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The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Ever!


I’ve been on P90x for about 2 months now, on an off, doing it whenever I feel like I need to quickly see my abs and thighs as tight as a sprint runner. It really does work. I can only imagine what I’d really be able to accomplish if I followed it to the T and took the diet seriously.

But, I don’t and don’t plan on it anytime soon. I cook for a living, so adhering to someone’s restrictions isn’t even doable. Plus, I like my thighs 90% of the time.

More importantly, I like to eat. I like to eat a lot and I like to indulge myself  in “junk” every now and then. I’ve been in bed for the past 2 days, fighting an on-coming cold, leaving me with no appetite. Tea, hot totties and soup have been short orders. How boring right? So, I sent my friend to grab me some snacks while I lined up movies to entertain me. I didn’t make any specifications, one way or the other. I just wanted something to munch on.

He comes back with reusable bag from ALDI. There’s one 3 blocks from me, I drive past it every day, and have never inquired as to its purpose. It looks like and off-brand automotive store. The parking lot is always packed, though,  so something in there is worthy of a stop. Until recently, I’d never known what it was.

Tell me you’ve heard of this Euro market? The goodies that came out of the eco-friendly bag (which they charge .10 for) had me feeling energetic, long enough to look at the receipt and micro-inspect the ingredients in each package. The cheddar-jalapeño chips were some off-brand, the garden vegetable crackers were off-brand, the popcorn was way off-brand and the chocolate chip cookies were also off-brand–Belmont. I was okay with that, especially since the prices were right! $1.50 for the chips  and $1.69 for the cookies makes it affordable for anyone to shop there–cheap-o! Under $7 for the 4 goodies.

So now that the prices sold me, I was on to the quality of the new found junk. I went for the chips first. Score. The cookies were next and this is where every thing changed.


Understand that I’m a big SoftBatch fan. Well, used to be a huge fan. I like their soft and chewiness, but in recent years have noticed their smaller size and less and less home made taste. And, theirs is not one where I was ever concerned about the ingredients. But when you try to nickel and dime us customers, I back off and look for alternatives. So, when my friend showed up with this Belmont (off-brand  to me) package of cookies, reading “Home Style,” I was eager.

I went for the ingredient list first. As a foodie, home cook, chef and individual whom is interested in the nutritional value of foods we eat (because we really are what we eat) and earnestly working on educating my clients on what I feed them,  I can whole-heartedly appreciate the short list:

unbleached wheat flour, real chocolate chips, baking oil (palm, soybean, canola) brown sugar, fresh eggs, sugar, baking soda, salt, vanilla.

That sounds about right, right? That caused an uncanny reaction and tearing the bag apart was nothing unusual. The size and chunkiness of the cookie sufficed for me to love them, instantly.  Biting into one galleta and tasting that real home made flavor was simply icing on the cake! Oh em gee. I’m not a baker, I swear. But I have made cookies from the box and from scratch (the latter always being the best), and these Belmont beauties really do the job of reliving me of  making dough and getting the ratios just right.

The cookies are so darn delicious, I couldn’t share with my friend. The right ingredients stand out (that would be the chips) and if nothing else, you can taste the difference in the flour that was used in comparison to other packaged cookies. I’ve had some nasty home made and store bought cookies, as I’m sure you have. These are plain different.  The chewiness and moisture was perfect. So much so, I greedily indulged in 4 in while in bed last night and another 3 today.

Not exactly the best food to eat when trying to feel better, but feeling better is so about the mind, too.


If only I had the patience of a true baker to make cookies once a week. My life would be so much better and all my woes would seem so frivolous. I’d be inspired to do P90x every day just so that I could eat a cookie a day. In fact, I think these might have inspired me enough to play around with dough and making my own chocolate, ganache and treats that delight the soul.

I’m so giddy about my new find that I’m going to give 2 packages away! All you have to do is share with me your favorite home made cookie recipe and you’re entered. I won’t do a random pick this time. I’ll select one winner based on the ingredients and how delicious the cookie seems to be. I know it’s a bit biased, but I would love a great recipe without referring to gourmand magazines or cookbooks. (oops, I was so out of it yesterday when writing I forgot to include an end date: APRIL 28th! I’ll select someone on the 29th and announce it on Twitter)

I swear you’ll love these cookies. And if you don’t have an ALDI near you, I’ll offer to be your personal shopper when you’re looking for something! I’d be happy to share their goodness with you!

** Subscribe to Flanboyant Eats and be part of the sexy group to get 1st dibs on give-aways, unpublished recipes, sneak peaks @ chef interviews and other giddy stuff! I send out a newsletter 1-2 a month. Join now!**

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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34 thoughts on “The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Ever!

  1. Aldi’s just came to Tampa but I haven’t been yet. I understand the concept is small stores with only 1 of each item to chose from. Cookies look good but mine are better ;o)You make flan you can make chocolate chip cookies!!

  2. girl….you could so kick out some cookies once a week. 🙂 Belmont cookies? The town I grew up in has the same name, so they must be good.

