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Moe's Original BBQ Smokes Through The Recession!

(Moe’s full plate- all pictures courtesy of Moe’s Original BBQ)

Summer is here and what better way to revive the Real Chef Talk section here on FE with a fun and energetic interview with Chef Mike Fernandez of Moe’s Original BBQ Restaurants!

I spoke with Mike not too long ago, right before these steamy days said ‘hello.’ He shared his Latino background, which I found to be interesting:  A latin man making hard core bbq with a super thick country accent! I was trippin’; but had a great time   speaking with someone whom was  admittedly inspired by an “old black man.” Love it!

Listen to the interview to hear all about how this Boriqua chef, turned smoker genius got started and now is the proud owner of s a a soaring chain of restaurants, with plans to open a few more this year! Pretty impressive considering I’m seeing faved ATL restaurants shut down every week.


(Moe’s Bama style pulled pork sandwich)

A perfect preamble to hot summer days, Mike will surely get you geared up with some trade secrets and excited to go find some good BBQ, even at his joints.  If you find yourself in any one of his locations, enjoy this coupon for 10% your catering order over $100! Thanks Mike!

Visit their site here.

¡Buen Provecho!

*Special thanks to Dave Liske of Luna Pier Cook for editing this interview for me! Welcome him, as he’s my new editor when he’s not too busy being the Mayor’s husband!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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62 thoughts on “Moe's Original BBQ Smokes Through The Recession!

  1. que rico eso ahora en el verano me pondre mas a lo BBQ que da mas sabor y a respirar aire puro muy rico todo lo que pusiste gracias

  2. I hear they’re finally opening one in Atlanta! Looking forward to tasting all the food he talked about! Ooh wee!

  3. It is obvious that the person(s) selecting Moe’s know very little about real barbecue. I really don’t know how the Birmingham store stays in business, as I seldom see anyone in there. After a couple of visits, I drive past it a couple of miles to Golden Rule or Jim n Nicks. Moes lacks real taste. and portions are skimpy and expensive.

  4. Bill: Jim N Nick’s definitely has some good bbq. I’ve not eaten at Moe’s, but the point of the interview was to bring some attention to their restaurant. I’d like to visit the Atlanta restaurant to make decision for myself. Thanks for stopping by.

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