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YUP. I was almost challenged by another blogger. Really, Lori Lynn told me I was funny for even thinking of what one of these wild concoctions would taste like.

I don’t like to be defeated.

So here I am, on a Tuesday afternoon, drinking alcohol. I work from home, so I owe no one an explanation if I crawl under my desk and pass out in about an hour. Sometimes it is just that bad.

I mentioned that I’m not a drinker, but on the rare occasion (it’s either that someone pissed me off, or I really miss my family) that I feel like taking sip of something that’ll temporarily take me to bliss. Grand Marnier is usually my default choice. And being Cuban, I naturally love love love love Mojitos. But those bad boys do me in! Two and I’m coquetiando (look this word up) with even the gas station attendant that’s allowing me to put only $20 worth of gas in my car–but that’s a whole ‘nother story…

But when I started toying with this idea of taking carrots and making a mojito out of it, I got excited. I was giddy and the effervescence of my soul started surfacing. My friend A was excited, too. I pulled out my blender and made the carrot juice: honey from my trip to Trinidad & water. Extract the pulp, and voila I have good ol’ sweet carrot juice. Not bad tasting at all! A came over during his lunch break last Thursday and had two downers.

It was surprisingly good, and most importantly, offers a helping of carotene. Now I’m thinking of what to do with all that pulp… any ideas? Anyway, the carrot juice taste is so subtle, you wouldn’t really believe it was there. But the color, the color just makes it oh so sexy and refreshing! It’s important you remove the pulp, otherwise you’ll have a really thick drink and it’ll taste like ground carrots. And you definitely don’t want that. SO!!?!!?!?

Who would have thought a cocktail could be good for you? Use that excuse if you’re being questioned about your alcoholic consumption.

Him: “Honey, not only can I understand you better, but I can see you better too. You look amazing in those fishnets!”

You: “Really? Your wallet looks really good, too. And since you understand me so much better now, won’t you hand it over so I can use it to look even more amazing? I’m thinking some nice pumps will make the fishnets really pop!”

You might call me crazy or daring for trying something unheard of, but I really wanted to share this with you. I think it’s novel, hell it could garner me some attention and maybe I’ll introduce it to my local bars for their menu.

This is what I would love for you to do: *SUGGEST A NAME FOR THIS CARROT MOJITO*

I’ll pick a name and then I’ll send the lucky winner a bag filled with all the ingredients to make this new found love drink of mine. Sound good? Great.

If you make it, you must tell me! If you love it, spread the love! If you don’t, email me!! I’m about to come up with other “flamboyant” concoctions!!

Much Love Peeps!


  • 3 oz. Bacardi Rum
  • 3 oz. carrot juice*
  • 3.5 oz simple syrup*
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 6 mint leaves
  • splash of club soda


In martini shaker, add rum, carrot juice, simple syrup and ice. Muddle mint leaves using mortar and pestle. Add mint leaves. Squeeze lemon into mix. Shake well. Pour into cocktail or tall glass. Top with club soda and garnish with pretty mint leaf.

For carrot Juice:

  • 3 long carrots
  • 1.5 tbsp. honey, peeled and chopped
  • 1/4 c. water

Add carrots, honey and water to blender. Blend on high for 35 seconds. Using colander, strain all pulp and pour carrot juice in separate glass. This yields about 1/4-3/4 cup of fresh carrot juice.

For simple syrup:

Equal parts water and sugar. Bring to boil until sugar has dissolved and water is clear. Chill before using.


Honey Carrots With 2/3 Cuban Cuisine

Do You Like Tarragon? How About Some Soup?

Spanish Style Plantain Omelette

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!


  1. Oh yummy! I love carrot juice, so I bet this mojito is great and refreshing. I want one now, it won’t matter if I also crawl under the desk after the third one :-p

  2. I know the banks are in trouble, but A at lunch?!!! Drinking??!!! Damn, it’s worse than I thought! 🙂

    How ’bout “Bugs’ Punch”?

  3. I like this idea! I love carrots and mojitos….it can’t fail. I’m going to “mojito night” this Thursday at a local bar – $12 pitchers. Kinda excited, kinda scared. I don’t want over-sugared mojitos, that’s the worst.

    A name for the carrot mojito….How about the bugs bunny or the mojito hop.

  4. Wow, sounds tempting.  I don’t often drink, however, mojitos are one of those, “Well, if you’re having one…” options for me. 
    How about something like…”Hare” of the Dog…or perhaps ‘Hare Lair – enter if you dare’.  (Sorry, it’s late here…)

  5. Your concoction is beautiful and puts it right up there with red wine…it’s good for you! I loved your little dialogue between him and her. How about the “looking good mojito’?

  6. So you can drink at work?  What an awesome gig!  Mojitos are really refreshing, and I like the idea for a carrot one, it’s kind of Fall-ish.

    Need a name?  Um…. how about… I’m just going with “Orange Cooldown Mojito”…. or maybe it’s more of a heat up, depending on how many you have 🙂

  7. You are too funny Bren!!!! Wow, I was going to say something related to bugs bunny, but I see I’m not original at all…. everybody thought the same! Ok, let’s see… what about… “Suntunned” Mojito?

    I don’t expect to win and don’t expect you sending me anything over here… just made it for fun ;D

  8. I just might have to concoct this for CS during a cocktail hour.
     How about’ Is that a Carrot in Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me’  as a name. Hell, I dont know. Use the pulp for soup or carrot cake. The soup or stew is healthier.

  9. Wow, brilliant! It reminds me of like a cross between a michelada and a mojito, but probably sweeter.

    What about, like, “Zanahorito” or “Zanajito”? I don’t know that “zanajito” has a meaning in Spanish, but I’ve heard “zanahorito” used before (someone used to use it as a cutesy pet name for their redheaded friend; I don’t think it was meant to be dirty at all, just cute, but I could be wrong, lol). Anyway…if it’s not suggestive (or maybe even if it is!), it’d be a cute name for a carrot drink! haha.

  10. Hey Girlfriend! Sorry it took me so long to comment here. I have been busy and took my mom to Vegas for her birthday. You are so creative. The color is wild! I think I would call it a PSYCHEDELIC MOJITO, a good drug, indeed.

  11. This may be one of the most interesting looking mojitos I haven’t had a chance to try yet!! I love mojitos and I love carrot juice..Why couldn’t I have thought about that? Dang!! 
    My  name suggestion is: La locura de naranja (orange MADNESS)

  12. Okay!! I came back on to look at the ingredients to make me some Sunday afternoon mojitos with my hot wings, caribbean rice, salad, and some good playoff football and of course, 24 season premiere!! Unfortunately, I just changed my mind on the carrot part!! Dammn, I want it but i’m being lazy!! Oh well, here’s the O.G. mojito and me!!

  13. I love the drink i also like the zanahorito idea but the first idea that came to my head was a conejito.  It seems perfect  for a hare on the porch of his rabbithole on a summer day, maybe im just lettin my imagination go…

  14. Hi Bren,
    Just a short note to let you know that I featured your recipe as recipe of the week (just a thumb and a link to your website)… I hope you don’t mind 🙂

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