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Spring’s Fruit Salad in a Pineapple Boat

There’s nothing like a fresh fruit salad on hot days. It’s good for the body and soul, don’t you think? If you ponder all the stress we put our temples through during our week of work, hustle, chasing dreams, dressing the kids (not me!), indulging in delightful yet sinful foods and sipping cocktails, I’d say a raw approach for a few days would be a good way to cleanse.

I was doing well. I had lost 10-12 pounds since coming from back Mexico last September. I stopped eating a lot of different foods, mostly eggs, milk and honey. I was eating those particular three foods as if it were the only thing rationed to my wallet. And I stopped drinking casually, even during media events and reviews. But, I broke that long and unheard of streak last week. I had 12 cocktails in two days. That’s two days of a lot hard liquor in body and NOT coupled with working out or hardly enough water.

Yeah, I totally mistreated mi cuerpo and I paid for it this weekend. Talk about lethargy.

Instead of zipping through town with my most fabulous hat at a post Derby tea party or even breaking chop sticks to enjoy sushi with Christina, my behind was inside all weekend, feeling bloated and kinda queazy most of the weekend. I didn’t get to sit on my patio and gaze at these lovely community flowers that are taking over and finally colorfying our otherwise dull neighborhood.

No, I was inside, swigging water and coffee, instead.

But I did eat pizza. And that was no good.

So it’s Monday and I’m better. The experience of feeling like a disastrous cause of affection and unable to control the ebb and flow of my current transition — oh, because if you hadn’t heard, I’m moving back to D.C. — was a rude awakening.

I need my body to be in full performance for the next 6 weeks so Imma attack my diet with amazing goodness. Fruits and vegetables. Summer fruits are in abundance at the stinky farmers’ market next door; but they’re inexpensive so I’ve been pinching my nose and making quick purchases. A ton of blueberries, strawberries, mangoes, kiwi’s, pineapple, papaya, raspberries and anything else I can get my hands on is going into my belly. In the form of fresh salads, smoothies and sugarless desserts (at least a formidable attempt will be made) I will cleanse this week and get my body back.

The one below isn’t so fancy just because it’s on a pretty pineapple half.  I was just bored and had a few extra pineapples to spare so it was simply pretty to fill with the fruits. It’s actually pretty great for serving friends, clients, having at parties and brunches. The juices from the pineapple boat seep into the other fruits and just add more goodness. Sprinkles of light spices augment the natural sweet flavors — think lavender or lime sugar, cinnamon, star anise powder and the like. I also love the idea of a squeeze of lemon and a final garnish of minced mint. I’m telling you, it’s a great, efficient and delicious way to wipe the body of toxins we seemingly can’t get away from injecting into our bodies.

It’s hot outside, the beach is calling and I’ve got some filming going on. I have to get it together. A bloated belly (and other parts) is simply not cute on a 5’1″ chica. Like, never.

On second thought, a grapefruit mimosa would just make eating this salad 10x better. I have to keep it real. 😉


Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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  • 1 pineapple, cored, cut in half and cubed
  • 1 mango, cubed
  • 1 lb. strawberries, sliced
  • 1 jewel case of blueberries
  • 1/2 papaya or 2 cups, cubed
  • 5 mint leaves, minced
  • Juice from one lemon
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • lavender or lime sugar, optional


In large mixing bowl, mix all ingredients except mint leaves. Transfer and fill both halve of pineapple with fruit. Garnish with mint leaves.

Serves 8.

29 thoughts on “Spring’s Fruit Salad in a Pineapple Boat

  1. Bren … You have been nominated for my NEW Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling. Check out my site for the details (foodstoriesblog dot com).

  2. This looks like an excellent way to get back on the wagon. Nothing beats delicious fresh fruit, nature’s dessert.

  3. A weekend trip complete with delicious, yet slightly indulgent meals, has me feeling just like you right now. The only promise I’ve made to myself is to keep exercise in the equation no matter what! And so I’m taking my bloated belly to yoga! Then it’ll be a fruit kind of day. A sprinkle of five spice powder, as you mentioned, may just be what is needed.

  4. I’m soooo craving fruits and veggies lately! Summer is quickly approaching and I need to feel good in my summer clothes!

  5. Bren this looks scrumptious! Im a huge fan of tropical fruits and this combo is out of this world. Ive been cutting back on drinking also cause its the gateway to bad eating.

  6. Presentation and a party of Flavor! My girlfriend will love this salad. Can’t wait for this weekends BBQ. Thanks B!

  7. I found this post though Pinterest. The photo was so beautiful that I just had to come here to read the recipe! Love it! And love your site :-).

    I would like to invite you to share this post (and other posts 🙂 ) on a new photo based recipe sharing site that launched this month. The idea is simple: all recipe photographs are published within minutes of submission. And, of course, the images link back to the author’s site.

    I hope you get a chance to visit and to share some of your delicious posts with our viewers. It would be a pleasure to have you on board 🙂

  8. OK .frutas festival de frutas eso si es lo mio comer muchas frutas .en casa me pelean por que siempre ando comiendo frutas .es tan saludable y refrescante .que vivan las frutas muy lindo coctel

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