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Arm Candy to the Max

Via my Instagram while in a cab in NY.
via my Instagram why on a plane to MI.
via my Instagram while on the bus to NY.
Mix of vintage silver from Mexico I’ve collected over the years from trips there
Loving these two M by MJ.
The little owl.
via my Instagram. Gift from the guy. Found them in a boutique in San Diego

I’ve been on a 3 week hiatus because of some crazy fun travel for work with a slither of play thrown in the mix! Wait til I tell you about my whirlwind trip to Grand Rapids, MI last week with Artistry Beauty! I’ll spare the fabulous details for a post next week, but just know it was luxe to the absolute max!

I just came back from 5 days in NY for some client TV work (I’ll be sharing that on Flanboyant Eats in the next week or so, too) and spending time with the new beau, who’s taking up an enormous amount of time in the most fantastic way! It’s as if nothing matters when I’m with him. I’m accomplishing 1/4 of my work when he’s around. This could be a great thing this early on in our relationship because I’m getting a much needed break from the daily stress of 17 hour work days, but if I don’t get a grip…. this may be a slight problem for my work load. But, it sure does feel amazing!

So, during all this travel, one of my most fun parts about packing is picking out the jewelry I’m going to take with me. I have such a hard time deciding, so most times I end up with way more than I’ll ever need. But then I justify taking 5 velvet pouches full of dainty, hard, soft, or bold bracelet, rings and everything in between by reminding myself that perhaps a list minute tryst outside my scheduled itinerary could pop up. Or, I’d end up buying a new outfit where ever I am and some appropriate arm candy would behoove the new look.

As of late, these have been my staple, go-to pieces I’ve been rocking really hard. I’m particularly in love with skinny tie bracelets and leather wraps. Nordstrom has a great selection of really versatile ones, from a variety of designers, which is where I grabbed the orange one from. Oh, and if you can’t tell, I’m wildly obsessed with my new Marc Jacobs two toned watch, which I also grabbed at Nordies. One wasn’t enough so I picked up the MJ rubber gray one at Neiman’s.

One thing to keep in mind when stacking… there are no rules! It works for me. The only thing I do stick to is not doing too much of the pavé crystal bracelets all at once. I’ll do just one and keep the others toned down without bling, especially if your watch has crystals. I also love the idea of mixing texture and size, even tho the all-silver look with bracelets from Mexico (except for one) above was one I played with and think is fabulous.  Leather wraps look really good with simple stranded braided bracelets the super cute gold owl one I found in T.J. Maxx. The goal is to have yummy arm candy that’ll attract all the on-lookers but won’t jam up your arm or look like you’re trying too hard.

I have so much more I’d share, but these looks have been in the past two weeks while on planes, trains, cabs and busses! Because yes! I hitched one of those zip busses from DC to NY to spend a spectacular weekend with the guy. Totally worth it. He surprised me with a little box of the 5 simple strands in multi-colors. I love wearing those together or as a single piece on my right hand.

What’s your arm candy look like?

Watches by Marc Jacobs via Nordstrom & Neimans : leather wrap via Nordstrom : Silver bracelets by IB Designs in St. Croix : stacked rings from F21: Gold ring via a boutique in Atlanta : Cocktail ring by Lucky : skinny bracelets via a boutique in San Diego : Black wrap bracelets via F21 : silver bracelets from trips to Mexico

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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62 thoughts on “Arm Candy to the Max

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