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A White Date Night

White is tricky but I’ve committed to wearing a lot this season. I find it all to be so sexy, breezy and clean (though runs to the cleaners will have you rethinking the obsession).  I’ve picked up a few new pieces but for now am pulling out oldies but goodies.

Surprisingly, this look in all white slimmed me down, at least gave the illusion that I was slim and tall! Could be the uber long legs I have for a 5’1″ chica, but I’m tickled at how it hides the few inches I’m desperately trying to shed.

This ensemble came about by accident and in about 10 minutes. Well, except for the makeup, which is clearly pro done because of a photo shoot earlier in the day. I didn’t want it to go to waste, so I found an excuse to get dressed up and go out!

I’ve had these pants for about 12 years and have never worn them. Can you imagine what the waistline is like!? But, I love that they’re kinda wide-legged. And the jacket is this fabulous textured piece I found at Loehmann’s years ago…I wish you could really see the detail. And it’s so versatile.

All white for a date isn’t the expected choice which is what made our evening so much sexier, cheeky fun and impromptu.

What’s your color obsession this season? (admittedly, I have many.)

Tommy Hilfiger pant; Donna Rae jacket; L.A.M.B. Daryl pump; crystal flower ring; Swarovski chunky crystal ring and earrings  by C.B. Herrera; Onxy & turq necklace by C.B. Herrera; BR braided clutch. 

*Pictures by Will Willis. Make up by Shalawn for Lamik Beauty.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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19 thoughts on “A White Date Night

  1. Glad I popped over from FB to check out the rest, it is as I said fabuloso!! My daughter the la otra Cubanita would say she agrees with you can not waste the pro-makeup :)<br />I agree with you white is tricky and super tricky for me as when we get older those inches or in my case lots of lbs are more difficult to shed so I am sad to say my super fantastic buy from Banana Republic (happens to be

  2. Oh snap!!! That white is HOT! Love the black accessories, etc. Everyone needs a white jacket in their closet, I think… I gotta get me another one very soon. Now that I see your post, gonna go out this week and find one!

  3. I know it may sound tacky because you are my daughter, but i couldnt care less: you are sooooo beautiful!!! and elegant, and classy!!! I am sooo proud of you!!!

  4. Keith &amp; Canika: thanks so much!<br /><br />B in the Know: Thanks! Easy enough put together but hard to wear b/c how quickly it soils *sigh*<br /><br />Noemi: oh no! you can not waste pro make up! It&#39;s too fancy and fabulous to just come home and wash it off. <br /><br />Bridget: Thanks woman! Thanks for stopping by! Love it. <br /><br />David: aww, ur papi, so yeah ur going to think that

  5. HOW darling! I can&#39;t believe the suit doesn&#39;t naturally go together. And i love your eyes…that make-up is FLAWLESS. You look like a baby doll with those eyes. <br /><br />Oh and the silver ring, the necklace? Don&#39;t get me started…

  6. speechless u look phenomenal, Bren.. whitw brought out those sexy brown cat eyes of yours.. i love itt.. you go girl.. lol

  7. B, I loooove the white look. So fresh and so clean. I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll spend a pretty penny if you do take all of your clothes to the cleaners, but hey, if you&#39;re going to look this stunning, then I think it&#39;s worth it!? 🙂

  8. mija, que bonita quedastes en estas fotos. que linda y preciosa… y el collar! mami te lo hizo! 🙂

  9. You look incredible! And I love all of the movement in these photos – very cool! Want the bag, too!

  10. no words for how gorgeous you look! the white is perfection with your skin tone. love the texture of that jacket and your clutch!<br /><br />xoxo

  11. Bren, you look absolutely fantastic. So darn cute and still so sexy and elegant and…you get the idea. I truly admire that way you&#39;re taking care of business on ALL fronts. 😉

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