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Things I Cook But Don't Eat! Shrimp Is One of Them!


Feast on this my friends, cuz I sure won’t. I used to. Until, I was on the set of “Beauty Shop” (Vivica A. Fox, Darren  Henson) and the director (a friend of mine) chastised me for eating the shrimp étouffée for lunch. We’re both Adventists and shellfish is just something we don’t do. Same reason why I don’t eat pork.

So, after the director got on me about eating what he had craft services offer, I felt remorseful and decided that for me, I knew better. That was 7 years ago. And the last time I had shrimp.

Being Cuban is such a wonderful thing to me. It really does enhance my life. If you don’t know much about our culture, it’s really rich in spirit, resilient and knowledgeable (more like efficient with) about natural resources. We’re they’re genius in practicing sustainability; CNN even did a special on that. Anyway, In his novel “The Old Man and the Sea”, Ernest Hemingway mentions a restaurant in a Havana neighborhood, called La Terraza” (The Terrace). It’s an incredible seafood restaurant that overlooks the ocean where many risk-takers have swam to freedom in the States.  Well, that resto is 2 blocks from mi abuelita’s house! I ate there during my visit in ’99. And, for more information and detail on that connection, you’ll have to buy my cookbook when it comes out!

Anyway, don’t be so concerned with the fact that I don’t eat shrimp! I do make it and can hook it up like no one’s business (much like pork skewers here and scallops here). See the picture above? I made that on a whim for a friend and her two kids on a lax Sunday evening. They were silent for like 3 minutes; just what I like! Not knowing what it tasted like, but smelling the aroma of parsley and loads of garlic (wink, wink), I knew it was delicioso. I wasn’t jealous they were licking their fingers, just glad to eat the left over aguacate!

This awesome shrimp and avocado salad is so refreshing and light you’ll want to commission it as your “go-to” salad this Spring and Summer! It really is that amazing. My mom ordered one similar in Mexico when we were there last August, but even that one was lackluster. Wait, sorry, not similar at all. Just a different type of shrimp & avocado salad. This wonderful creation that I want you to love is featured in the working cookbook so I can’t share the recipe, but just take a close look at the ingredients and surely you’ll come close to figuring it out! Or, you can just play around and make your own! If you do, share with me and the closest one to my recipe will get a sneak peak at the cookbook picture WITH the recipe!! I promise!

(this is the one my mom ordered in Mexico)



Contest Reminder:  forgot to remind you that today is the last day to enter into the Que Rica Vida contest here, for a chance to win a fabulous FREE get-away to Miami and lunch with the lovely host of Despierta America, Karla Martinez! Just click and submit your info! No purchase necessary!

**Related Posts**

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Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

57 thoughts on “Things I Cook But Don't Eat! Shrimp Is One of Them!

  1. Oh, yes! I must have that salad! Now, I have a challenge to figure out how to make it since you have to keep it a secret! 

  2. That salad looks gooooooood!  I’m so not a big fan of avacado but it’s super healthy & i put it in my skin & hair at times.  I’d totally eat that salad. Did you say parsely and garlic??  I’M IN!!  Plus love the color of the onions…

    Ummm girl that salad that your mom got looks cheap and ridiculous compared to yours? What were they thinking? I’m mad you even put that sad picture up there, LOL!

    Can’t wait for your cookbook, it’s gonna tear the cooking world up in a good way.  You stuff is good i know from experience…i’m seriously excited!!   🙂

    I like shrimp ala cocktail, in a salad, fried, in pasta or alfredo…i’m not picky…LOVE IT!

  3. Ummmm, we can tear up some shrimp.  It doesn’t take much.  As long as they are cooked (we do know there are some folks who eat them LIVE…that’s just too fresh for us).  If you say grilled or fried, those shrimp are gone!

  4. I always wondered if you ate all this magnificent food you cook. I too am adventist as you know, and actually grew up vegeterian. I started eating meat at 13 because my countries have such great meat dishes(Barbados and Trinidad). I dont eat much fish except for flying fish which can only be had in Barbados. I’m so looking forward to some creative other meat dishes that you make so I can try them. Be easy!

  5. Oh what an excellent post Bren!!!!  Outside of the delicious way you prepared yours, chic and  elegantly so, I like to eat mine steamed with Old Bay then dipped in garlic butter!

  6. Now Pork I could give up but would have a really hard time giving up shrimp!!!  My favorite is in a pasta dish!  YUMMM!

  7. I hear ya!  I cook with shrimp alot, but prefer not to at it myself. Goes WAY back to my childhood when we were on holiday in Texas…Dad caught a net full of shrimp and I watchd him deveining it in he sink…once I knew what the story was, I stopped eating them at all for almost 20 years.  I cook with them but try to avoid eating them for the most part.

    On a different note though – your avo salad looks brilliant…I might be coerced into eating those shrimp!  ;o)


  8. Glad you don’t eat ’em – more for us! 🙂 I love shrimp and avocado. A place around here does this awesome crostini of shrimp and avocado and it is amazing!

  9. Your salad looks great Bren, Your mom’s salad looks unfinished, just waiting for the chef to dress it up…Shrimp & Avocado do make a perfect pair.

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