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#FlanFridays: Nutella con Café Cubano… Magical Stuff

It’s #FLANFRIDAY and a new flavor is here for you to drool over. No, seriously…do not let this small 6 oz. creamy custard fool you, thinking it won’t affect you.

Think again, my sweet friends. I have no idea what inspired this week’s flavor, other than a tad bit of sadness that winter is making its exit and spring is cheerfully knocking at my door. Literally. The Dogwood trees in my neighborhood are blooming prematurely and emitting an unattractive odor. When I look out my office window (which are closed for now until the smell dissipates), I wonder where winter went! I barely got to wear all of my fabulous coats, not to mention some sassy shoes I purchased late in the season.

I guess my intense chokehold of my Nutella jar at midnight was my way of relishing in wishful thoughts of one or two more weeks of chilly weather. I’m in Asheville, NC right now and it’s actually quite frosty. That calls for warm chocolate, roasted nuts, and steamy espresso!

So, you guessed it! Nutella con café cubano! Two of my favorite things I enjoy thoroughly. Most of you know I’m addicted to espresso, but I seldom, if ever, have spoken about my obsession with the chocolate spread. Last time I was in Monaco, we bought jars by the box since they were sooooo inexpensive. We still have some (I’ve found the shelf life is way longer that stamped–trust me!) and I keep one jar at a time at finger’s reach for those 2 am urges to dig my spoon into it.

I made the flans in the pressure cooker late last (like 1 am kinda late) night and found  a slight bit of joy in my anxious energy wondering how they’d turn out. I approached this flan a bit differently. Instead of brewed and ready to sip espresso, I took ground beans and stirred it into the custard. It was pretty dark, but something told me the coffee would make its way to the bottom.

And, sure enough, it did!  When I unmolded them, the aroma set me back. You can smell it can’t you!? Nutella and the super potent Cuban espresso! Whoa, chicos y chicas! Sexy stuff right here!

The ground coffee gave the traditionally creamy and smooth texture a really nice gritty contrast, but only at the bottom. Not too overwhelming, but definitely present. What made it even better was that some of the espresso had loosened and seeped into the caramel sauce. And I don’t think I have to say too much about the taste of the nutella.


Ooh wee. I simply can not exhaust myself in making flan. There’s so much about it I love.  The process of mixing flavors and textures is as delectable as eating them!

There’s no denying Spring is around the corner. Until that very day, I’ll intoxicate myself with wintry things like robust flavored flan… heat in Atlanta is no joke!

Smooches, friends! Don’t forget to enter the contest for two tickets to the St. Croix Food & Wine Experience where I’ll be next month!


*email me if you want the recipe!


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En Español

Es # FLANFRIDAYS, o VIERNES DE FLANES, y les tengo un nuevo sabor que los hará babearse!  En serio … no dejen que este pequeño flan de crema de sólo 6 oz. los engañe y les haga creer que no los impactará.

La verdad es que no tengo la menor idea de lo que me inspiró el sabor de esta semana, como no sea “un poco de tristeza porque ya el invierno se está despidiendo y la primavera ya está alegremente llamando a mi puerta”.  Literalmente. Los Dogwood en mi vecindario están floreciendo antes de tiempo y emitiendo un olor muy poco atractivo. Cuando miro por las ventanas de mi oficina (que están cerradas por ahora hasta que se disipe el olor) me pregunto ¡a dónde se fue el invierno! Apenas tuve chance de usar todos mis abrigos fabulosos, por no mencionar unos zapatos de lo más atrevidos que compré a finales de la temporada.

Supongo que  mi forma de acariciar la posibilidad de que el frío durara unas dos semanas más fue aferrarme por las noches al frasco de Nutella.

En el momento en que escribo esto me encuentro en Asheville, Carolina del Norte, y de hecho hace bastante frío, así que el tiempo está perfecto para ¡chocolate caliente, nueces tostadas y café humeante!

Pues sí, adivinaron,  ¡Nutella con café cubano! Dos de mis cosas favoritas que más disfruto. La mayoría de ustedes sabe que soy adicta al café, pero rara vez, o nunca, les he hablado de mi obsesión con la crema de chocolate. La última vez fue en Mónaco, compramos una caja de frascos, ya que estaban taaaaan barato. Todavía nos quedan algunos (porque he comprobado que duran mucho más de lo que indica la fecha de expiración, créanme) Y siempre guardo un frasco al alcance de los dedos para cuando me entran esos deseos incontrolables de una cucharada … a las 2 a.m.

Hice los flanes en la olla a presión anoche (a eso de la 1 de la mañana) y la verdad es que me dio una cierta alegría la ansiedad que me provocó pensar cómo iban a quedar.  Este flan lo hice de una forma un poco diferente. En lugar de utilizar café espresso ya hecho y listo para beber, tomé café molido y lo mezclé con la crema del flan. Por cierto, que se puso bastante oscura, pero me dio la corazonada de que el café iba a bajar hasta el fondo.

Y, por supuesto, así fue. Cuando los saqué de los moldes, el aroma me envolvió¿Lo pueden oler, verdad? Nutella y super fuerte espresso cubano.  ¡Whoa, muchachos, muchachas, que cosa más Sexy!

