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More Color, Balanced Diet & Cooking w/Rick Bayless & Nutrilite | Perfect Way to End 2012 & Bring in 2013

(morning dew via Instagram)

I’ve been on this serious Zumba and Pilates (with occasional yoga) kick for about 3 months now and just loving it! I feel amazing. While flying trapeze is my newest  addiction and I’m in heaven when I’m 30 feet in the air doing acrobatic tricks (have you ever tried it?), it’s not exactly a concentrated cardio workout. It’s better than anything I could ever have imagined, but it builds strength and some unwanted mass. I’m actually looking forward to sharing more  about my adventures in flying. Here’s the thing, though — as much as I’ve been consistently working out — the weight I want to come off is still lingering. Fortunately, I’m maintaining, but I’m not shedding inches. Oy vey.  That’s when I have to analyze my diet. And even look deeper into my lifestyle to see where the imbalance is settling. My friends at Nutrilite Health are experts on the importance of a balanced diet, nutrition and fitness, so my visit with them in Manhattan 3 weeks ago was so on  time.

You know how my work trips are — in and out — but full of valuable information that I commit to applying en mi vida and in this case, sharing the benefits with you.

(view from my suite via Instagram)

Laid up in the swanky Smyth hotel in TriBeCa, a few notable bloggers spent 2 days with a full Nutrilite health team to engage in learning all about their #PackMoreHealth campaign which entailed a cooking class, a live Twitter party which I co-hosted with Latina Bloggers Connect,  and a cooking demo breakfast with Rick Bayless. The goal: encourage and teach all of us — you and me — how to add more color and vital nutrients to our foods and what we need to do to optimize our  health.

And when our diet fails us for whatever reason, take supplements. They offer a complete system tailored to every health need imaginable. I’m personally about so start the hearth and hair/nail/skin regiment. Oooh, wait til you hear why in the next post.

We started our visit with a lively, colorful and delicious morning in David Bouley‘s über sexy  test kitchen & private event space. This is my kind of action! From the rustic doors, exposed walls, mammoth sound speakers, recessed cookbook library and 10+ ranges, the space is prime real estate to host swanky fêtes. I started with a few short glasses of a refrescante non-alcoholic cucumber cocktail, cafécito and a few breakfast tartars.

As we eased and greeted the other bloggers, a few chefs settled into their  demos of the different entrées we’d all later enjoy during an informative lunch in the softly decked and ambient dining area of the space.

We meandered throughout the stations, relishing in the aromas of the fresh ingredients. I first stopped at the whole chicken station which was simply flavored with dry alfalfa and clover hay and cooked en cocotte, a French-style. The technique mimicked pressure-cooking, only the cook time was conventional. I was completely impressed and walked away excited about learning a new method. I’ll reserve sharing the details for a new post once I’ve attempted to make something in the same manner.

(Best thing I learned in two days. I feel so smart right now! Yes!!!!!)

(Bloggers attentively watching a chef speak on cooking a whole chicken)

No matter, the pressure-sealed pot is pretty creative and quite easy. Look at this beauty right here! I can’t tell you how geek’d I am about incorporating this into my repertoire.

(poulet en cocotte via Instagram)

Moving on to the choco soufflé area manned  by Latin chef was divine. Can’t you tell my the blissful expression on my face above. I was content with the uncooked cocoa cream mix.

(Choco bliss via Instagram)

The final presentation was a beautifully designed menu replete with color, a great mixture of vegetables, proteins and  complex carbs. The reveal of the local baked chicken dish yielded  a moment of silence so that our olfactory senses could enjoy the flavors seeped into the pot over 90 minutes. Once our generous host sliced the crust and opened the pot, I soaked in the steam emitted from the small table. I felt I was sulking in Joel Robuchon’s kitchen for just a moment.

