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Getting My Happy Back: Spa Treatments & Wine {And Giveaway!}

do you ever feel like you want to throw it all up in the air and go back to what you know!??! That’s where I am right now. Won’t bore you here with what my life 10 years ago used to be like, but in retrospect it was easy. I was in love. I traveled with the man I was in love with. I learned a new language. I dressed as if no one was looking or judging. I did things with no planning and I just loved everything I did! I was in a super happy place.

I was even in that happy place up until the middle of last year. Being a self-employee while working on building an empire can sure take a toll and start chipping away at those things that make me happy. Super happy, b/c that’s the only way to really live life!
Since I’m quickly getting tired of the little things (and even big things like an unpublished book) that take away my mojo, I’m going to focus daily on things make me smile and fall in love no matter what.
I started yesterday!
A dear friend, a new one at that, treated me to a full spa day! Yes, girlies! A 6-hour day at the spa, doing all I love, bar none! Spa Sydell is a prominent day spa in Atlanta, GA boasting 6 locations in really neighborhoods. Each facility is different, but the concept is the same: To provide an escape to feel better. I was there for my birthday back in Nov. but like this time!

It started with a 90-minute full body massage by the soft-spoken Paulette who begged me to breath and breath and breath and “let it all out!” But shit, my back was hurting so bad, it was hard to! But I tried every 10 minutes or so. I then went and got a great facial where I was expecting the aesthetician to tell me how bad my skin was (you know that time of the month likes to bother me), but she loved my skin and complimented me to no end! She simply suggested a few prods that would help with the few brown spots I have on my cheeks. And then a fab and super healthy gourmet lunch with Voss water followed by a luscious and very relaxing mani and pedi!

I chose two awesome colors from the OPI Burlesque collection. I like to play with colors so I  mixed & matched a dark green with a glittery gold: match made in spa heaven!
The ladies that took care of me were sweet and over-indulging, making sure I was treated like  a Diva. The better part and what topped it all off was my lovely friend who’s seen my stress and urged me to come in and just let loose. I did just that.
The spa was laced with waterfalls, soothing music, aromatic scents that followed you everywhere and lighting that initiated mini naps.  It’s the place you really want to go to let go of all inhibitions, boy problems and the negative energy!
I left there renewed, refreshed and excited about getting my happy back. I was giddy leaving with my two choice colors of OPI polish and ginger souffle for by body.
All that pampering set me back for my dinner date at a sexy chic but rustic Italian restaurant, Taverna Fiorentina–an authentic Sicilian posh place not too far me. My dear friend Deborah invited me out to experience an amazing tasting which I’ll speak more at on my food blog. Though I was fashionably late, the menu was intoxicating that I went right for it!!
6″ stilettos, a fresh mani being rocked with new nail color and 3 glasses of  Moscato later (only after a fine red from a visiting winemaker from Italy whom happened to be sitting next to me at the table) and I realized how lucky I am. I mean really! What a romantic day just for moi!
These are only a few things to start helping me get my happy back that I’ll start sharing with you luvlies.  I deserve these kinds of indulgences, no matter how stressed I am, busy or unmotivated. I say to you: Just do it! Take it! Embrace and love the new you!

And so a giveaway!!! I’m in a happy mood and want to share some happy with you! Some of you may know my fabulous and superbly generous mother is a jewelry designer! Well, I’ve collabo’d with her a few times and have come up with some lovely pieces that I wear!
So, I want to share some with you! I designed these and she did her work in making sure they came out to standard and utmost quality! Perfect for a wedding, cocktail party and even a date! Because we all know that pearls and crystals pair well! Retail at $85.
(Swarovski crystals, fresh water pearls, gold quartz, 14kgf hook and chain)
What you have to do!?!? 
**Each one must be done to count as a full entry**
1. Leave a comment telling me what nail color you’re wearing!
2. Follow me here on GFN and Blogluvin
3. Follow me on Twitter
4. Follow me on Facebook  and C.B. Herrera on Facebook, too
5. Tweet this giveaway
6. Visit C.B. Herrera and tell me your favorite piece!
For each thing you do, come back and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done all of them and share the name you used on Twitter, FB, etc.. so I know it’s you !:)!
**A 2nd entry will be given to those that leave a comment on my
Facebook fanpage letting me know you’ve read the post and are there for this reason!**
** For a 3rd entry, mention this giveaway in your blog, linking to this post. Feel free to use the picture of the earring to show your readers!
* leave me a valid email where I can let you know if you won! A random person will be selected on the 10th so that you can receive these by the 14th! 
Follow me on Twitter and Facebook
Follow B So Chic!™ Chronicles of a Hat & Shoe Queen (& A Boutique!)

