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#FlanFridays: The One That Started It All {Archive}

Salted Caramel Flan

I’m pulling out an oldie today. Why?? Well, read this post from earlier in the week. It’ll all make sense. Without getting into too much detail, I was torn between 3 different flans to make for today’s #FlanFriday and simply couldn’t make up my mind. Kinda ridiculous considering I made 5 between last night and this morning for some friends and clients. But as we all know in food blogging, it’s far more than just making the dish. It has to be plated, photographed and all that jazz. It as to be finessed. I just didn’t have time to do all that in that last 24, so here I am, pulling out an oldie but goodie. Actually, better than goodie. It’s the debut and coming out of #FlanFridays! Exactly one year ago this month (6 days ago to be exact), it dawned on me to feature flan once a week. It only made sense to me. Since then, it’s grown to be an incredibly popular theme on this blog and I admittedly love doing it.

So, while no new flavor to share today (though there are plenty of sabores I’ve not featured), here’s a little story on why #FlanFridays was born. And, I’ll leave you lusting a damn good one. One that all of you should behold unto your artillery of baked goods and luscious temptations.

Originally published on August 13, 2010.

The name of this blog is based on my love for flan. It’s no secret I love it and have developed over 40 flavors. I love them all.

But, I realized I hardly feature this amazing latin custard. A mainstay and favorite among all Latin homes, all of my friends and most of my clients, I think it deserves a bit more than the occasional cameo appearance. The ooh’s and ahh’s it receives are great. In fact, so great, I found myself trekking with one of  my pressure cookers last weekend, while visiting NYC for BlogHer and a few other meetings!

Yes, I checked one of my prized pressure cookers on my flight from Atlanta. That friendly apparatus made it with me to a small, itty bitty Manhattan apartment and planted itself on an electric stovetop. I didn’t think I’d really do it, but I did. Up ’til midnight, then up again at 3 am to finish a few different flavored flans for a Friday morning tryst.

Though it all worked out and the flans were a hit, I vowed never to travel with a pressure cooker again. At least not for the time being and unless it’s a hugely paid gig, in which case, the client will have a separate handler for such utensils.

I digress, I know. The truth is that I really want to spend a bit more time and energy into the different flans I make and even taste and feature other chefs’, home cooks, and bakers’ recipes. I think it’d be a great thing to expand my flan ventures outside of my own.

So, a few weeks ago, I got excited when I accidentally received great response to my #FlanFridays hashtag on Twitter! What an unsuspecting hit! Since then, I’ve been featuring a flan every Friday with either a picture or  a link to a flan post here on the blog.


And, for this 1st #FlanFriday on Flanboyant Eats, I bring to you a {NOT} so one-of-a-kind flavor. It just so happens a  friend in Atlanta recently asked me to make her this particular flavor for her birthday. I did it and unfortunately we couldn’t meet up in time for her dinner party.

Which means some other friends and I devoured it. And now I have to make said friend another one.

Gladly so.

Bite and enjoy.

Can you possibly guess the flavor!?

 [see original post to find out flavor! Warning: you will want the recipe. Just sayin’!]

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

69 thoughts on “#FlanFridays: The One That Started It All {Archive}

  1. Goodness Bren!! As soon as I clicked on this link it was like TADOW! I do not think I’ve ever seen a flan look so good. LOL

  2. I love flan so very much. In my opinion it is just about one of the best desserts on the planet. Flan is one of the best things that ever happened to dessert, and you are one of the best things that ever happened to flan.

  3. Lisa Q: i wish more ppl thought like that. then i’d be a super hot commodity! love it.

    Michele R: anytime!

    Rosa: thanks! you were the 1st one that visited the original post! ur the best!

    Eliana: it just happened by accident–kinda—best ever situation! thanks, girl.

    Rachel: i love the TADOW! that’s a new one!

    Sanura: oh yeah. i had myself at that, too! niiiice. thanks for reading original post! 🙂

    Unknown Mami: oh i’m so glad you do. I meet so many people that don’t, which is so beyond odd to me! And thanks for putting it that way. You just upped my ante!

    LoriLynn: not all the way planned to look like that, but it worked! The orange is this just that! An orange sitting in my mixed basket! 😉 See you this week for sure with pizza! can not wait to see what you come up with.

  4. Bren que flan mas bonito! pero sabes que dicen que nosotros los Mexicanos fuismos los que inventaron este postre. pere me alegro que lo ayas mastred (se me olvido la palabra en Engles). espero probar otro pronto!

  5. 40 flavors? no, i had no idea you created that many.
    that’s like me and my obsession with kicked up ice cream creations.
    well, i hope to beat your 40 number 🙂

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