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Beauty Bloom: Artistry 14 Night Repair Giveaway!

One of my best discoveries in 2012 was Artistry‘s beauty and makeup lines. I’m certain every gal loves beauty products that look gorgeous, but when skincare prods actually work, the find is more of a gem.

Up until recently, I wasn’t giving my skin the proper care it deserves…. not washing off my makeup every night, not using SPF, not drinking enough water, not using toners, etc… the whole gamut. I just wasn’t doing it. I have my daily cleansers and lotions I stick to and love to use, but there are times when  even the most catered to skin needs a boost in regiment.

I tried the 14-day Restore Program a few months ago and the results were consistent with their claims… about 85%. I didn’t see an immediate difference, but after 2 weeks from finishing the treatment, my skin took a highlighted turn. I was experiencing some inexplicable and totally unwanted dryness on my cheeks. Out of nowhere. Ugh. Fortunately, it’s gotten better and I’m enjoying the naturally moisturized feel.

So…..since it’s a New Year and we’re all tackling some changes and improvements, I’m giving one of you lovelies this intensive treatment! I’m certain you’ll benefit as I did.

Plus, who doesn’t love a gifted lux prod! 🙂 🙂

Super easy way to enter! 
* leave a comment sharing your skin goals in 2013
* Follow on Facebook & Twitter 
* Tweet the giveaway including the link to this post and my handle @BrenHerrera
* Follow on Pinterest and Pin the picture above
* Extra Entry: Come back and let me know you’ve done the above (not required)
I’ll announce a winner on Jan. 22nd. Artistry will fulfill the prize so you’ll get it in no time!
Good luck and here’s a to an even more radiant you. I’m all for it!
* due to issues with the ending time on Rafflecopter, the giveaway has been extended until Jan. 22 at midnight. Winner will be announced on 23rd. Thanks!

* I’ve previously reviewed this item and was not given any additional compensation or product for this review and giveaway. Value is $265! 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

16 thoughts on “Beauty Bloom: Artistry 14 Night Repair Giveaway!

  1. Skin goal #1: I REALLY need to start drinking more water and less of the garbage that wrecks my skin. <br /><br />Goal #2: Remove makeup EVERY night. <br /><br /><br />Would love to win this giveaway!

  2. I would like to actually stick to a routine to help with the dryness and uneven skin tone, and get an acne treatment to clear up my face! And also to wear sunscreen on my face because i never do!

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