(Our Maître d’ opening the poulet en cocotte)

(Clockwise: baked chicken; savory flan prep; carrot ginger soup; lunch menu; black bass entree; salmon tartare)

 Of all the courses, including the New England Black Bass with bamboo shoots and a tantalizing carrot ginger soup, the savory flan topped with a mushroom medley blew my mind. I really have little words to describe how it made me feel. My eyes did roll back. They wanted to stay there, no lie. If I weren’t in a professional setting, I sure would have left my natural inhibitions in my hotel room and asked for another serving.

(Savory flan)

Thankfully, dessert made its way over to our tables. I broke down. I just couldn’t resist the urge to invite myself to a 2nd helping of  the hibiscus sorbet with bulgar wheat gelatin which a fellow blogger passed on. You know me and my philosophy of not throwing out food! Oh, and let’s not even talk about the soufflé. Oh my gah.

Though we ate an extravagant meal and indulged in sweetnesses, the Nutrilite team wrapped the afternoon emphasizing  the benefit of following their color wheel where our daily requirements in each food group is described in full detail. Clearly, I’m need to step up my green vegetables game.

(Fantastic team of bloggers, Bouley chefs and Nutrilite team)

I didn’t leave lunch feeling gluttonous; rather inspired to look at each plate I ever cook or enjoy to make sure it has the right amount of vitamins my body needs. It’s imperative I maintain a healthy body. More water, less sugar, definitely more sleep and more vegetables — those are the immediate changes I know I need to make.

I hit the Smyth’s gym for 60 minutes right before prepping to host what turned out to be a highly successful live Twitter party, overlooking Manhattan’s skyline.

In 90 minutes, we shared life-changing information, tips, suggestions and stats c/o Nutrilite to our digital friends in a very engaging conversation.  If you tune in this Wednesday, I’ll share more details about the party, what I learned that you need to know and what my blood results taken the morning after, revealed.

Because yes, those folks are pretty awesome for treating us to a mini physical before breaking bread with Rick Bayless.

So, as we close out 2012, I’d nudge you to think about how you’ve been treating your body. There is total truth in “we are what we eat” and even more poignant, “our health is our wealth.” Really, it is. I’m excited about entering 2013 with a renewed sense of proper and conscious cooking and eating and effective fitness with the sole purpose of living a super happy, healthy life. I owe it to myself!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU, SWEETS! Let’s toast to amazingness this year in all areas of our lives. And it shall start with our nutrition!

If you have specific questions about supplements, vitamin needs, etc… ask in the comments and I’ll address them in Wednesday’s post! For now, think color, color, color


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 * I was invited by Nutrilite to NY to attend the sessions with all expenses paid. I was also compensated for this post in order to share my experience with you. All opinions expressed are solely my own and are completely honest and genuine. You know this chica likes to keep it 100. 

* some images used w/in the post are courtesy of Nutrilite 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

12 thoughts on “More Color, Balanced Diet & Cooking w/Rick Bayless & Nutrilite | Perfect Way to End 2012 & Bring in 2013

  1. I remember you telling me you were going to NY but I didn’t know it was for this. How fun. I love the freshness of the food you all prepared. And yes to a healthy body! You know that’s what I do for a living. Happy to see you embrace that.

  2. Test Kitchen Heaven, lovely, lovely! Interesting concept on the chicken…can’t wait to hear more about it in future posts. I’m sure this was an amazing invite. I love the pic with you in the back on the phone, surely taking notes/pics/post etc. you and another lady. Exciting posts and pictures!! Again, love that test kitchen, certainly in my element.

  3. I love that you travel so much to experience all these amazing moments. I’ve been trying to cook with more color too but I don’t always know what is what or how much of something I need. Looks like you had a great time. I look forward to the next post. More information on Nutrilite would be good too. Thanks for sharing your ventures!

  4. mira que todo se ve riquisimo. Es muy importante cocinar con mucho color… todo tiene su proposito. El chocolate ese ve como una delicia espectacular. Cuanto me alegro que lo pasastes bien. Quisiera saber mas sobre vitaminas para los bones y osteoperosis. Tengo algún conocimiento de Nutrilite pero no suficiente para incorporarlo en me dieta.

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