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{Chic Taping} ‘Dine Out with Bren’ Days 2, 4 & 5 of Filming in D.C. and a Wrap

Bren Herrera Chic Rebellion Pie Filming Street Lookjpg

H Street Location Eating Good Sweets!

My lovely Exec Producer and Network Owner

Take 6, I think, at 11 pm. 2nd location of the night.
Super tired feet and food mess after shooting this segment.
With Chef RL Boyd During our Segment.
My bestie and me at last location in DC
The ever so flamboyant staff at my last location in D.C.!

So, finally, the time has come where I can share the hush, hush about the filming I’ve been doing: my own web series on a new online network called Chic Rebellion. More info in a few days but it’s coming, I promise and I can’t wait! I will say that the last few days of filming in D.C. were the most exhausting even though running down my script had become a breeze! We tossed it and left it to my improv skills to chit chat about my featured locations (wink)… and guests. I have a great producer that modifies and adjusts accordingly. She’s so fun and just makes it come to life.

It ultimately worked out. However, you know how hindsight is 20/20? I’m looking at these looks and thinking of how lax I was in styling myself. Yes, the makeup was done well, with falsies and everything, hands were mani’d, etc… But the wardrobe. This is where I’m having a hard time reconciling. To my credit, 85% of my wardrobe is in storage in Atlanta and I have (still) very limited clothes with me. I had to work with what I had on me. And, the network stylist is in NY! For some reason, pulling from boutiques became a task I didn’t have time to commit to. Not to mention we started filming 4 days after I relocated to D.C. Talk about pressure and no time.

I need an assistant, right?! For every aspect of this process! Because yes, I still have 8 more episodes and 16 locations to film. That gives me the opp to get it together to refine and switch up the look. I need to really showcase me; The shoes, the hats, the jewelry, great hairdo’s — funky, boho, classic, chic, bold, but timeless. More or less like this for more relaxed locations. I can’t let the subject or format of my show dictate what I wear, unless of course it were some risqué theme where I’d rock something way left field. Thankfully, that’s not the case. Well, my last location might raise some eyebrows! lol. 😉 😉

For now, I’ll retreat these looks for simple outings and not cameras that record everything. I can only imagine what the B roll looks like! They work, no doubt, just not in the way I need and want to  portray myself  and my brand! 🙂 And obviously compliment the other hostesses on the exciting new online network! We’re all being so chic.

Checkout Flanboyant Eats™on Monday for ALL the sexy details, including launch date, launch party and all shows revealed!

Share your thoughts, fashionistas!


Top (day4)

 Missoni for Target top; Vintage KORET skirt, L.A.M.B shoes; C.B. Herrera necklace, 25 year old raffia belt via Kmart; Ralph Lauren sunnies; Mixed bracelets; Sterling silver and gold hook bracelet by Sonya LTD in St. Croix. 
Middle (day 2 & 4)
BR skinny jeans; FE21 top; Steve Madden pumps; J.Crew sparkly elastic bracelets, C.B. Herrera braceletes, vintage necklaces, vintage crystal teardrop pendant as seen on SJP in Sex and The City!
Bottom (day 5)
Shoes by Paola Ferreti
Vintage lucite bangles

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

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