Spring is on the way! Spring is on the way! Can you believe it? It’s still a bit chilly here in Atlanta, but I’m envisioning all the loveliness and coquettish gestures that naturally come with warmer weather.
This week is a big deal in the world of B. Herrera and Flanboyant Eats! Why, preguntas?!?! Well, after months and months of debating and considering all of the things that this blog has done and has yet to accomplish, I finally decided to give Flanboyant Eats a new look, a new vibe, roll out new initiatives and a new purpose. The goal is simple: To continue growing as a delicious blog by cooking more & posting more regulary, especially more decadent desserts; to make it a warm and happy place; to make you feel confident and sexy while cooking–and yes, men can be sexy too (I have thoughts of how some of my best guy friends would look in the cocina, flexing their ripped biceps, showing a little here and there and still manage to spoon feed me! But, those are just fantasies I have!); and to offer you consistent content that is of timeless value, both in text and imagery!
Lastly, to share with you my awesome & delicious travels as I eat around the world! I recognize that I’m blessed to have a fabulous job that invites me to meander the globe and explore beautiful findings! Why not take you on a virtual tour (though you should consider joining me some time!)
So, with the new design, comes new elements and exciting features to keep you hungry, enticed and coming back!
In an effort to bring my brands together, I decided to incorporate the images of my company’s brands here on Flanboyant Eats so as to have cohesiveness. That being said, I switched from a funky “Flanboyant Eats” banner to my official logo–hence the FE in black and the full word underneath it. Though the official colors of the Flanboyant Eats logo are cognac and green, the black was chosen to keep with the color scheme of this new design.
I also added my name in its logo form on the bottom right of the banner as it appears on Bren Herrera dot com. The swirly pattern on the banner is the same one I have on my retail boutique, B So Chic!–my 1st business venture ever after leaving the mean corporate world (oh so glad those days are long past me!)
I did keep some things the same, only moved them around. Some new things for you to enjoy!:
Main Posts:
My main posts where I feature recipes, entertainment events, lifestyle trends, product reviews, giveaways* and travel recounts will all remain in the same area. However, each post will be tagged and highlighted in a white bar that appears to the left of the image with the category it falls into. If it’s a flan, then more than likely it will read “Bren’s #FlanFridays” and so on. If there’s no recipe in the post, I’ve removed the download feature so that you aren’t confused. You can scroll to the right or left for the 10 most recent posts to see other yumminess!
Food Columns:
As you may know, I write for Dean & DeLuca and LATINA magazine. Having my own weekly column in both outlets is a nice gig and I can’t tell you how exciting it is to create and share themes, recipes and trends that I’m assigned. ‘Til now the Dean & DeLuca posts were hidden on the right column. It’s now under the Main Post in a section called “More Food & Recipes.” Next to it, you’ll see my LATINA articles and lastly on that same row you’ll see my Tasty Travels. I’ll only publish Dean & DeLuca and LATINA articles in those sections so make sure to look for them there. If I consider one those posts special enough to be in the Main Post area, then I’ll do that, but it will also appear in their respective section!
Fashion Blog:
Yes, yes, yes!! I started Chronicles of a Hat & Shoe Queen long before I launched Flanboyant Eats! But, I was so quickly thrown into my affair with food blogging that I abandoned that blog and only posted 2 or 3 times. Fashion makes me a happy woman. It makes me feel sexy and allows me to express myself in a way that very few other things in my life allow me to. I’ve revived that blog and have been having a blast writing over there and sharing my street style, influences, product reviews and fun new purchases, mostly shoes, of course! I added a bar on the right column called “Chronicles of a Hat & Shoe Queen” which will take you to the blog. I’d love for you fashionistas to check it out and share love there! I do giveaways there, too! Pretty, wearable stuff!
Spanish Translation:
I’ve always wanted to write this blog in Spanish. After all, it is my 2nd, 1st language and it only makes sense to share my work with my Spanish-only readers. I’m still tweaking and getting my format right but staring in March, all (well, almost all) posts will be in both English AND Spanish! I’ll be doing the translation with the help of my journalist father that loves to edit my work!
