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{Beauty Bloom} Go Pink. Fight Like a Girl. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I try to stay away from medical and health campaigns… I’ve learned myself and come to the realization I’m a bit skeptic of the fundraising. Of all the walks, runs, money, time, and effort donated to foundations that work to find a cure for this, that, or the other. While I’ve never personally investigated where the money really goes, I’m always still curious of where it ends up. In 40+ plus years, we’ve really NOT found a cure for the various cancers, AIDS, MS, etc… life-threatening illnesses? All the millions, sometimes billions of $$ shared… I don’t know.

Since I’m no funding police or medical expert to know the intensity and deep research and pockets needed to finally kill these diseases, I try to remain hopeful, positive, and optimistic that progress, noticeable progress is continually made. I’ve done 2 hard-core bike rides and marathons in support of various medical research. And will do more. It’s a powerful undertaking.

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness. It’s a bold fight against an ugly cancer that’s taken the lives of many women… for we are the crux of society. Without women, there simply would not be humankind. Yes, it’s true. I wasn’t fully sensitive to cancer and its impact until a few years ago when my cousin’s mother in law, who I’m sure I’ve mentioned in last year’s BCA beauty post, was diagnosed with breast cancer. My mother, a selfless soul and the epitome of hustler, put her life on hold for 9 months and saved Xiomara’s life. Literally. I won’t go into detail on how it all happened, but Xiomara is now a breastless survivor. No tatas, but she has a life. A full life ahead of her.

And, while not breast cancer, another woman, distantly close to me also has cancer. I don’t know her very well, but I know some of what she’s enduring.

Through those two women whom I personally know and have spent time with as family, I’ve set aside my skepticisms and am more conscious of the national and international efforts. The came in many ways. May way of supporting is right here. Sharing messaging on my blog about relevant and effective campaigns that align with my lifestyle.

Every year, thousands of conscious brands and companies launch campaigns to bring real time awareness to research and saving lives. I’ve now been working with Estée Lauder companies in sharing their contribution. They epitomize beauty, so it’s only fitting I see what they’ve come up with and let you know about it!

Part of their lineup this year (though last year’s was pretty sexy! See my review here) is pretty simple. Their star product for this year’s campaign actually works!

Yay and yay! I swear I’m on the most fervent mission to find the right products to beautify and restore my skin. Stress is taking a toll on it! (this one is on the fore right now– findings in about 60 days)

The Advanced Night Time  Repair serum is the face of their campaign this year and for me it’s a gem. I’ve been applying it every night for the past three weeks and my skin, lacking major hydration and proper rest and sleep, feels amazing and looks about 60% better. Beat up skin at my age is not sexy or attractive. Stress affects my skin in a way no one wants to fight. It’s my fault. I come from good genes, so I’m in total control of how I treat it. Mainly made up of catabolysis technology which is clinically proven to naturally purify skin the way it’s supposed to during rest, the serum is created to cleanse and synch our skin’s nighttime renewal process. If you get little sleep, this helps. I’m experimenting here for real.

This synchronized recovery complex II is made for women like me:::: we grind 14 hours a day, get little sleep, drink lots of espresso to stay away, don’t drink enough water, and don’t always squeeze in a proper workout to destress…that’s me. All of me, every day. And sure enough, if I keep it up, my early 30s look will be mirroring a 45 year instead! Yeah, not so happening! I’m slathering this with some Retinol cream I have… so far, the cocktail works.

I’m also loving their Pure Color “rubelite” stick paired with the “Hot Pink” sheer roller gloss (if I could have 20 of these, I so would! Love, love, love them). Both come in this cute, and totally practical (I use it for electronic cables when traveling) pink case.

The EL serum is on the skincare side of efforts. But we all want beautifying goodies, too! So I scoured and scoured and came across Shiseido (one of my all-time brands since I was 20 finally connected with). They put out a oh-so-pretty and perfectly pretty pink lacquer rouge in Diva. It’s vibrant and stays.


The EL serum is on the skincare side of efforts. But we all want beautifying goodies, too! So I scoured and scoured and came across Shiseido (one of my all-time brands since I was 20 & finally connected with). They put out a oh-so-pretty and perfectly pink lacquer rouge in Diva. It’s vibrant and stays. Put.

In their effort, they’ve partnered up with Cosmetic Executive Women. For every lip gloss purchased ($25), $5 will be donated to their philanthropic arm… a 7 year partnership focused on saving lives through pretty things! I’m all for it!

They’ve shared a telling infographic which’ll help understand the impact of breast cancer and their journey in supporting with our pretty lips!

Soooo girlies. Take care of your skin and pucker your lips with a serious cause. Few things feel better than to do good and help others even if it’s through our own little daily desires.

Fight like a girl!

Peace, love, health, and blessings!


* all prods on counters now, nationwide 

* I was provided with a portion of the collection to offer this product review. All opinions and expressions are my own, always. 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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