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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follow Bren Herrera on Pinterest

Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

27 thoughts on “Getting My Happy Back: Spa Treatments & Wine {And Giveaway!}

  1. You inspired me with this blog…we tend to get caught up in the things that we don&#39;t have and get discouraged….but you got your motivation back and in turn motivated me…I&#39;m getting a mani and pedi today!<br /><br />Lova ya B!

  2. I don&#39;t have nail polish now but will be getting a mani after working and choose Smokin in Havana (by OPI) as my color. It&#39;s my FAV!!!

  3. i am wearing jazz by essie. it&#39;s a weird mushroom looking color but it&#39;s beautiful once it&#39;s on! you are so lucky to have had that incredible spa day!<br />following you too!

  4. I&#39;m not wearing any polish…much needied mani way over due. I will probably choose Opi anything in Orange or Champagne. I&#39;m following u chica…twitter FB. You have a beautiful style and eye for stones and gems. If I had to choose it would be the Chapagne Swarovski &amp; Pearl Cluster Ring…I&#39;m a fall color type of gal..browns/orange/chapmpage etc. Love the Lucite and Vintage

  5. A full spa day?! How fabulous is that?! I&#39;m envious. 😉 It sounds amazing.<br /><br />What an awesome giveaway! Those earrings are gorgeous. Your mom is incredibly talented!<br /><br />Okay, let&#39;s start this giveaway entry right now! Hehe.<br /><br />I am wearing clear polish (boo! I&#39;m lame! sorry, lol).

  6. lucky girl! sounds like a fabulous day! i really like your leopard shoes/fishnet stockings combo…very hot!<br /><br />rockoomph.blogspot.com

  7. cuttttte blog girl! lovvve those nails! thanks for stopping at mine 🙂 my nails currently have chipped, old red polish on them. SICCCCK! currently following 😉

  8. gaaa, you&#39;re back! thanks for checking in on me, all&#39;s well and it looks like for you too! wowness, love this post and what a grand giveaway. i don&#39;t have a twitter acct. &amp; have kinda let fb fall to the wayside but goodlucks to all who enter. i will admire from afar! <br /><br />good for you on getting the happy back. memories from the past (as wonderful as they are) can sometimes

  9. I&#39;m loving the Blog Ms. Bren! Super excited for you. I&#39;m currently wearing OPI Elephantastic! Of course I already follow you on Twitter &amp; FB but I will unfollow you &amp; follow you again so I&#39;m being fair :)! I have followed you and C.B. Herrera on FB. One of the biggest challenges was trying to pick my favorite piece on C.B. Herrera! I love your Mom&#39;s work and if I have to

  10. Great post Bren made me want to do something with and for my girl immediately. Sounds like a very stimulating evening and there ain&#39;t nothing than a classy good looking and smelling lady that exudes confidence.

  11. Hot shoes!<br /><br />I so need to spend a WEEK at Spa Sydell! Love the photo you used

  12. wow! thank you all for the lovely words! The Spa was so fabulous in every way–i couldn&#39;t get enough! and the nail polish is my new obsession! Isn&#39;t it sooo pretty!! 🙂 <br /><br />Hope you all are entering for the giveaway! Only three of you have done what it takes so come back and Tweet and FB!!! 🙂 I know you&#39;ll love the earrings. They&#39;re gorgeous! 🙂 <br /><br /><br />Smooches!

  13. Hello Bren….Absolutely Love&#39;n the the Blog Sites!<br />You are truly passionate in your works and it shows<br />superbly.<br /><br />Okay..1) I&#39;m wearing black polish #2, 3, 4 &amp; 5 yes…6) my favorite pair of earrings on C.B. Herrera Jewelry are the Jais Lynn…love all the pieces. <br /><br />Take care and I can&#39;t wait for your next post. Yippy!

  14. Congrats to Jennifer Fabulous of &quot;I Know, Right!&quot; for 4 winning the faboulous &quot;Long Love&quot; earrings! Thank you all fabulous ladies for entering! Hope you&#39;ll come back for the next round in a few weeks! <br /><br />Happy V-day!

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