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Bren Makes Vibrant Sweet English Pea & Minted Soup from “Modern Pressure Cooking” on Let’s Talk Live! DC

Just when I thought the “Modern Pressure Cooking” cookbook tour on TV was slowing down, I get a call from the friendly folks over at “Let’s Talk Live!”, ABC’s morning talk show in DC at the beginning of February. They wanted to know all about the hype around pressure cooking, InstaPots, and the true story behind being able to make great noshery in really short amounts of time. It fully worked out I was in town that week and that the station is only 20 minutes from home. I showed up, all excited and what not, with 4 outfits to choose from — because these things are really important — all to realize 30 minutes before the live shot that I had forgotten all of my clothes at home! Sweet Jesus. Talk about a mess. A hot mess. Rush hour was still thick in process so there was no way I’d be able to get home and back; not even my food stylist could have pulled it off.

Thanks to my sister, who happened to be home sick that day and swiftly brought me some of her casual option, I was able to wear some decent. But, yet still, there was a miserable faux pas: the black bra strap that didn’t get tucked. Goodness. I can’t tell you how much I don’t like that. What happened to people around you doing a quick wardrobe check.

I survived that, surely, but let’s then talk about how I totally forgot to add, let alone mention the cream — a super vital component of the deliciously vibrant Sweet English Pea and Minted Soup recipe — that needs to be added to the blender/processor; you know… to actually make a creamy and velvety soup. Or how about my stylist forgot to put the two copies of the book back on the table?! Yeah, check out how the guy is looking for it when I hand-gesture to a not-so-much-there book. O, vey. Talk about a morning where things were just not syncing. But! I loved the segment and am thankful I get to continue glorifying pressure cooking and teaching anyone and everyone how amazing pressure cooking really is. I’d love to tell you more about it. If you have questions, feel free to drop me a message. In the meantime, enjoy the segment and check out more information about the book here.
“Modern Pressure Cooking” (Page Street Publishing, Dec. 2016) is now in bookstores and is available online at AmazonBandN.com and other retailers. $24.99 hardcover; $9.99 Kindle. Scoop it up now! 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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