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Bren Releases Her First Cookbook “Modern Pressure Cooking” with Holiday Feasting on FOX Good Day Atlanta

My new cookbook “Modern Pressure Cooking” hit shelves Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 2016. I didn’t really know what to expect other than making a beeline over to my nearest book store to see if they stocked it. And then, the most magical thing happened. My publisher let me know FOX Good Day Atlanta booked me for a living cooking segment, featuring recipes from the book. The kicker: on the very day the book came out. We’ve been planning a national tour, but you couldn’t have paid me to believe I’d be back in Atlanta promoting my book, in the very city and the very network/station where I launched Flanboyant Eats 8 years ago. It’s also the same lace where I first mentioned a book concept that didn’t come to fruition. Last week was one of those moments in life when you know for certain thing are happening the way they are supposed to. It was very much a full circle experience. It let me know with assurance that “Modern Pressure Cooking” is bigger than me and anything I could have ever dreamed of happening; last least bearing the details it has.


It’s also perfect timing to release a book with the Christmas holiday in full swing. The menu I shared on Good Day Atlanta was wonderfully suited for hosting friends and family in the most decadent way without the pressure — no puns! — of being rushed and having little time to feed them into oblivion.  The pressure cooker takes that intense feeling of too much to do, too little time. In under 90 minutes you can serve this dinner, based around fig and Syrah lamb shanks, seasoned with all of the season’s best herbs, a vibrant carrot and orange soup, accompanied by classic southern collard greens and all rounded with a decadent pistachio and cardamom flan. All of these recipes are in the book an easy to make. All you need is a pressure cooker and my book! That’s the point around the holidays: fast and delicious.


Check out the segment and enjoy the inspiration. Find out more about “Modern Pressure Cooking” and dates and cities during my national tour here.

“Modern Pressure Cooking ” (Page Street Publishing, Dec. 2016) is now in bookstores and is available online at Amazon,  BandN.com and other retailers. $24.99 hardcover; $9.99 Kindle.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

55 thoughts on “Bren Releases Her First Cookbook “Modern Pressure Cooking” with Holiday Feasting on FOX Good Day Atlanta

  1. You were awesome!! So exciting to be a small part of this Huge Success!! The Cookbook is fabulous and I can’t wait to make the Carrot and Orange Soup for the family. 2017 is about to be a full speed ahead of book promotions. Cheers!!

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