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Saffron White Rice Bean With Mushroom Medley & Par Seared Halibut

I’ll be guest writing today on my home town native blogger friend Natasha’s blog, Five Star Foodie. I’m a bit jealous because she’s traveling, while we get to play around with extremely aromatic food samples she offered me via Marx Foods. Since I received the box of goodies, my kitchen has smelled like an International market. And, who doesn’t love that!?

When Natasha asked me prepare something distinct using some of the items I received, I knew immediately I wanted to make something vegetarian, but meaty.

Timing could’t have been any better because I was recently asked by two different friends about delving more into meatless food. In the box, there were dried mushrooms, some spices  and rice. This was all I needed to make something meaty, tasty and Latin-y.

I still wanted to incorporate something additional, so I went to my place of inspiration. Just one year ago I was in Monaco, eating at some amazing Michelin rated restaurants. One particular restaurant left me begging for more. The chef’s free spirit and genuine attempt at speaking English, really did me in. But when his entrees, specially made for me and my small crew of people, started making their way to our table,  I knew I was about to be elevated to another echelon of culinary musings.

The third course Chef Gandon brought to me was a lovely plate of bright yellow saffron risotto topped on a filet of par cooked red fish. To top it all off, he layered a beautiful piece of gold foil on the rice. I was intrigued by invisible red fish. After questioning him about how he cooked the fish, I took mental note and finished eating.

Finish reading the post and get the recipe on Natasha’s blog, 5 Star Foodie!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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45 thoughts on “Saffron White Rice Bean With Mushroom Medley & Par Seared Halibut

  1. Bren,

    Two Cubans out of 10 guest bloggers, not bad. Tremendo potaje! Beautifully refined dish. Smart creative and inspiring cooking. Bravo!

  2. Rosa: I so heart you and your energy!

    Lazaro: 20 porciento is not shabby! Thanks for checking out the post and the dish. I was fun making it, though the beans were tough to work with. Super duro!! Next time, I’ll be using the pressure cooker!

  3. Veggie, safron, turmeric,I’m sure it will make the delight of a lot of gourmet people out there… but I’ll pass.
    By the way, you didn’t comment on my salad (had to do some more for a special friend visiting from France … and it’s already all gone!)

  4. David: Turmeric is really good, but you have to use it sparingly. You know we prefer saffron–our taste, but I didn’t have much time to let it soak & extract color. Your salad, by the way, was a hit with hose I showed it to! I invite you to share here with my readers! It was so preeeety!

    Lori Lynn: Thanks, Lori Lynn. I’m stopping by your place now to see what you’ve been up to.

    Peter: Oh man, I let them sit for 4 days and they were entirely too good! I mixed flavors I’d not played around with before.. You know I get my color with saffron or achiote!

    Doggy Bloggy: Yes.they.do. This was soo good. Use a pressure cooker. I should have noted that, but failed to in the recipe for Natasha’s post.

    Jacques: Yes they are, but they’re even better than they look! There’s fish hiding under there!

    Jay Harlem: Yes, yes, yes!! I’ll make it for you next time you come around to Atlanta!

  5. Delicious recipe Bren, I wouldn’t mind plate of your dish right now… I think I will start making dinner now (it’s only 1.30 pm here).

    p.s. The cake you saw on my website was made for Marissa’s 5th birthday 🙂

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