  3. It’s so funny that you’re giving away store-bought cookies! I don’t think I’ve had store-bought cookies in over a year! My favorite recipe is the NY Times Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. I make them all the time.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Did you say CHOCOLATE cookies?? Uhm, I may not have a good cookie recipe other than “follow the directions on the pilsbury or tollhouse package”.. and don’t make me go for the ones that are already broken up for you in perfect little cubes.. WATCH OUT NOW, don’t hurt em… that’s strenous work right there.. lol. but uh.. yeah.. send some my way… i may not have a from scratch recipe, but i sure can eat them!!! 🙂 I love ALL things chocolate!! (ok almost all). SO bring it on sista!!! Let’s see how good they really are!! 🙂

  5. Gourmet Cook: I’ve seen them back at home, but only recently…mind you, I’ve yet to go in… I’ll have to make a trip, I was so impressed with the prices and quality. You have to tell me what you think when you go!

    Chris: girl, please. I barely have time to cook for myself, let alone bake from scratch (other than flan)

    Memoria: Yes, girl, I’m giving away packaged cookies—they’re that good! te prometo! 🙂 Imma look up the NY times recipe and actually try it… thanks for the lead.

    SIs: yes I did, sister girl… I’m so proud of you! LOL! I’ll make sure you bring you 5-10 packs next time I come home… ur the only that can get away w/not sharing a receta, cuz I know you’ll make me some anyway… que comica eres!

  6. Cookies are always delicious. I never buy mine, though ;-p… We have a few Aldi here, but unfortunately not close to my place.



  7. Those cookies sure sound tempting! I actually haven’t heard of Aldi but I looked it up just now and there are two stores in Manassas, not too far from us, so we may have to pay a visit there very soon!

  8. So we’ve made these homemade jelly filled cookies over and over, and they always do the job right! Fresh berries, sugar, honey, lemon, flour, butter, vanilla, egg…easy, good cookies that taste good warm but better once they’ve 100% cooled. LOVE these cookies! Hope you feel better soon!

  9. Hmmm, I’m not a fan a cookies, not even home made, so I won’t comment on the product itself. But after such great unsolicited endorsement, I sure hope Belmont considers either sending you a year’s supply … or advertise on your blog.

  10. Rosa: Always, always, always good! I don’t buy them either, so unless they’re baked for me, I don’t eat them hardly enough. I wish Aldi were close enough to you. Def. a good spot for good packaged goods!

    Peter: well, yay!

    5 Star Foodie: Gir, they are too good. And yes, I’ve been to the parking lot of one in Manassas, begging my mom to take 5 mins to go in but she wouldn’t! LOL!

    Shelley: FINALLY went in and saw what you were talking about! Oh Em Gee.

    Val: Ooh, thanks for the link. I like that you read and actually offer a recipe for suggestion!! 🙂

    DuoDishes: You, too! Thanks for submitting a recipe idea. I really don’t have the patience for baking like that, but if it’s a great recipe, then I’ll do it…

    David: I know, right! I might hit them up! 🙂 Cookies are GONE!

  11. Egg whites, a ton of sugar, vanilla, and chocolate chips. Mix em up, drop em on the pan at 350 for a few minutes, and there you have Sesame Street’s uncookie! Yeah, it’s not mine, but my sister gave me the recipe when we were little. Now I switch the chips for other things.
    Yummy and absolutely unhealthy! (Waking up early to go running)

  12. These look heavenly! Here are my take on the best chocolate chip cookies ever!

    2/3 Cup Melted Butter
    2 Cups Lightly Packed Brown Sugar
    2 Eggs
    2 Tbsp Hot Water
    2 2/3 Cups Flour
    1 Tsp Baking Powder
    1 Tsp Baking Soda
    1/4 Tsp Salt
    1 Package (270g) Chocolate Chips


  13. Aletha: too funny! I love it. Just a hodge podge, right? Should work!

    Corey: LOVE IT. Thanks for giving me a recipe to work with. Will actually make it before the contest is over, which means I have one day to do it! Stay tuned…

  14. Why are you sweating these cookies so much? Are they really that good? I bet if you made some home made cookies they would be better. Just like gormetcook said up top. If you can make flan….

  15. Aldi’s and now Save-A-Lot has been around here in OH for quite some time. Both are not brand names but I haven’t gotten anything that wasn’t decent at either.

    Here Save-A-Lot takes coupons( they do have a website) and does carry some brand names.They also do a weekly sale of 4 pkgs of meat of their choice for $20. It varies each week but hamburger seems to run steady all the time.

    Recently the produce has been better at both than at the super wal-mart

  16. Man o Man you hit a weak spot in my diet.. COOKIES… I could easily eat a dozen cookies a day. Living right next to wegmans I always walk in and get 3 cookies.. but they are so freakin expensive!!! You MUST send me some of these cookies and bring them with you next time you’re home.

  17. While I make my own cookies and baked goods( sometimes with Aldi supplies), Aldi is great. I have written about them a fe times. CS turned me onto them as they founders of the company are from his home town in Essen Germany. He grew up on Aldi and the owners are the some of the richest men in the world and very reclusive. I always looked down on them but have found that they can compete with the more mainstream grocers. There produce and dairy, and meats have really come long way. Aldi is always part of my shopping plan. Travel all over Europe and now the US you will see Aldi is blowing up.

  18. Me, i stick mostly to the tollhouse break-apart cookies. My son sometimes is impatient & wants his cookis asap!! But this weekend i’m going to make some oatmeal cookies from a recipe my mom gave me.My son will have to wait it out!!!!

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