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{Chic Taping} Old D.C., New D.C. & Irony


I was raised in Washington, D.C.– well, the super-close subs — 6 miles from downtown. I used to work in corporate America, a typical, but intense 9-7 career, making great money and living a pretty fabulous life.  My world was replete with lawyers, politicians, lobbyists, bankers, Federali, court papers and business suits. Every day for almost 11 years. Leaving wasn’t necessarily my decision but it was one of the biggest blessings in my life.

6 months later, I made my way to Atlanta in artistic pursuit of my life on stage. It happened. It’s happening. I grew a lot, learned a lot but realized I had overstayed my welcome in the South.
I moved back to D.C. a few weeks ago in pursuit of happiness while on that stage. Shortly after I situated myself in my childhood bedroom, I had a huge project placed on my lap: a new online network project and I jumped on it. So, here I am, on my 1st of 5 days of filming, with a lot of irony in the realm.
Waiting for resto guests to move out of my frame.
Waiting game.
My first tape location was at Ceiba, a restaurant directly across the street from my 2nd to last corporate employer. I used to lunch there quite a bit; in suits. But now, I’m there, dressed in the most whimsical boho chic vibe. The crazy part? How in the world would I end up wearing the very colors of their rebranded logo without even knowing. No,  really? I knew the resto was Latin with a lot of sexy, fusion plates, but to be clad in the same colors to the ‘T’, was a bit eery. Even the necklace, designed and made my mom the night before, is turq from Latin America.
I have to modestly admit that having a standing audience at the 2nd location on the 1st day, was just kinda sweet… 5 takes later, after curbing onlookers, we got that scene right!
Camera girl rocks; Chef and I talk & cook.
Pulling teeth with a shy chef on camera is not easy.
I filmed 4 more days, each being 11 hours long, with various outfit changes each day and cruising the city I love so much from location to location. I still have a few more weeks to go and have so much more to share! For now, I’m excited to have my own web show on a new, fabulous and uber chic network for women! My gig: hopping around DC, NY and Atlanta, eating my way throughout those cities in my best pumps and all the arm candy I adore! I’ll share more updates on Twitter and Facebook with more looks as I move along the process.  I can’t wait to tell you everything! There’s so much more to it all and this is just the beginning. I’m kind of cheating by chatting here, but I was itching to say something!
My move back to D.C. has been alright. Just the kind of welcome back I was hoping to receive.
 Paisley palazzo’s by OlsenBoye c/o JCPenny
Tank top: Old Navy
Sleeveless studded vest via TJ Maxx
Fedora via Target
Shoes:  from Aldo
Necklace by C.B. Herrera
 Assortment of vintage and new jewelry
* all pics taken on various crew iPhones
*Update: Ceiba is now closed. My web series ‘Dine Out with Bren’ on Chic Rebellion is on hold indefinitely as programming is redesigned.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

12 thoughts on “{Chic Taping} Old D.C., New D.C. & Irony

  1. Bren!! Oh my gosh, so thrilled to pieces for you, sweetie! That's fabulous, just like you are. Congratulations! 🙂

  2. Felicidades so happy for you and how amazing is that outfit! You are rocking it girl Work that camera!!!!

  3. I can't tell you how much I loved this post: your pic w. the caption: waiting for guest to get our of my frame, "Federali". Funny, witty, spot-on. I can't wait to read more and most important, see you on the screen!

  4. Bren, has anyone told you how HAWT you look? (This is a joke, obviously, because EVERYONE must tell you!) Love everything about your outfit. Can't wait to watch the show. When does it go live?

  5. Very cool! Good for you. Love reading stories like this. I'm going through something similar right now (or hoping to go through? fingers crossed!) and I just love hearing stories about people chasing their dreams.

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