In this segment I show Host Dave how to make a delicious mint chocolate ganache flan, of course in the pressure cooker! Oh, the mishaps of only having less than 5 minutes and no assistance to prep! Thank God the flan came out just fine! Thanks to Jeanique Jewelers for partial wardrobe sponsorship with awesome cuff worn on my hand! It rocked as I cooked! Visit the designers’ site at Jeanique. She’s got amazing and customizable cuffs for every occasion! Look out for another style in the next “Daytime” segment!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

12 thoughts on “"Daytime" TV Talk Show: Mint Chocolate Ganache Flan 9.22.09”
You are definitely the pressure cooker expert! Great segment
You should sign a deal with a pressure cooker manufacturer! Still haven’t used one yet, but it’d be great to try one.
Fun – you’re a natural for TV! And that was a cool bracelet.
That’s awesome Bren! I would’ve burned the the heck out of me under the time pressure and probably started a fire.
Great segment! You make it look so easy 🙂
How fun! You’re such a natural, Bren! I love the music on the background. Loved it when he asked, “why do you hold the pan like that.” 🙂 Tell me: What shoes were you wearing that day?!
I finally hear you speak! Lol. Great voice, recipe and television presence!
Dear Pressure Cooker Manufacturers, this is your Spokeswoman!
And anyone who makes ingredients for Flan!
Go, cubanita, go!
Ure such a natural in front of the cameras Bren, Im really impressed! Nice recipe btw 🙂
OMG! Pressure cooker secret from Bren. I love it! Thank you. I want some Flan!
I would have burned myself a dozen times during that segment LOL. You’re a pro, Bren. I can almost smell and taste that flan. Yum!
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