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The Introduction…

This is SOOO overdue but as my mornings go, I’m pensive, recreating life and my endeavors (the execution process at minimum). Not the slightest bit bored, (not that I can afford to be bored…but hey a hard working gal like myself should be allowed ONE measly dia de reposo), I had a need to write. I love to write but somehow do not commit 20 minutes of creative penmanship here. I’ve implemented a self timer on my new iMac!

Back in May, I sang @ the well known Apache Cafe in Atlanta. It was a tribute to Sal Soul Records from the 70’s. Naturally, I was charged with covering a Latin remake of the SalSol Orchestra record called “Runaway”. One band rehearsal and 2 glasses of Reisling later, I was onstage for the first time as “Latin Soul Singer Bren Herrera”. My newly assigned road dog Abdul, on his first assignment, was supposed to have captured the moment. Instead, the nice video camera on loan from my parents, failed due to user end error. I didn’t put in a new disc and the one in there was filled with rehearsal clips…(i’ll upload a clip this weekend).

Fun times that night. I was rockin’ the mic and loved it. Next show in the same vain is Dec. 15th! DJ Rev Lee (my syrup toatin’ teddy bear loyal sound engineer) is helping the cause…A due shout out!


Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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