El café molido le dio un contraste un tanto “arenoso” muy agradable a la textura tradicionalmente cremosa y suave  del flan, pero sólo en la parte inferior. Claro, una sensación no demasiado fuerte, pero que definitivamente se podía apreciar. Lo que lo hizo aún mejor fue que parte del espresso  se filtró y llegó hasta el caramelo. Y qué les digo del sabor de la Nutella.


Ooh wee. Simplemente, no me canso de hacer flan. ¡Son tantas las cosas que me gustan!  ¡El proceso de mezclar los sabores y texturas es tan delicioso como el placer de saborearlos!

No se puede negar que la primavera está a la vuelta la esquina. Hasta que llegue,  me voy a embriagar con las cosas de invierno, como este flan con su robusto sabor … ¡el calor en Atlanta es algo serio!

¡Besos, amigos! No se olviden de participar en el concurso para ganar dos entradas para el Festival de Comida Y Vinos en St. Croix el mes que viene.


* Envíenme un correo electrónico si desean la receta


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Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

62 thoughts on “#FlanFridays: Nutella con Café Cubano… Magical Stuff

  1. Espresso..need a shot right abt now….ok…I don’t think I can make this, but when we do finally connect….you may have to whip up this Flan for me. Still haven’t hit that Espresso shop you recommened a few months ago…need name again ;( memory and tweet msg gone to la, la land. Looks absolutely Flan “B” delish!!!

  2. Oh… you did it, and in a pressure cooker!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I get a caffeine and sugar buzz just looking at the photo.

    For Nutella urges that need immediate gratification: keep some grissini (bread sticks) handy — dip those instead of a spoon into the jar and you have an instant snack with edible “spoon.” Yum!!



    hip pressure cooking
    making pressure cooking hip, one recipe at a time!

  3. Joi: I’m having a shot right now… about my 3rd on this Sunday morning! When are you going to order one!? It will blow your mind! Oh, and the one I recommended was Kaña.. I need to reach out to them again.

    Rosa: It was! So yuM!

    Laura: Thanks for visiting and liking my flans! I’m working on a few savory flavors now… I think you’ll like them. Oh and I love me some of those bread sticks. Had some recently… I remember having them in major bundles in Sorrento!

    Thats So Ron: Thanks, Ron!

    Aly: Thanks, chica! I’ll email you the recipe for sure!

  4. CHEF .eso se ve delicioso ami en lo personal me encanta NUTELLA es muy rico siempre la como con galleticas pero en flan debe quedar de chuparse los dedos gracias chef

  5. Bren-you should sell these and become a gazillionaire! Seriously, woman-those two flavors together? Whoo!

  6. Looks Awesome sis! If I drank and enjoyed coffee I would be all about this. Although I think the nutella is enough to make me enjoy this flan. Keep it up!

  7. B… I know your madre made me two coconut flans I missed my window to pick them up… I know she’s a bit t’d off. But I promise to make it up! You know how much I love this stuff…Lord… just have one ready for me when I come to Atlanta. Or two… 😉 muah!

  8. Michelle: Oh and it was, dear. I have one left so I just may finish it off tonight!

    Carmen: no sabia que te gusta tanto el Nutella. Sabes que yo tengo vicio con el, especialmente cuando estoy en Francia! jajaja. Dejame saber si lo haces!

    Juliana: yes, love, very, very creamy! The Nutella took it over the top!

    Elle: i Love it! thanks for the sweet words. i looove it every time i read it! 😉

    Jonathan: Thanks ho, I mean bro! Too bad you’re not a coffee drinker. You’re missing out on a whole lot of goodness!

    Dave: well you know what you have to do to get yours!

  9. I cannot believe this blatant attempt by you to mess up my plans to stay away from sweets and shed some pounds. Oh, geez!! what the heck, my so-called plans have been long reduced to musings of unnatainable wishes. So, nutella ‘n cafe cubano flan it is, and washboard tummy be dammned! (after all, flan or not, I don’t think I’ll ever get there, so why bother, right? 🙂 )

  10. It does look divine! I love this idea of FlanFriday. I have so many recipes and crazy ideas for flan. But of course, you are the flan queen!

    Hugs my friend!

  11. David: hahahaha. just give in and indulge. it’s not going to hurt you, really. in fact, it’ll make you a very, very happy man. nutella y café is where it’s at! 🙂

    Ben: hee hee, gracias, chico! wait til you see what i’m making for next week’s #FlanFridays! Los mas divino yet!

    Krista: oh yes it is!! 🙂

  12. Bren! How could I not have known you until now? Found you via New Latina.
    Mucho, mucho gusto from one cubanita to another. And come over and tiki tiki with us!

    Also, Flan Fridays is Genius! I am homesick just reading.

  13. That flan with Nutella and coffee sounds over the top!!! Do you mind sending me the recipe????
    Love your site!

  14. Guao, Bren!

    I was convinced I made the best flan ever…..until this moment. Running out to get ingredients right this minute…


  15. Recipes pleeeeease!!!!!!!!!!
    This combines two of my absolute addictions… espresso and hazelnut!!

  16. Bren,

    This “Nutella con Café Cubano Flan” looks and sounds delish! Would you mind sharing the recipe? I tried to register with your blog but got an error message twice! Thanks! Susy 🙂

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