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Sugar Coma: An Atlanta Sweet Experience To Give You The Zees

Bren Herrera Atlanta Dessert Flan

Have you noticed how I’ve been writing about desserts a lot, as of late? I maintain an editorial calendar in order to keep some sense of schedule, amidst this loca vida I have. I try to space out my posts between restaurant reviews (3 of which are way late), product reviews (another 5 which are even more late), events, savory dishes I make at home, client events and desserts.

But, there are some moments that interrupt the regularly scheduled anecdote.

Last week, it was the announcement that I’m the new food columnist for Latina Magazine. Read here for that. How exciting, right! Then right after that, I shared I was the guest blogger on Dean & DeLuca’s blog, featuring a flan (dessert) for Cinco de Mayo. See here for that sexalicious of a thing!

So, now I’m two scheduled posts behind.

And, today, having missed the opportunity to do a fabulous round-up for extraordinary Mother’s Day gifts, I get tagged in a Facebook post about an event I did two weekends ago:

Yes, more dessert. See what I mean. I can’t get back on track. But, this time, it’s completely justified.

See, my friend The Broke Socialite, is where I was 5 five years ago: newly self-employed, bursting and replete with creative ideas that express her sweet (no pun intended) spirit. Her first of many swanky and off the beaten path events is this SUGAR coma thing!

If you have a sweet tooth that will rotten your teeth like mine (MINE ARE NOT ROTTEN) then you will appreciate this experience.

Bren Herrera Lemon Almond Flan

A Tour.

Morning and Afternoon.


Lots of them.

You have limo service.

You stop and taste: Sweets. Baked goods. Sip coffee. Croissants.

And then on to the next one.

You’re done.

And you are in a coma.

A serious one.

Need any more reasons to do it?

I was asked to be the last stop of the afternoon tour and let me tell you, what a smash hit it was. Melecotte and I have quickly become friends (after her over the top spread in STIR IT 28–a benefit for Haiti) and we were paired together to feature our desserts at a cute wine boutique, appropriately called The Wine Shoe, quaintly situated in an artistic district called Castleberry Hills. It was the day of the Kentucky Derby, so I came out in proper fashion, hat, stilettos and a TWEET ME ABOUT IT shirt.

Prior to the coma-goers arriving, Nora, owner of The Wine Shoe, as fun and laid back as could be , spent some time with us going over wines that would pair perfectly with our delectables.

She has over 120 varieties of national and international specialty boutique brands that will satiate your senses.

On MeleCottes’s platters: lemon drops, apple cake, chocolate something and blackberry ice custard. Over the top, again.

But, I love that because she hooks up my fixes every time I have them.

On my side of the wine: Cuban espresso flan, which didn’t look half as good as it was (and gone)—uncooperative little son of a gun; Lemon almond flan and cinnamon & lime infused arroz con leche. Let me tell you something about flan: I loathe making them in ramekins. Seriously. As much as it’s my favorite dessert, why can’t everyone be happy with one big OL’ pie that I slice up? Really!? Truthfully, ramekins are prettier and perfectly suited for individualisms, but goodness, the process is just too much.

Sidebar note: My feelings about making flan in 6.5 oz. ramekins are going to quickly change. I feel it.

Our 20-minute stop was anything but boring or comatose. The attendees were engaged, everyone tasted everything, asked questions, sipped Nora’s wonderful wines, all while Mark from LeahandMark photography did an extraordinary job in capturing the afternoon (as he always does–remember STIR IT pictures! Wow).

Folks boxed up goodies and left in a jiffy.

I think I’ll be taking a break from posting on desserts for a while, unless of course something jumps at me and I must share. Oh, wait, I have a lemon zest whipped cream post scheduled for this week and a chocolate truffle explosion for end of month. I guess I’ll leave the pistachio flan for sometime in June or July!

My hips are spreading just thinking about it!

Thanks to my girl Moni and A for always coming through and helping me set up; Christina, for taking fabulous shots, because yet again, I forgot my camera; and for sharing your goodies.  And, Cecille for making me pretty name plaques for my desserts…she’s so on it! And of course, to Leah & Mark for taking some awesome shots of the entire day, which you can view here. (Mark took the ones of the pm tour).

Read Melecotte’s recount here.

Make sure to read my column tomorrow on LATINA. Would appreciate the support!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

22 thoughts on “Sugar Coma: An Atlanta Sweet Experience To Give You The Zees


  2. It was for sure a Sugar Coma and great great wine. For me I was in Paradise!! Great job chica, like always, I never expect nothing but the best from you. Hugs… Moni

  3. i think the flan came out like that because you used a pressure cooker, my flans always come out very smooth and silky all around. but i strain them into the caramelized bowl, then cover with aluminum and bake in a water bath at 350 anywhere from 1- 1 1/2 hrs depends.

