Every year, my family goes on vacation for a few consecutive weeks to some ultra cool location, a la the Griswalds. 4 adults (sans the eldest sibling) and my parents pack up and fly the friendly skies to unknown lands of the foreigner. The Mexicans treat us like Latin superiority, the French force us to step up our style game, the Italians feed us to no end and the Spanish put a choke hold with their chain, chimney smoking. Just a few places so far. However, this year, oh this blessed year, Santa has prematurely decided to limit the luxuries of annual splendors the Halls engage in. Be it as it may though, I find a way to stamp mi pasaporte!
I’m on my way to Barbados! Just when I was wondering if my freelance writing gig (the story of how it came to happen is a testament to being at the right place at the right time theory) would yield and offer another excursion of all out luxuries, I receive an urgent email. “Yes Nick I’m available!” Aaahh…within minutes the PR admins are ensuring all of my traveling and special requests are met and in order. “Yes, please, make sure I have a window seat, first class and no cooler than 67 degrees. Please advise any restaurant where we eat of my requirement there be no shellfish or swine of any kind lacing my china. Please make sure my hotel suite has white candles, preferably of peony or lavender aroma, 2000 count, white linens, a decanter for the white wine I’ll sip in the evening while chatting with my west coast novio, and, a kind wake up call at 6:17 a.m. Thank you!”
Sorry. I know J. Lo diva moments are so passé. Really, a bed with a down comforter and some tea will suffice. After all, I’ll wake up to palm tress and white sand beaches, a cool breeze and maybe a “good morning dear” phone call. I’ll even consider some local rum and corn rows. Much more then the average stateside compensatory vacation I would have had otherwise, I’ll gladly relish in the singleness of the trip.
In short, I love, love, love what I do!! 5 months kicking a** on my annual designer & artist charity event (a post for later this week), on-stage, feature performances, not often enough (see post below), monthly trunks shows, hustlin’ my mom’s jewelry (another post for this week) and then the writing. Taking up a lot of my time these days, I welcome the assignments, the challenges and the experience of diversifying my talents.You couldn’t pay me enough to go back to work with lawyers!! 😉
Tune in sometime in December for my report on Barbados.
www.dictionary.com (for Word of the Day)
(Crane Beach, Barbados)

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

3 thoughts on “I LOOOOOVE WHAT I DO!!”
and that is why you are the ultimate hyphenate woman! Go Relax Walk in the sand! Come back and hustle hard!
Yes, it is grand to be at that place in life! Traveling and family is the ultimate in enjoying life (for me), and working for yourself allows those pleasures. Enjoy! Have fun! I look forward to reading your next post.
Can’t wait to hear about your trip to Barbados. Let me know if you want to know of some places worth seeing while you are there. You know I lived there for 5 years?