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I’m back in check with a project I’m working on but am not at super free disposal to discuss in much depth. It relates to food! Yes, that vital thing we all need in order to keep moving along, healthy.

While in France one year ago, I had some of the best food ever (outside of my mother’s kitchen)! It was delicioso! Not being afraid to try anything new, I successfully attempted this warm fresh fruit & berry concoction a few months ago. Here is a picture of the version I had in a small village restaurant in Vallency, France. The combination of the acidic berries, crunchy apples, wine and sweet touch of honey (I think) made it a perfect way of ending an expected savory lunch entree. My version, was mostly of berries in a reduction sauce and I won’t tell you the secret liquor I used! It was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-S-O!!

My first posting here was about my trip to Taos, New Mexico. I think I briefly touched on the incredible fine dining I experienced in those 5 days. I must eat well when traveling. It’s a requirement–kind of like the 3,000 thread count sheets! Understanding my press tours involve local merchants and business owners upgrading their service (even if temporary), especially if they’re looking for editorial coverage, I still embraced and thoroughly enjoyed the delectable dishes served. Here’s another picture of this lamb dish I had. The plating was gorgeous. Full of mint flavor chutney, the succulent slab didn’t stop me from eating the 6″ inch brownie! Check them out.

So, I’m not a professionally trained chef, but I am damned good cook! Ask my friends (all of which has asked for recipes) & the sorry boyfriends that ate my heartfelt menus–LOL. Thanks to my mother (and sometimes father), I have nurtured an incredible talent for on the fly cooking of very flavorful foods, without any inhibition. I’ll feed myself or 30. Though Cuban is my specialty, I delve into others. I like to call it “Kitchen Chic in ???? (can’t say what that last word is). I’m going to start posting some of my recipes here in the next few weeks. For your enjoyment and commentary!! Maybe some of my peer girlfriends won’t be to intimidated by the process.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

One thought on “I LOVE FOOD!

  1. Those Lamb chops look scrumptious!!! I feel you about loving food. I do regret that I dont always try new things, but i definitely like what I like.

    You are a great descriptive writer that puts the reader there and allows a visual.


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