I’m not giving away iPads and cars or trips to Australia but I am giddy to share some other goodies with you! I’ve established some amazing partnerships with brands I love and actually use and want to share with you! This means lots of upcoming and new giveaways! I’ve even added a new link for them on the top right of the page where you’ll see all current and past giveaways. All giveaways will be featured in the main post area so that you don’t miss it! I have the entire year booked already and can’t to start dishing out all these freebies! It’s my way of saying ‘thank you’ for visiting Flanboyant Eats! The first one is today so keep reading!
Cooking Project & A Move:
More details on this later, but think overseas, fine food, famous chef…. you get the gist, right!? This picture below is one I took a few years back and might provide a hint. Any guesses??
There are so many other little things we’ve done to enhance the site and admittedly still have a bit more tweaking to do, but I hope you love it and will take some time to browse around and become familiar with the new Flanboyant Eats!
I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts! I’ll be updating with new and revamped elements in the days to come so that you aren’t lost in navigating the site! I’ll address photography, my new travel plans, my video blogs and tidbits you may be interested in!
Smooches to all of you. Flanboyant Eats would NOT be here without you and your support! I hope you’ll continue to come back and share with your friends!
I send special love to Rosa May of Rosa’s Yummy Yums for always, always coming by and leaving a sweet comment. That girl there! Wow! She doesn’t miss a single one of my posts! And, to my friend “A” (or Dullah) who reads every post in detail and comments. He’s 2nd to Rosa and kinda jealous of her!
Now on to the giveaway!!! Are you ready?!
My lovely, awesome and beautiful friends in North Georgia own Montaluce, the finest winery and Italian villa in all of Georgia. Last year they were generous enough to donate over 12 cases to the Haiti Relief fundraiser I hosted. They’ve also sponsored very sexy soirées I’ve hosted in my home with some wonderful media and friends. My personal favorite: Risata.
It was no task asking my friends to help me celebrate Flanboyant Eats‘ new look kick-off with some wine and dinner! Thanks to Montaluce Vineyards, we’re excited to give away 2 prizes!! One person will win 6 bottles of their premium wine and a 2nd person will receive a $50 gift certificate to dine at their exquisite Le Vigne Restaurant, overlooking the luscious grounds! How fabulous is that!?!
To enter, each one of the following has to be done!
1. Join me on Facebook!
2. Follow @BrenHerrera and @montalucewine on Twitter
3. Tweet the giveaway including both our handles!
4. Leave a comment telling me what you love most about the new look or what you’d like to see more of!
For a 2nd entry, come back and let me know you’ve done each. Include your Twitter handle and FB name so I know who you are!
I will choose two random winners using the generator at Random.org. I will notify the winners within 24 hours and you must get back to me within 48 otherwise your win will be forfeited. Giveaway ends on Feb. 12th and winners will be announced on Feb. 13th Feb. 21st and winner be chosen and announced on Feb. 22nd via TWITTER only!
**All U.S. and International residents are eligible to enter and win, however only U.S. residents will receive the gifts. If you are not in GA and win the gift certificate, you are free to gift it to a friend of your choice and we will mail it to them. If you win the wine, you will receive the wine from Montaluce directly. Please make sure you include a valid email in your comment so that I can reach you if you win. GOOD LUCK!
En Español
¡La primavera ya está cerca! Aquí en Atlanta seguimos con un poco de frío, pero ya estoy anticipando las bellezas de la primavera. ¡No hay nada como el tiempo calentico!
Esta es una semana importante en el mundo de B. Herrera y Flanboyant Eats! Por qué? preguntas?!?! Ah, porque después de largos meses debatiendo y considerando todas las cosas que este blog ha hecho y las que aún tiene que lograr, finalmente decidí darle a Flanboyant Eats un nuevo look, una nueva vibra, lanzar nuevas iniciativas y un nuevo propósito. El objetivo es simple: continuar creciendo como un blog delicioso, convertirlo en un lugar alegre y cálido, hacer que ustedes se sientan confiadas (y confiadosy sexy mientras cocinan –y por supuesto, los hombres pueden sentirse sexy también (a veces me imagino a algunos de mis mejores amigos en la cocina, exhibiendo sus bíceps y sus abs y al mismo tiempo que me preparan una deliciosa comida. Pero bueno, esas no son más que fantasías mías) y ofrecerles contenido consistente, en texto e imágenes, cuyo valor sea duradero. Y, finalmente, compartir con ustedes mis fabulosos & deliciosos viajes que me permiten disfrutar de comidas alrededor del mundo. Tengo que admitir que es una bendición tener este trabajo fabuloso que me invita a pasear por el mundo y explorar sus bellezas!
