When it comes to family and friends, sometimes plugs and freebies are way okay! I want to share with you C.B. Herrera Jewelry. Straight out of DC, this designer is close to my heart! My mom “ya’ll”! I love, love what she’s doing and am very excited for her! I’m even more proud of her for being so passionate about little things and really pouring out her heart! You’ll never see hear wearing any of her pieces (she leaves that up to me), but she simply loves working in her studio at 2 a.m. while everyone else is asleep!
Visit her site and enjoy perusing through cool pieces like Mai Lynn, the cocktail cluster rings and her take on the Rosary with her Swarovski crystal necklace! Smokin’! She’s sure to get some great press and I happily introduce CBH to you!
Bookmark the site and check back here for special discount codes offered to you fashionistas that visit my blog!
Look often as I’ll be posting new updates on her progress and press attention!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.