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One Day….


If I could like this for one day… what would I have to do:
1) have tons of money. like in the millions
2) have a full team that supports my work
3) a nutritionist and chef
4) purchase thousand-dollar skincare
5) get my hair done once a week
6) maintain a mani/pedi every other day
7) Be a celebrity of J.Lo’s caliber.
I chose both of these images because they depict my own sense of style, womanhood and passion.


I’ve been traveling for the past two weeks and haven’t had a free moment to update but I’m back! And hopefully for 3 weeks before my next trip. So much to catch you up on. I hope you’ll come back and read all about it. 😉 xo
* I originally found a mention of J.Lo’s photo shoot on Voguerista–one of my fave fashion sites. She’s so haute. 

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