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Eze, France. Overlooking the French Riviera Serves as a Teaser to a Month-long Travel Series


Traveling is timeless. The action of and consequence therein have no expiration date. What you gain from traveling is an invaluable gift that never fades. At least in theory it shouldn’t.

My family and I took a 2-week trip to Southern France and Monaco in 2009 which entailed a lot of hopping around to small towns, medieval villages, more known places like Nice and less saturated streets like those in San Remo, Italia.

Because life really does get in the way, I epically failed in sharing a plethora of experiences through some posts in a more timely manner. I was able to share three stories which mostly touched on eating through the region, but nothing as detailed as the visits really do deserve.

Thankfully, my perspective on traveling is not  a timed one. I can revisit a place in my head over and over again and feel as if it were only months ago that we window-shopped, picked up baguettes for our daily consumption or had afternoon trysts at any patisseries we’d come across.

To that end, I’ve sifted through five thousand images and selected 10% to edit and compile into a series of travel stories. Some involve food, others involve style, but all embrace the thriving culture and history of such a mystic place. Those stories are ones that inspire my work and motivate me to live a life full of exhaustive engagements, especially those that allow me to travel the world and experience the rich cultures throughout.

For now, this is an overlook on a quaint street in Eze, France, where we paused in amazement as the sun was preparing to set on the French Riviera. We were there to pay a private visit  to Le Château de la Chèvre d’Or. In my month-long series beginning in April, I’ll take you through the cobblestone pavements in La Turbie (such tragic history), Gorbio and other lovely gems in Provence.

If this teaser isn’t enough, check out this stunning street in Eze village, right above the lookout pictured above.

Travel my friends! It’s one of life’s best gifts.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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66 thoughts on “Eze, France. Overlooking the French Riviera Serves as a Teaser to a Month-long Travel Series

  1. As soon as this page opened, it looked like I could jump into the water. Simply stunning view. Do hope I can see such beauty that God has created someday soon.

  2. Ah, to go back again…and again…and again!! Love Eze, Monaco, Nice, Cannes, Saint Tropez, San Remo, Menton. La Turbie, where Princess Grace met an untimely and tragic death. And Gorbio… you should write about our middle-of-the-night climb down from Gorbio back to Monaco on that super narrow, winding dirt road trapped between the mountains and 1000-foot ravine while abuelo, quietly, prayed for our safety 🙂 Thank you for the memories!!

  3. Spectacular photo, B. I agree with you 100% about the value of travel and look forward to see more of your photos. Pinning!

  4. What a great idea! I still have tons of pictures from traveling in 2003 to Denmark, Sweden, Austria, London and Paris. It was an amazing trip. Your pictures are amazing. Looking forward to reading more about your travels. Go, Bren!

  5. Joi: I love the feeling it caused you to have! I think I went through too!

    Rosa: It sure is!

    David: Oh, I love that you’ve given me (us) the gift and travel bug! There’s no better way to see the world than with others that embrace it as much as you do! And, that trip has been by far my most favorite and treasured. So, when are are going back??

    Joan Nova: Thanks Joan-y! Can you imagine if we traveled together!??!

    Sanura: Do it!! Really. You’ll feel better. I have pics from a trip to Italy in 1999 that I’ve been working on digitizing. I’m thrilled you’re interested and will come back to see the series.

    Karma: yay.

  6. Beautiful photo! I cannot wait to see the rest and read about your experiences. I’ve never been to Europe. It’s on my bucket list. But I definitely want to be able to go and share these experiences with my family.

    Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money so we didn’t have these kind of vacations. (And my father is scared to fly – sssssssshhhhhh) But when Norrin is a little older, Joseph and I would love to be able to take him another part of the world and give him experiences we never had.

  7. I love that picture! What a stunning view, Bren. Your photogrpahy is so inviting and so vivid. I always enjoy seeing what you’ve come up with it. Like Lisa, my parents didn’t take us on trips let alone international ones. You’re one lucky gal. I do want my family to make efforts for Tristan to see some of the world. Thanks for sharing and I’m sure the series will be great.

  8. que bello lugar me dan ganas de estar ahi de veras que DIOS hizo cosas bellas en este mundo bellas fotos

  9. I SO miss traveling! My husband and I used to travel everywhere before we had kids. We’ve had many wonderful experiences, and like you I have hundreds of pictures sitting in boxes (this was before digital cameras, you know). Still on the hunt for the perfect digital converter! But still so thankful for the memories of Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean…these remain some of my favorite moments in life.

  10. I’m so jealous!! Traveling is wonderful and definitely something I wished I would have done more of before I had my daughter. I still know I’ll get it in there eventually! Can’t wait for your series

  11. This is a beautiful picture and I agree, traveling is timeless and a great gift. I wish I could do it more. One day, when my kids are off to college I’ll be hopping around the planet!

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