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Where’s My Bag? Industry Overload??

Rewind to Jan’ 07. We’re celebrating our ?? b-day, the three of us. We book an unheard of deal for a week in Acapulco, Mexico, laying our heads at the Grand Mayan Resort. Thanks mom and dad. Extravagant, surreal, paradise…yeah, yeah, all those mushy terms we use to describe our location. Well true indeed it was all that! And them some! I reiterate, we’re there to celebrate our big ?? b-day, after all we’ve been friends since the innocent age of 10.

Follow our IT, won’t you?

1/13: We depart for Acapulco. I’m flying in from ATL, R & K arriving from DC.

1/13 am: I get a phone call from K saying that connecting flight from Dallas to Acapulco has been canceled & no outbound flights until the next day. What??

1/13 pm: I arrive in Acapulco, alone. Hustle with cabbies for cheap fare to the resort. Lovely place. Drinks at registration, 90 degree skies and great service. One caveat, no ocean view suite! What?? My RCI reservation said we’d have it. Fight in Spanish for 15 minutes. Nothing gets accomplished. Strike two.

1/14 pm: R’s b-day!! Yay! R & K finally arrive. R’s luggage DOES NOT join her! What?? Call the airline with no good ending.
Hail a cab to WalMart for grocery shopping, no decent apparel to purchase. Head back to the resort for quick cooking and small eating. Dance dinner off with some salsa dancing at “The Bar”. Oh yeah, Baileys and Malibu Rum are the order of the week.

1/15 am: Airline check for luggage. No such luck, again. Hit the beach for great waves and sun. Still beautiful weather!

1/16 am: No luggage. Beach, drinks, salsa dancing. Brief recap: 1 day late arriving, 3 days w/out luggage. Possessions R has on hand include 1 bathing suit, 1 black pair of tennis shoes (yes black, so attracting more heat!), toiletries and 1 pair of jeans.

SO you get the picture, right? The next few days were spent fighting with the airlines. No one could tell us where it was. No one at American or United knew. Now tell me, how does that happen? You enforce charging $25 for ONE pound over the allotted 50, but you lose luggage on an int’l trip! Have I said What!!!??

Whatever, we made the best of the trip. We met a a segment of the Connecticut Italian Mafia. They treated us like temporary royalty. Drinks, dances, private drivers, $40 plate dinners, beach play, limo ride to the airport, etc..; you get the picture. We’ll go back to Mexico for sure only next time, I’ll (we’ll) charter a private jet!

FOOTNOTE: Rashaun’s luggage arrived in Dulles the day after we returned state-side. Go figure!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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