    I put 1 can evaporated milk, 1 can condensed, 5 eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Blend it in the batidora then strain it into my mold.

    My caramelo is simple, 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons water and really high heat it makes quick i stir constantly when it boils, and the water evaporates but by the time it’s done the water evaporates but keeps it from burning.

    When I want to make a flan de queso I’ll add 8 oz. cream cheese to that. when i want it coffee flavored I’ll add some shots of cuban coffee,etc.

  4. Betty: Mami, tu puedes creer que’l flan de café quedo feo, pero muy rustico! Se acabo en un dos por tres! Que bueno, por que no quiera cargar con todo eso pa’ la casa! Todo quedo buy bonito!

    Simone: Girl, I’m so glad UR BACK! Yes! Latina’s in the house! Let’s do this! Thanks for supporing–and yes, wasn’t that wine amazing!

    Nathan: Sorry, hun, it didn’t come out that way because of the pressure cooker. Every BLUE moon one uncooperative batch will come out like that. Did you see the flan I made for Joel Robuchon!? It was smoother than smooth…no holes, no bums, nada… it’s not the pressure cooker, trust me… it has to do something with the caramelo… check out that perfect flan… http://www.flanboyanteats.com/cooking_recipes/joel-robuchon-i-chat-cook-in-his-ny-latelier/

    And if you go on my Facebook page, you’ll see a recent peach flan I made for a client–smooth as smooth can get… I’ve been doing this for a LOOOONG time; I think I got it! 🙂 I’m going to try your recipe and see how it comes out.

    Thanks for coming by; it’s been a while. Good to *see* you. Cuidate.

  5. Fabulous post! LOVE the pictures (heeee) Great time and looking forward to more dynamic duo activities. 🙂 And…you converted me. Your Lemon Almond flan was off the chain!

  6. Wow, how heavenly! I LOVE desserts. Well done!

    I really love your look! Nice choice of clothes.



  7. How come I missed this event and that flan? You know me, when it comes to flan, my obsession with presentation goes by the wayside and all that counts is flavor ‘n texture (inside). To judge by the post and the pics, everything was superlicious. Believe me, if there were not leftovers, it was a hit; that’s the yardstick.

  8. Chris: I know, I know, aren’t those pictures just so haute! We love Mark’s professional eye, but the others really captured the behind the scenes! LOL! *wink* thanks for them! 🙂

    Rosa: Thanks Rosita!!!! We had such a great time and my shoes are just as important as the food I put out! Oh and the hat, too! 🙂

    Val: Thanks, Val. Can I get a break, though! Wait, break=no $$!!! Need to keep it moving. Another huge event this weekend….

    David: I thought you knew I was doing this!! Sowy… que crees del flan de café….and I agree, if that flavor and texture inside is right, then it WILL be eaten and it sure was!!! Great fun, again!

  9. I looooooooooove rice pudding so the arroz con leches is right up my mouth. Hahaa!

    The pics are GREAT. Very nice B. You always do it larger than life. I’ve been to the Wine Shoe once. Last month actually i was invited to an event there. It is very quaint. Super cute and great to do classy events. I’m following the Broke Socialite on Twitter. I’ll have to check more into what all she does.

  10. Also congrats on the new food column position for Latina magazine. So proud of you. You work so hard…i love it!

  11. If you’d like a suggestion…when you know you’re going to be in a situation where you can’t avoid eating sugar, pop a couple chromium tablets and hour or so ahead and you’ll metabolize the sugar a lot better. Little or no “coma”.

    I’ve been told that digestive enzymes also help. Dunno anything about those, though.

  12. Janet: I love drool for sweets!! I’m with you!

    Miesha: Thanks girlie! I miss you coming by like you used to…I’m excited about writing for Latina and hope you’ll come by their site on Tuesdays for the column!

    Chef Chip: honey, that tip came in a bit too late, but since I’m ALWAYS craving sweets, I’ll make sure to apply it for the next time!

    Jenn: Awww. thanks girlie… Very, very exciting and everything was superb! Christina always outdoes herself! 🙂

  13. I’m drooling like I wasn’t there! Ha! What a great time, Bren. I could not have done this without you. I’m STILL fawning over the flan (BOTH flavors). You were definitely in your element and the tour attendees had a blast. Thanks for all of the extra touches that made it sooo special. Cheers!

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