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Green Tea Ice Cream For Days!


There are three things I crave all the time: espresso. dark chocolate. green tea ice cream.

I got hip to the latter a few years ago when Häagen-Dazs introduced it to the American market. Little did I know it was only to be a seasonal flavor. Naturally, I stocked up that first year, enough to hold me through summer.  This past April, my annual craving kicked in. Like a scorned woman, out seeking revenge against her former lover’s lover (sounds like a good movie, right!), I detoured my trips home, stopping at every grocery along my way. After 3 weeks of failed in-store visits, I just started calling.


Finally, it occurred to me that I could ask the owners of my favorite sushi restaurant to order me some. And, order me some they did! 1.5 gallons of green tea ice cream, direct from Japan, was at my door, nicely frozen with dry ice. It didn’t take but 5 minutes for me to break into it!

For the first 8 days, I indulged in creamy, smooth, mind-altering cups and bowls of green tea ice cream. It was almost starting to intervene with my daily espresso dosage. I had it for lunch, sometimes for snack hour and most definitely at 11, while sitting in bed watching Conan.

And then the craving just stopped! Like a ravenous woman that’s met her match, I stopped. I no longer had any energy to remove that big ‘ol bucket out of the freezer and wait a few minutes for it to thaw out. More importantly, the constant pile of green cream-laced cups, accumulating in my sink, were annoying the hell out of me. The big question was now, how was I going to get rid of all this ice cream!

Any thoughts?

Well, lo and behold, a wonderful opportunity to get rid of at least 5 cups presented itself.  Just last week when I had to cook for one of my clients, I ran out of time to make the scheduled dessert. I didn’t worry about her dishing out a straight “not,” but I called my client an hour before I had to show up, and asked her if she’d be okay with green tea ice cream. I didn’t elaborate, but she harmoniously agreed.

I got to workin! After 25 minutes of exercising my wrist flexors, this is what I came up with!


Don’t you just love! I first introduced these little cups of wonderfulness The Washington Post food blog “A Mighty Appetite,” last week when I wrote about the joys of cooking for one. You can read my piece here. You’re not being jipped readers, I promise. The only thing I published in that article was a small picture and merely mentioned making them.

Since I’m all about re-purposing stuff, I love the idea of using used lemons to stuff them with food! In this case, ice cream! How sexy, right! My clients and their twin girls LOVED it! The nice surprise in these cups is the citrus bite from scraping the bottom of the “cup,” once you’ve made it down that far.


It’s like being a kid all over again. Only this time, in a naughty, yet seductive and creamy adult kind of way! Next time you have left over lemons, don’t throw them out! Fully scrape them out, stuff with ice cream and freeze for about an hour!

Go on and make these for your 4th festivities! I’d love to know what you came up with!

Be safe and be thankful! There are less fortunate than you and I! Enjoy and have a safe 4th of July!!


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Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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81 thoughts on “Green Tea Ice Cream For Days!

  1. I love that you served them in lemon “cups”! What a fun way to enjoy ice cream. Happy 4th of July to you, too!

  2. Yay first comment, and I made a difference with it 😀

    YuuuMMmmmmmm I love Ice Cream to, talking about Japanese themed there’s delicious “Tempura Ice Cream” I don’t know how they do it but some Japanese eateries here have deep-fried green tea ice cream. I also love “Mochi Ice Cream” (Ice cream wrapped in a thin film of sweet sticky rice flour)

    The Asian grocery stores here carry many “exotic” flavors like red bean, avocado, jack fruit, durian, purple yam, etc. I LOVE IT!

    Recently at “Vallarta” (a chain of Mexican stores) I saw a bucket of Guayaba Ice Cream and they had Mango and Coconut too… this post is gonna make me go grab some.

  3. I am going to have to hunt down green tea icecream.My youngest and her family love green tea.As for the lemon cups,I’ve done this with lemon mousse…didn’t even think of it for ice cream…must need espresso LOL

    Have a great day Bren, be safe

  4. Hmmm nice icecreams. I need one. moreover green tea is good for health . It helps to reduce the level of prostate cancer in human beings.

  5. Man! Your not the only one! I love me some green tea ice cream when I got to a Japanese restaurant but had no idea that Haagan Daaz ever made it! Is it in season now? I want some!! Also, love the lemon cup ideas! Think it would be equally tasty with oranges or halves of mini pineapple shells!! Hmmmmm!

  6. LOL @ the woman scorned at the lovers lover. Hahaa! You always talk about it…one day i’ll try it. It must be good the way you talk. But i don’t much like green tea so i’m kinda scurred.

    The ice cream lemon cups…awesome. You never cease to amaze.

  7. Ok. So on the fat and health scales, is green tea ice cream better for you because it is green tea or is it just as fattening?

    Love the idea – Need that ice cream.

  8. me encanta el helado de te verde.y la forma que lo adornaste esta original y muy apetitoso sencillamente delicioso mami

  9. now I must have this green tea ice cream–we were out for asian last night! oh well, this means we have to go again in search of.

    thanks for the tip.

  10. Green Tea ice cream??? Where did that come from? Never got that flavor from the “Ice Cream Truck”. That’s next level homey! Looks good.

  11. Patsy: way fun! Try it! oranges and grapefruit could work, too!

    Nathan: I love tempura ice cream! woo hoo!

    Peter: hell yea!

    ChefJulia: have a cup of espresso!! it’s such a must! 🙂

    Ninette: sure was! 🙂

    Greentea: loooove green tea anything. Ice cream is the best

    Lorilynn: It was great, thanks!

    Kevin: Mine, too!

    Cheffresco: thanks!

    Reggie: Sup stranger!! nice to see you around here again. It is in season now, actually. Finally!!

    Miesha: love them, right! 🙂

    Lisa: I hope you try them. They’re not just pretty, they’re delish! and Carmen they sure are honey

    Tiffany: pick some up now! HD has it now during summer

    Juliana: great for summertime and something totally different.

    CB: HI mami!!! verdad, sencillamente delicioso!

    Alexandra: I’ve not tried making it ever, but need to. I love mochi balls! Have you had those?

    Mari: Go find some next time ur out enjoying Sushi!

    J-Harlem: lol

    Lys: THanks love! glad you participated in leaving comments for a cause.

  12. Great idea – great cause! I love green tea ice cream, too! I do have to see if I can find a recipe to make it myself. Hmmmm… and Mmmmm! 🙂

  13. Hey Bren! I’ve loved green tea ice cream ever since I had it in NY years ago….try azuki (red bean), it’s even better! And you can get both at the Asian markets on Buford Hwy!

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