Atlanta is definitely an interesting city. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve never had such interesting enounters in such a short period of time. But nothing beats what I’m about to share with you. The situation below happened back in August ’06.
Most in my world know I tend to drive pretty agressively. In and out of lanes on the highway. Move! I see my needle go to 95 and within 5 seconds come down 35 when the tri colors whirl and whirl and whirl as if they were trying to hypnotize me and other oncoming roadsters. And the seldom case of me yapping on the phone, rackin up minutes (see post below re: this) when I realize my exit is 40 yards away on the right and I’m still going 95 in the far left. Yikes, As swiftly as Bonnie Bell, I slide over the interstate and anger just about everyone in my eyesight. So, this particular Friday evening, as things would go for me, I ‘m running late to see my cousin at the airport. She has a lay over in Atl and I decide to go dine with her. I’m exactly 25 minutes behind schedule. As I get ready to enter the “perimeter”, I notice the most beautiful car, ever. Navy blue, deuce deuce wheels, fresh wax job and of course, the driver, well let’s just say he was the best feature of that car!
He’s behind me and we get on the highway, ironically, both West bound. Within 4 minutes, we’re playing that Cat and Mouse game.. I see you, you see me. I speed up, he let’s me pass, I wave in my riew view mirror and give thanks. He swiftly shows of his horse power and passes me, only this time I get a good glimpse of the knight rider. Whoa! So I play it cool and slow down; so does he. Finally, as I make it to far right late, he pulls up on my left. I think I blushed. We both roll down windows and the exchange begins. He asks me for my number, so like a little kid I mimick it with my fingers. He asked again, I gestured again. Still driving side by side, I can’t wait for the call. I get it minutes later and the chase is over! We chat. We settle in our saddle, his a luxury tan leather (did I mention he was driving a Bentley!??) and mine a ugly grey cloth from the Kia I had rented for a few days. He speeds off and I make my way to the airport. The conversation was great, entertanining and very elementary (“so what do you do?”). Nonetheless, exciting for simply having “met” him on the highway!
At the end of the day, he was taken. No more phone calls or dangerous vehicular chases on the highway, not even a chance encounter at the BP on S. Cobb. For now, I’ll just remember his pretty car, his gorgeous smile, the few subsequent conversations, and then ask myself: why did he ask for my number??? ( by the way, he did continue to text me througout the football season).
His jersey no: ??? LOL! 🙂

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Have Road Rage!”
How you gonna leave us hangin………..
HA HA HA.. for me to know and ya’ll NEVER to find out.. Girl, he was SO fine too! I’ve lost contact with him since, though. Funny thing is he lives like 2 minutes from me which means I’m sure we’ll bump into each other again, at some point 🙂