De modo que, con un nuevo diseño vienen también nuevos elementos y características para mantenerlos interesados y estimularl0s a regresar una y otra vez por más!
Comienzo brevemente con el nuevo diseño y patrón de colores. Por ejemplo, si han visitado mis otros sitios, es decir, mi Página Oficial y portafolio, notarán que allí almaceno todas mis marcas registradas y pr0yectos. Allí pueden ver todos mis logotipos comerciales. Echen un vistazo. Decidí incorporar las imágenes de la marca registrada de mi compañía aquí en Flanboyant Eats para conjugar mis marcas y ofrecer cohesión. Pero también cambié la franja funky que tenía de “Flanboyat Eats” y la cambié por mi logotipo oficial –por eso es que ahora aparecen las letras FE en negro y la palabra completa debajo. Y aunque los colores oficiales del logo de Flanboyant Eats son cognac y verde, escogí el negro para mantener consistencia con los colores del nuevo diseño. También agregué el logo de mi nombre en la parte inferior derecha de la franja como aparece en Bren Herrera punto com. El patrón trenzado de la franja es el mismo que tengo en mi boutique de moda B So Chic!.
Algunos elementos los moví un poco; otros los dejé igual. Aquí les presento algunas de las cosas nuevas para que las disfruten
Artículos Principales:
Todos mis artículos principales, donde ofrezco recetas, eventos del mundo del entretenimiento, apuntes sobre lo que está de moda, críticas de productos, regalos* y anécdotas sobre mis viajes, se quedan aquí. Sin embargo cada escrito estará identificado y señalado con la categoría a la que pertenece en una barra blanca que aparece a la izquierda de la imagen. Si es un flan, lo más probable es que diga “Bren’s #FlanFridays”, y así sucesivamente. Si el artículo no contiene una receta, entonces eliminé el botón de “decargar” para evitar confusión. Además, pueden desplazarse hacia la derecha o la izquierda de la página para encontrar los 10 escritos más recientes.
Columnas sobre Comida:
Ustedes probablemente saben que yo escribo para Dean & DeLuca y la revista LATINA. Para mí es un tremendo honor tener mi propia columna semanal en ambos medios, y me entusiasma mucho poder compartir con ustedes las recetas y los temas que me asignan. Hasta ahora los artículos de Dean & DeLuca estaban escondidos en la columna de la derecha. Ahora están bajo el título Artículo Principal, en una sección llamada “Más Comidas & Recetas”. Al lado, verán mis artículos de LATINA y, finalmente, en la misma fila, encontrarán mis Viajes Deliciosos. Los artículos de Dean & DeLuca y LATINA sólo aparecerán en esa sección, así que asegúrense de buscarlos ahí. Si creo que alguno de los escritos es tan especial que merece estar en la sección Artículo Principal, lo pondré ahí, pero también aparecerá en su sección respectiva.
Blog sobre Modas:
Sí, sí, sí!!! La verdad es que comencé Crónicas de una Reina de Sombreros y Zapatos incluso antes de lanzar Flanboyant Eats! Pero me envolví tan completa y rápidamente en mi affair con el blog de comida que abandoné el blog de modas después de sólo 2 ó 3 escritos. La moda me hace una mujer feliz. Me hace sentir sexy y me permite expresarme de una forma que muy pocas otras cosas en la vida me permiten. He revivido ese blog de modas y me estoy divirtiendo muchísimo escribiendo y compartiendo mi estilo, influencias, críticas de productos, y hacienda nuevas compras, ¡sobre todo de zapatos, por supuesto! Así que agregué una barra a la derecha que dice “Crónicas de una Reina de Sombreros y Zapatos” que los llevará al blog. Me encantaría que todas las fashionistas lo visiten y me dejen sus comentarios. Ah, también haré algunos regalos de vez en cuando—saben, chulísimos artículos que podrán usar!
