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Oh Really??!?

Hoping everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Mine was only great once I sat down and actually devoured my mother’s cooking.

Please refer to the Interstate post somewhere below. How many times am I going to fall to pressure and simply stand still?

I get in my car at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, day before Thanksgiving, stop at Costco for gas (about .15 cheaper than my regular choice of B.P.) and hit the highway at exactly 10:25.

13 hours and $150 ticket later, I arrive at my familiar destination. I go to be bed a very angry individual.

Thank God the turkey and other side dishes were delectable. The kids were all worth it too.

Though I griped incessantly about how much cheaper it would have been to fly, I am able to find a peaceful place of gratitude. My official thanks include:

My parents
My siblings
My nephews and nieces
My extended family and grandparents
My boyfriend J.A.S. in Los Angeles
My baby girl Geisha
My ride or die friends (all 4 of them)
My other friends
My Volvo
My health
My tenacity, creativity, talents, determination and ambition
My associates including car tech, accountant, sound engineer, hair stylist, web developer and all those that help make ME possible! 🙂
And then….food, light, heat, windy days, colored leaves, down comforters, curly hair, having $, not having kids yet, not making a mistake in getting married to a man that would not have made me first in his life, my Uva education, new friends, old friends, Brad St., Justin’s laugh, hair conditioner, paved highways, music, sound, hot tea, compassion, sensitivity, literacy, purple pens, joy, video ichat, candles, water, mirrors, doctors, my lawyer friends, photography, my voice, different cultures and languages, roses, birds of paradise, hydrangeas, email, my grandmother Violeta, the mighty ocean, prayer, prayer and more prayer, snowy winter days, beautiful autumn days, swimming, magnolia trees, mangoes, the ability to style myself, the color green and everything in life that simply makes me smile.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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