And then celebrity chef Rick Bayless assigned me to study Peruvian cuisine while working together on a project with a mutual client.
{READ: 5 Ways to Experience Peruvian Culture + Cuisine at Home}
So, yeah, I got way into this Peruvian cuisine trend a few years ago. Here‘s a long list of recipe options featuring quinoa.
I was thrilled when I met Morena Escardo, a Peruvian food and wellness blogger I’ve known for a minute. I can’t even tell you when we first met, but I’ll guess it was sometime around 2009. She and her mother are both chefs who explore the ultra diverse cuisine hailing from Peru — where Morena was born — on the blog Peru Delights, which her mother now runs solo. The blog is replete with the ins and outs of Peruvian cuisine with plenty historical anecdotes our limited knowledge of international flare would deprive. I learned about a few of their quintessential dishes and then found inspiration to create my own version. Here’s one. While her mom is from Nicaragua, their mutual pride for Peru’s vast history which actively penetrates our dining culture here in the States is something that drew me closer to their content. Plus, she’s simply a beautiful spirit.
Morena has contributed to this series in years past so I’m happy to have her back even though she’s now evolved into a spiritual and wellness coach and blogging in Spanish on her site Morena Escardo. For this year’s {All Around America} series, she was kind enough to share with us a recipe from Nicaragua first and one from Peru which will be next post.
Meet my friend, Morena!
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with me and my friends! See more recipes from the Hispanic diaspora via the link below. ¡Buen Provecho, mi gente!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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