Traducción al Español:
Siempre he querido escribir este blog en sspañol; después de todo, es mi 2do, 1er idioma y es del todo natural que comparta mi trabajo con mis lectores que sólo leen español. Todavía estoy dándole vueltas al formato que voy a utilizar, pero a partir de marzo todos mis escritos publicados aparecerán en inglés y español. Voy a hacer la traducción con la ayuda de mi padre, que es periodista, y a quien le encanta editar mi trabajo.
Espero que les guste el nuevo diseño y que regresen con frecuencia para compartir las delicias de nuestra comida y cultura.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

117 thoughts on “Flanboyant Eats v.4 & Wine {GIVEAWAY!}”
Love the redseign, and your focus. It’s awesome. Good luck to everyone in the Monteluce contest. I’ll dirnk to that 🙂
Congrats Bren. The new design looks awesome. Thanks for keeping is sexy and delicious.
I “LOVE” you on FB 🙂
And I follow both you and montalucewine on twitter 🙂
very chic new design 🙂
I love the new look! Very classy.
Thanks for the kind words! Well, this time I wasn’t the first to comment… ;-p
Your work always has a very professional sheen that’s difficult to miss. I love the new look but even the prior page was outstanding. Not only is the writing always well done, but the artistic side is there… like the photos above are a mix of black and white, vivid color, and what could be sepia tone on one photo I see the balance of the page content, and the simplicity yet elegance of the logo. You have an eye for what looks good. I haven’t tasted your food yet, but you’re good enough at producing high quality web content to simply do that for a living in my opinion. Good luck to you and enjoy your adventures to come.
Eric Washington
I love the new look! The colors are very vibrant. Caliente! Besitos…. I need to get a twitter account. Lol
I love the new look, very classic, very Coco Chanel!
Can’t wait to read what kind of damage you will do in France!
I also have blogs in two languages, but I decided to do one for each language: Hip Pressure Cooking and Cucinare Hip! (in Italian). Just because the navigation, labels, categories, ect. were just too difficult to do in two languages on the same blog.
More FlanBoyant recipes?!? More sweets ?!? Yes!
MMWine: Thanks, luv. So nice to see you here! 🙂 Good luck for sure! Wish it were me!
Eliana: oye, mejor suerte esta vez! agradesco el apoyo !:)
Edith: Thanks, chica! I like it, too!
Rosa: Hahah. How ironic, right! 🙂 Still, thank you!
Eric: I appreciate your observations and support, E! We have to get you to eat some of my food now! 🙂
Simone: look at you, girlie. I guess I need to do more wine giveaways! And yeah, reactivate your Twitter! 🙂
congratulations on FE v.4 and all the new features on the blog. I particularly feel very happy to know you will be blogging en ESPAÑOL!! Bravo chica!!! It takes so much more of your time to write a post in two languages, but the rewards of having readers from both anglo and latino cultures is well, just priceless.
I promise to comeback more often.
Comgratulations on redefining the purpose of your blog and connecting to your roots Brem. Good luck in all of your endeavours!!
Great website! Love the crisp, clean look of it. Oh, and I’ve done all of the above. Twitter handle mom23jedis, fb as above.
This is my second entry for the giveaway! I did all of your requirements on Facebook and Twitter! My Twitter handle is @MidtownMile and my Facebook name is Shelbi Saine!! :))))
I am new on your site, and admittedly was drawn in by the Tweet from @montelucewinery. I am glad they Tweeted though, you have a beautiful site full of things that interest me, as well as stunning photography & elequont writing.
I’m now following you on Twitter (@homemadebiscuit) and
on FB (Suzy Neal).
I love the sharp, clean look and personable writing! And would love to see more of your beautiful photography – what a great shot at Piedmont Park!
