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On Being Orgullosa. A Proud Life Stylist

I love licking the homemade cream cheese icing on a decadent carrot or German chocolate cake. I love even more the idea of having a pair of Louboutins specially designed for you and then signed by the designer himself.  That’s how sexy it is being a Latina. It’s having the best of both worlds — the American freedom and the Latin hustle and sassiness.

That’s what most of my life has been like — a delicious and swanky affair with a rich culture. I enjoy and live the vibrancy, electricity and colorful energy we bring to the everyday home, party and just about any situation. Latinas walk in hundreds of shades, dialects, body shapes and deep-rooted traditions. That’s unique and exciting.

Orgullosa, an interactive movement  focused on celebrating the distinct qualities of a Latina is something that deserves a bit of your attention! They promote our awesomeness and go-getter attitude. I’ve not come across too many camps that exclusively highlight what we do and how we live. I perused their site and got to thinking…

When I think about what makes me an orgullosa Latina, the tenacity to succeed and stand out as an influencer, and our level of standard in caring for our home and families screams out! Yeah, I’m single, living in a super chic apartment in two cities, and am childless, but honey’s, that sure hasn’t barred me from living the most fabulous vida that leaves my friends intrigued and wanting to learn more. It’s the feisty yet polished Spanglish, the Latin spices and herbs in my kitchen, the sensual dancing (think William Levy in Dancing With The Stars!), the intense dominoes game in the middle of a workday, and the ruffle top, stilettos and fedora ensemble that doesn’t look like I’m a character in Evita.

A really intense game of dominoes at my parents house.

Si, I went to college and started a law school program, but being the owner of my business and calling my own shots defines an orgullosa woman!

Being recognized in a national magazine because of my sense of style is exciting! That phone call with yelps of “thank you!” because a client or friends look was a head-turner makes my work as a stylist very exciting. Hosting a cooking class where a new wife walks away confident to cook for her hubby, is rewarding.  Sharing my skills that inspire otras, is something to definitely be proud of.

I am Latina. It’s the thread of my character, personality and my drive. It comes out in everything I do. Enjoying my Latin culture to the fullest and still benefitting from living in a country that embraces my individuality, my intelligence while walking in my highest heel, clutching my iPhone and having an intense conversation with Mami in Spanish,  is something to be orgullosa about, no doubt!

Check out & sign up for Orgullosa’s community where you can see tips on everything from fashion, makeup an even earn some swag.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

9 thoughts on “On Being Orgullosa. A Proud Life Stylist

  1. Loved the post and your fierce definition of orgullosa! I feel the same about my roots and being my own business woman. It does feel amazing to call the shots! Will be checking out their community. Sounds interesting!

  2. Such an inspiration Bren you really have created a whole new look of what an Independent Orgullosa Latina is! Keep on shining!

  3. Me alegra que te sientas tan orgullos para compartir con nosatras. Verdad que el domino da mucha alegria y bochinche!

  4. I adore how you remain to be so proud of your heritage and culture still very Americanized. The Spanglish piece is hilarious. I hear a lot of girl speaking all the time. I don't know how you do it. I'll visit the site. Sounds like it's fun.

  5. I'm a proud Latina. My favorite part is being able to speak Spanish and English and enjoy both foods! Sooo good.

  6. Could not have said it better myself Bren! You are great Latina ambassador and I am proud to call you my hermana Latina as being a Latina in the US is all about never forgetting about where you came from and wearing your culture like a badge of honor.

  7. Love it. I think of myself as an artist and my medium is my life. Living an artful life is the way to go and it inspires others to do the same.

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