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Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Beautiful. Be Aware. B! Inspired {Breast Cancer Awareness Month}

I started talking about breast cancer awareness month a bit over two years ago when my friends over at Estée Lauder and some of their sub companies sent me some lovely products which were in support of the much-needed campaign.

At the time I wrote that first post and review in 2012, I only knew one person battling breast cancer — my cousin’s Mother-in-Law. Last year’s post and review of other brands trending in the same vein, was a happier one for me because all was quiet on that front — she had survived her breast cancer in the most poetic way possible. And no new diagnoses by friends or family.

But this year rings in a different tone. I thought I’d be able to write this post with jovial reviews of another year of beauty companies offering their proceeds of certain lush items to the fighting cause. But I’m not. In the last 3 months, two friends, both in their mid-30s were diagnosed with breast cancer — one in stage 2; the other in stage 3. The former decided to have them both removed — a bold and brave move I can’t even wrap my emotional mind around. The former had to relocate to Miami to be with her parents as she undergoes chemo and eventual mastectomy.

But a 3rd case was most devastating and brought new meaning to this cause for me personally. A college friend buried her sister this past Monday after losing her fight to breast cancer. I didn’t know my friend’s sister, but I’m crushed for her. I can’t imagine her pain. Her pain in knowing that her sister will no longer laugh with her but also that her sister was taken from her by a disease so ruthless but not powerful. That her nieces will rely on their auntie to help them develop into young women who will one day understand the perils of cancer.

And so I’m brining you these goodies this year with new intention — and that’s to encourage you to go beyond the pretty; beyond the lovely colors; the awesome effect of wearing them. It’s to look at the organizations and the efforts to help eradicate the deadly disease. A really ugly one that’s not fair and does not discriminate.

These few items, among others, are committed to the cause and are donating proceeds to various foundations, mostly the Susan G. Komen.

Clinique has come out again with their Dramatically Different Moisturizing+ Lotion. I started last year’s breast cancer awareness bottle and am almost done, so perfect timing for another one! Love it, clearly. It’s my first-thing-in-the-morning moisturizer.  Estée Lauder has partnered up with Elizabeth Hurley to fight breast cancer with a Dream Pink Collection faux leather pouch with two super cute mini lacquers and a lipstick. Love the colors once I painted my mom’s nails. She looks all sassy in the ‘Berry Hot’ pink. 20% of proceeds from the $30 ticket price go to the SGKF.

“This limited-edition pink shade of gloss is our promise to never stop working towards finding a cure for a disease that affects so many women in our lives.”                                                     – Davis Factor, Smashbox Founder and Celebrity Photographer 

And finally, I’m loving on what I think is going to be my fall go-to lip gloss when I don’t want to wear makeup. I’m a huge fan of Smashbox eyeliners but this shimmery ‘Be Legendary‘ gloss looks like something I can get used stocking up. I’ve not tried it, but a sweet, sweet friend jellied me up telling me it’s super sweet — “non-sticky, nice shimmer without too glossy and lasts just long enough.” I’ll get one more myself and let you know how great it is!

Bobbi Brown‘s got some stuff; so does Joe Malone — my fave every day perfumier. And so does Jergens…. a great lotion I like traveling with. Can’t tell you how it is or if their Breast Cancer Awareness edition is formulated differently, but they’ve got something in support of, and that’s worth looking into.

We can all do our part by supporting our favorite brands and picking up a prod or two that will benefit  education and research.

Be bold. Be beautiful. But be aware. 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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