I am following on Twitter and a fan on Facebook. My Twitter handle: @maggiehampl
Beautiful blog!
-Maggie Hampl
I like your new logo.
Hi – I’ve liked your fan page, tweeted your contest with your and Monteluce’s Twitter handle, I follow you both on Twitter. I left a comment about what I like most.
Twitter – @ATLEatsNTweets
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/malika.harricharan
Heidi: gracias, amiga. es un trabajo for real, pero me da orgullo poder hacerlo para nuestra gente! Thanks for coming back for often! I need to do the same!:) Promise. We need more unity and support in our own community–it’s missing big time! Besitos!
Val: Thanks so much V…been blogging for 3 years and blog to needs to blow up like it deserves ( I think anyway!) Thanks for the cheers!
Jeanette: Welcome to FE! Nice to *meet* you! Thanks for entering and good luck! 🙂
Shelbi: Thanks Shelbi! Don’t forget to tell me what you’d like to see on the site! 🙂
Suzy: Welcome! I love new followers and readers! Nice to *meet* you. Thanks for entering!
Maggie: Thanks for the niceties on the design! and the shot at Piedomont took by breath away when I 1st took it… Thanks for the follow.
Malika: Thanks for entering and for following! Good to *meet* you! I hope you come back. Good luck, dear.
What a fabulous blog! Its chic and sleek looking. Everything has a great flow and cohesiveness to it! Cheers to you and I look forward to reading much more!
Even without the giveaway I think I might just have to Re-Tweet and share several links to my followers and fb friends! But just to get that second entry in, yes…I am a real person and you can see me on Facebook as Ashley Ayres who clicked that awesome “like” button & catch me on Twitter @AshleyAyres. Cheers!
Congrats on the new design of your blog. I truly enjoy the fact that it is very clean. On a side note, I just liked you on FB, and added you and Montaluce Wine on Twitter. Hope to be able to win some vino!
here is my twitter handle: @travelinglatina and fb name: ana serafin. this qualifies me for a second entry right? 🙂
I love the crisp new design! Simply yet elegant is difficult to achieve but you did it!
i love the colors & the photography! i’m new to this blog but will be coming back frequently!
And, because who can turn down the opporunity for delicious wine, I am @katiehamilton on twitter and Katie Hamilton on FB!
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
Posting regularly and laying out what you will do is awesome. Also, branding your blogs is a great move too. I’m glad to find your blog and you.
Lindsay Oberst of FB
LindsayOAtlanta on Twitter
The new look, the logo, the photography, the many pockets you are branding is incredible. I’m toasting to you and your success. Cheers!
Great design! And great giveaway too. 🙂
I lOVE the LOGO! and am jealous about your Europe move!
I like you on FB and I tweeted/follow you on Twitter
Ashley: Thanks so much! I think I love it, too! I hope you do come back for sure. Lots of fun stuff over here! And I appreciate the RTs and follows. I like how you say the “awesome” like button! Classic!
Ana: Thanks for tweeting, following and for visiting! 🙂 Nice to *meet* you and hope you back, too! Good luck!!! 😉 The wine is good for sure!
Katie: ahhh, thanks! Working on improving it much more! See you back here!
Lindsay: Thanks for the honesty. Really appreciate it. That’s what I want to hear and need to know. Thanks for coming and hoping you’ll be back!
Jodine: Toast!!!! hey girl, hti me up when u have a free moment. Thanks for dropping by!
Liberty: thanks!! my dearest friend Dave designed my logo. He’s sooo good! And Europe will be fabulous–I can’t wait… And thank for entering with your follows. Good luck!
Following you & Montaluce on Twitter and like you on FB. You already know that though! The new site is gorge, and it’s super classy–kinda like you. Keep the giveaways coming! You know people love some free stuff. And do some videos. That’d be fun. Best of luck with the move. You may have a visitor, so get ready!
WOW! Incredibly gorgeous new look to your site! Nice work.
The new color scheme is so inviting and the layout is so visually appealing. Love it!
I like you on Facebook and Follow @BrenHerrera and @Montalucewine on Twitter.
I tweeted about the promotion
Love the new site and especially like the clean layout and all the white space!
