggs. I am a greens lover and I actually like to cook for myself, but we both love food. I do a lot of zumba to work it off, which I have a feeling you either do or would love to do.

  2. Leslie: i love that you understand what i’m talking about! so easy and delicious!

    Rosa: Thanks girl. I’m curious to see any of your omelettes.

    Angela: oh my gosh, zumba! I did it twice and fell in love with it! What a great way to burn off anything we eat. And eat I do well!

    Chris: I love the reference to Dr. Suess. He’d be a proud lil monster.

    Lisa: Ha. no ham in my eggs, but I’ll make it for you!

    Jenny: It was inspired by a dish I made a few weeks ago for a tv segment—which was completely different. I totally failed to mention that in the post. But, hey, the combo totally works.

  3. Girl! I need you to come over in the morning and make this for me. You know Alex likes his anything super spicy so he’ll be all over it! And, I love the tree shot. You have a lot going on in your area… clear over here. 😉

  4. Just had lunch, yet your post made me crave for this omelette … and you know how I love omelettes!! Love the green touch with cilantro. Next time, try fennel -just out of curiosity.

  5. This looks awesome, I think Im gonna make it tonight! Youre pictures are always so tempting Bren. You make even something simple like this look like a real treat!

  6. Mercedes: Yup! Really simple, chica.

    Michele R.: anytime, though I’m pretty certain Alex could make it and add triple the amount of heat I used!

    David: Oh how I know you love you some omelettes! The cilantro was great, but I think you’d love the gruyere touch even more.

    Morena: Breakfast food for dinner never hurt anyone! Thanks for always enjoying my pics! If only I took the time to really, really get into it the way I’d love, I think I’d be better than decent! But, I have to say that I’ve learned a lot along the way with some help from photog friends.

  7. esa tortilla se ve riquisima .hoy hice una pero no me quedo tan rica .esa si se ve esa .disfruten los que la cocinen

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