Pimp this! Katt Williams (whom I spoke of last time I was on here) has a new movie out called “American Hustle”. It’s the on-screen chronicle of this year’s Pimp tour. Katt’s posse includes Lunelle, Melanie Camacho and Red Grant (oh yeah and let us not forget the German Shepard named Wendy Williams-LOL!). They get in a car and make stops throughout the states–a tour, really. So, since the movie is coming out, they stopped in Atlanta for a screening. Red Grant, the live show host, invited me to the screening at the small, but cozy Roxy Theater, last night. One of the films’ producers, Red, a college friend and wife of his and myself sat in the balcony and laughed all night. Seeing a semi-naked clad Red, on-screen, coming out of a $5/night motel with 3 Asian hookers was priceless!!
Few minutes before Red was due back on stage to engage in proper thank you’s and an aggressive charge to go out and buy the shelf copy on Nov. 20th, I stand with him backstage watching a backward shot of the last 5 minutes. All of sudden, on stage comedic scripture turns to a hip hop concert finale. Enter Da Brat, looking real boyish and Pimp of all Pimps, Snoop Dog in standard style with a gaudy white faux looking fur. Red does his thing, rapping in the background while the 3 amigos bounce off each other. Hysterical in deed, original no doubt, fresh, oh yay! I looked over at Red and said “this is the new face and generation of comedy.” He enthusiastically agreed. I was glad to be a part of it.
Now, all they need is a Latin girl on there to really make it spicy and caliente. I’ll pitch my part to the producer in no time.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.