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Oh, The Woes of Infidelity

Dear Tiger,

I used to love you. Like really love you. I went to one of the Major’s in ’97, only to lay my eyes on your beautiful, young and innocent face.

Because of you and the guy I was dating at that time, I started playing golf. It’s been 13 years.

But, has it been 13 years of lies, deceit, masked by wins and huge purses?

If so, I’m over here smashing my golf clubs into the ground, the same way Elin allegedly smashed your truck windows.

I saw your press conference on Monday. Great job. Very professional. But I noticed you didn’t have your ring on. I hope it’s not a sign. I can appreciate Jack supporting you. You should appreciate him, too.

But, then I saw this commercial, and could only think: Really? Really? How much money did Nike pay you to redeem yourself through the resurrection of your late father.

Imma pray for you brother, because we all do deserve redemption and an opportunity to get it right.

So, I’ll be watching you play and maybe even win the Masters. I may even go hit some balls this weekend.

Thanks for reinvigorating the game of golf, albeit in a disgraceful way. Just sayin’



Evidently, the video was removed by Tiger, CBS or the Masters. Go Figure. 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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