Done each of the required items for entry
Twitter – @liveitupATL
Facebook – Amrit B.
Bren, love your new look…very elegant 🙂 Nice giveaway as well!
Chica…you are one busy gal! Great new design and logo.
Duo Dishes: we know you share the love! much appreciated! and i love the “kinda like you” comment. classic! and come on ova! the more the better– you know brown people are scarce over there!
Kellpea: Thanks love! Fun, right?!?! 🙂
Stephanie: Thanks so much. I’m getting used to it but do love it. Thanks for stopping by.
Amrit: Thanks for entering the giveaway. Hope you’ll come back!
Juliana: Thanks sweetie!
JoanNova: Girl, you know it. Never a dull moment over here! Preciate the comment.
I love the new look. Especially the free p*** links on the side.
Oh…oh wait, crap different blog. Sorry about that.
But nothing like a great food blog after s**.
Fulfilled all the requirements & tweeted. http://twitter.com/maynekitty/status/36492617956986880
I really like the new cleaner look of the blog, although scrolling through is a little slow on a mobile device.
I tweeted the giveaway from @poodle_power and like you on FB
The new look is fantastic. Very aesthetically pleasing which goes well with the food and drinks you talk about regularly. It definitely stands out compared to other sites that are out there in terms of look as well as content.
Giveaways!! I’m excited about that. Nice pic of piedmont park. I also love the color scheme of your new site.
love the photography, clean lines. And this counts as my 2nd comment because I’ve already done all of the above…having tweeted about the contest last night….(oh, and I’m looking forward to the shoe and purse part of it…i’ve got a bit of a “problem” myself…LOL)
sigh…i forgot…@abaesel2 and Annette Sanchez Baesel (on Facebook)
I think that the new logo is yet another amazing step in the evolution that is Bren Herrera!!
love the logo. follow on twitter @lindalatina
The new looks works like a glove. I want to change my blog too. I need to buy the domain and change to wordpress. I honestly wish you the best. I know you will go far because you work hard. This is what you love and makes you happy and I can tell 😉
Conscientious Progenitor: hahaha! Ur so crazy. No p*** links over here, dear. Wrong site! 🙂
Kitty: Thanks for entering! Good luck!
Emily: Thanks! I like it, too. Check our phone’s settings for your browser. Could be that. I see it fine on my iPhone.
Rohan: Yay, glad you like it. My dad says it’s missing the food element, but it was important I inc all my brands into one so it all flows! 🙂
Annette: Thanx. I love your problem! Stay tuned for me unami in that dept!
Leslie: Ahhhh, you get me don’t you! 🙂
Niurka: Nice to meet you, Latina!
Liza: Ooh I love how you describe the look. Thanks for the well wishes. It’s time for something huge to give! And, I’ll send you info. on a web designer!
I love the new look of the site. It has that new car look. Keep up the good work Bren. Very nice look.
Simply put….”Fabulous and Elegant” the site fits everything you live through your love of food and your sense of Fabo style. The new change of fonts shows your penmanship to writing in a sexy and savy way. You’ve done it!
You already know I follow you everywhere and have just fell in love with Montaluce…I’ve got to put this in my goal this year for a getaway! Tuscan Homes….ok….say no more…my dream home for years!!!! Bring on the wine and a Tuscan built fireplace and it’s on and popping!!
I’m new to your site, but I absolutely love the photography, so stunning. Your whole site is great, I love it!
I like you on facebook (Gina R), and follow you both on twitter (@Gchord88), and tweeted about the giveaway. Their wine sounds superb, I hope I get to try it!
Jon: thanks babe! glad you came by! it’s good to see your name on here.
Joi: thanks, thanks and thanks! how hot is that! I love that you love it. Thanks for entering. And yeah, we need to you on to Montaluce and of Tuscan and Sutter! There are sooo many wonderful wines our there.
Gina: Well hi! Thanks for coming by and nice to meet you! I’m glad you entered and good luck! You would loooove their wine, no lie!
The new design is classy, much like the lady it represents.
I follow you both on twitter
Very easy to navigate and elegant.
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