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Chips & Salsa, Wings? Nah…Try This Today for Super Bowl!

Imma book a vacation and get on up out of here for about a month. I’m so tired of traveling every two weeks, I don’t know what I’m going to do!

I was home two weeks ago for inauguration and traveling again this Thursday.  You’d think I was some VIP being beckoned at some posh soiree!

Though I am working on being connected with the Obama House!

That being said, I haven’t had much time to write, visit ur blog or even cook. That totally sucks and I apologize, but I’m working on changing this factoid. Are any of you time management consultants? Will trade for secret recipes!

(Joan over at Foodalogue is so good at staying on top me to post more frequently).

Okay so this means that, unfortunately, I didn’t have time to create something fresh for today’s Super Bowl parties, but I’m going to re-post some classic appetizer recipes that I featured last year. Don’t you get tired of seeing the same ol’ chips & salsa, dry wings, vegetable platters with dried up dipping sauce, or better yet, how about store bought guac?

Go ahead and break out the box. This is the year of CHANGE, right! Hec, even Obama is having a major party at the White House. I know for sure they’re having 7 layer dip!

If you have time today to make a few extra things, no-brainers really, than I offer you garlicky hummus and pineapple guac. The latter is so fitting for Floridians. And the hummus, well, it’s so spicy it’ll fittingly fight off all the germs from the other food people will be double dippin’ into! The amount of garlic in it is so.darn.hot.on.fire!

Serve this with blue corn chips, baked pita triangles, make pita sandwiches and if you MUST, sure, go ahead and serve celery!


Bad breath? Sure. Just chew on some gum, or chug down some of the alcoholic concoction that will undoubtedly be passed around!

And if you DON’T drink, like my little sis, make this malt and sweetened condensed milk drink and you’re friends will wonder if you’ve been taking cooking classes! (well that or browsing the internet for recipes not akin to your lifestyle!) This s***nit is the bomb! I grew up drinking malta but love it even more with the thickness of the condensed milk. It’s soooo luscious!

Who’s counting calories today, anyway! CHANGE, baby, CHANGE!


For those not cooking, sit back, watch the game and sip on a hot cup of coffee. Exactly what I’ll be doing!


By the way, on a bit of social networking, I invite you to become my *fan* on Facebook! I’m so painfully addicted to that crap, it’s making my life a mess! It’s almost worse than my crackberry! If you’re on it, than you know exactly what I mean! I’d love for you to click here and stay up to date on things I don’t mention on FlaNboyant Eats, like my music related projects and such! Plus you’ll get to see all kinds of pics I will NEVER EVA post here! 🙂

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

34 thoughts on “Chips & Salsa, Wings? Nah…Try This Today for Super Bowl!

  1. Girl, you need to come to Michigan. I’ll be sure to let you know if and when something exceptional enough happens to cause your presence! 😉

  2. I’m not a guac lover, but yours sounds good enough for me to eat!!  Well, congrats to your Steelers!  I was pulling for Warner, but perhaps another year.

  3. I really made an effort to avoid the game – got sucked in for a second and then, thankfully, due to the menagerie fighting (again!), I went back to Cold Case and Laundry.  (Yeah, I know – thrilling).

    My cooking is seriously suffering – however the shoes are not *LOL*  And, yes, you are totally bitten by the FB Bug!

  4. You all have NO idea how exited I was to see the Steelers win!!! I have a friend on the team who puts his heart into his game!! So sorry to you Cardinal fans!

    I didn’t do any cooking this year and honestly should have, cuz what I ate yesterday was wack!!!

  5. i watched the last 15 minutes of the superbowl and realized that there was a chance i’d win my work “pool”.  i busted out my copied sheet to see what box my name was in and there it was in all its glory – “7” steelers and “3” cards. i won!  i hate to say that i didn’t give a poo about the game and then i won a pretty decent amount of money on it.  i did no cooking and had 1 beer. it was a pretty lame-o superbowl.  as for time mngmt. it’s hard w/ work, life, social stuff, and just relaxing in general, the blog thing is hard. i try and relax at night by dedicating a bit of time to catch up on stuff.   regardless, it’s difficult sometimes. you do the best you can.

  6. You’re always so enthusiastic and I love your food.  🙂  Don’t worry about keeping up – at least I can keep track of you on FB!

  7. The guac and the hummus look delicious, not to mention you even sexed them up to look nice on the plate whereas I would have had a sad pile of brown stuff, lol.

  8. Damn, I missed the Super Bowl…. No TV for 4 months, tho, I’ve misses a bunch of stuff (election,…)
    Great looking Hummus, never too much garlic…
    When you figure out this time thing…let me know please!!!!

  9. Amy, girl I was sooo excited the Steelers won! ooh wee it was great! congrats on winning some loot! woo hoo!

    Diana: I had pizza today but would have much rather had this too!

    Melissa: ur are entirely too sweet chica! how are u anyway?

    Mike: “pile of brown stuff”–LOVE IT! ur soo cute.

    Katie: no tv for 4 months! what?! i’d die… not for sports or even food shows, but for news and politics! LOL!

    Michelle:  that was last yeasr’s spread but it was still soo good!

    Cynthia: lol. ur couldn’t have hit it on the nail any harder!

    Kevin: can you imagine the tangy flavor it gives the guac~ surprisingly delish.

  10. I don’t care about garlic breath… Give me some of that tasty hummus! The pineapple guacamole looks delicious too! All that great food makes me hungry…



  11. Ha! I made pineapple and avocado together too. On Jan. 28, posted on Feb. 2.  It really is a great pairing!
    Nice to hear from you, sounds like you’re busy, but in a good way, no?

  12. Yes girls, the hummus is amazing. I would say 9 out of my 10 friends and clients love it, with only one complaining about the kick! LOL! They are amateurs! LoriLynn, I like the idea of an avocado mash with the pineapples and not so spiced up like my chunky guac! Definitely great for fish!

  13. Bring on the garlic! I am into this and fire is where it’s at. For those who don’t like my breath… Oh well! Your appetizers look fab to me.

  14. wow i totally missed this post from before.

    anyway…anything with cilantro in it i’m a fan of. gotta tell ya met a girl who said she hated it and i don’t think we r gonna be cool anymore.

    the hummus…darn i can’t see the pic but i’m sure it’s GREAT! i’m so hungry talking abt it right now.  LOL…i LOVE hummus girl. the best i’ve EVER had is at Divan’s on Piedmont Rd., a Greek spot. yum!

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