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Paris…Is Calling

Four years ago this month, I was in Paris, frolicking amongst the Parisians doing all things in French and enjoying everything the country and culture has to offer.

This is in part for me as I contemplate a move there.

Contemplating only because I’m just not sure I can muster the energy to do it.

So, as a way to remind myself why I need to to just do go, I’m going to post a 2-3 part series on that visit.

This was lovely sunny day around the Eiffel Tower. We went to a small café nearby at Place Trocadero and sipped on warm café au lait avec biscuits (and of course, I can’t find that picture, but if I do, I’ll make sure to add it.)

It was fabulous.

And now I want to be there.

Vintage Gap jeans// Banana Republic cashmere hoodie sweater + peacoat + fringed scarf// vintage Christian Dior shades, circa 1970// vintage 14k gold dome ring with diamond// Banana Republic bag// Leather riding boots found in Madrid, Spain


Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

10 thoughts on “Paris…Is Calling

  1. ay mi'ja no se por que no te vas a Paris. es un sueño que mucha gente tienen pero no hay la oportunidad. si la tienes, aprovecha!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful!!! <br />I am quite jealous!<br /><br /><br />Go for it! And share more pictures!<br />That&#39;s a close as I&#39;ll get!<br /><br /><br />{Following from Catch a Wave Wednesday Blog Hop}

  3. love the outfit, the photography, you`ve got a lovely blog, I`m definitely following you now, hope you might follow me back:)<br /><br />www.elekonchicboutique.com

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