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Mother’s Day Gifts for Mami {Regalitos Para La Mami Que Cocina}

Mother’s Day. Preparations for the “holiday”  replete with food, flowers, chocolates, garden gifts and maybe a renewal of  vows are in full throttle!   No soy madre, but I sure do adore mine to pieces and sometimes wish I could adopt one of my nieces. She’s the sweetest, most gracious 9-year old I’ve ever loved. But she has a mother of her own that won’t share her with me as much as I’d like. I get it. She carried her in her belly for 9 months and deserves all the pleasures of having a darling daughter.

Same goes for my Mami! I wish you could meet her! That lady there is one class act. More on her tomorrow (wink, wink), but for now, I’m thinking of what madres represent and just how freakin’ awesome they are (at least should be!). Mother’s Day is this Sunday and we relish in making the day all about them and their fabulousness. It’s a day to celebrate their strength, wisdom, selflessness, love, affection and candor. At least mi Mami. She bites her tongue for nothing or no one.

Don’t you think all those qualities deserve to be rewarded? With material things? I say so!

I’ve found some gifts and toys every age mother would love to open up and know it was specially selected for her. Do consider that these are for the cooking woman… I’m not suggesting that woman need to be in the kitchen cooking. But for those of you that have food-loving, skilled and home cooks in your life, I find these to be so appropriate.

I’m single and I love them for myself… truth be told.

Clockwise from top to bottom, here are some yummy and timeless goodies for your mom, wife, sister or daughter, assuming they’re Mami’s, to enjoy! What’s better? I found most of them on the fabulous and uberly chic design site Joss & Main, where most of their specialty items are nicely discounted! Hurry & Buy!

1. The obiquitous & most necessary KitchenAid mixer. In my fave color, too! $250-$390 William & Sonoma.

2. Smart Space Triple Wall Mount Dispenser, in which I’d fill with nada but mas café $32.95 Joss & Main.

3. Chalkboard Tea Pot, $17.95 Joss & Main.

4. A wine fridge is never out of style and always so chic! Perfect for the winer lover and ultimate entertainer. (prices range)

5. An herb planter for the kitchen makes cooking much more delicious. Just clip and go forth. DIY.

6. 12 Piece Yedi Cup and Saucer Set,  $34.95 Joss & Main

7. Incred ‘a Brew Gravity  Drip Coffee Infuser Cup by Zevro, 18.95  Joss & Main.

8. Pfsaltzgraff 12 Piece Kitchen Prep Accesssory Set, $74.95 Joss & Main.
9. Personalized recipe gift set with embosser, $69.95 Williams Sonoma

* This post is not sponsored by Joss & Main or any of the other vendors or brands suggested and listed in my guide. All opinions are my own and I simply wanted to share some things I love! 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

54 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Gifts for Mami {Regalitos Para La Mami Que Cocina}

  1. Great ideas! A pity my kitty can’t give me such awesome gifts (I’m a cat mamma after all)… ;-P



  2. Amiga, I can’t cook but I would take that green Kitchen Aid Mixer any day 🙂 Great picks. Thanks for sharing y un abrazote.

  3. Ok, I think I will take one of each…no two, maybe even three. I hope I have enough children, girlfriends, aunts, uncles, bugs, animals that can gift me with these cute lovlies (as you say). Such a great treat for Mothers..heck any woman!! Can’t wait for your post on your fabulous Mom, who I haven’t met, but know she is some one very Special!

  4. Eliana: That’s what I’m saying! I could use them all myself.

    Monica: Clip and go, clip and go!

    Rosa: Ha. I love it! I wish Paris could take note, too!

    Helena: You can’t cook?!!? Que cos es eso!

    Joi: I like the way you think, too! I love the pink prep set and the tea set… several of those would do me well.

    Vanessa: Well, of course not. Mas vino porfa.

    Rachel: Ha. Join the club.

    Sujeiry: Go.for.it.

    Ruby: Si, tell the husband!

    CJ: Thanks hun! 🙂

  5. I’m a cooking mami and i love all these ideas. I need my husband to take a look at this list and get some inspiration. I’m loving the pot and the coffee maker the most! Well and the wine fridge because I can’t keep enough. Happy Mother’s Day.

  6. After giving these to my mom can I get some for me? Hehe. Happy mother’s day to all the beautiful mamis out there 🙂

  7. not a mami… but a titi sure would love to have some of these!!!! paricuarly the kitchen, with or without the wine fridge attached to it. 🙂

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