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Earl Grey Tea And Nutty Biscotti For a Rainy Day

The cliché April showers bring May flowers has arrived! The Eastern board has been experiencing some serious and damaging tornado systems that have resulted in mini “staycations”—you know the vacation where you go nowhere?

One of the lovely benefits of gloomy weather and smacking raindrops is the warmth that sipping on tea shares. A cup of soothing loose-leaf tea is the perfect way to stay cozy and relaxed while the storm passes. It’s almost the default drink, even for coffee drinkers like myself. Add a bit of cream and honey and you have a cup of utter delightfulness.

Admittedly, I’m addicted to espresso. I’ve been drinking it my entire life but I came to a point where the research arguing for increased health benefits in drinking tea were appealing. I’m not a trendy foodie, but I was all over wanting to find a great selection of teas I could go to. Green tea is my favorite, especially when it’s loose leaf. A close second is Jasmine with its floral notes. And last but not least, I finally fell in love with Early Grey.

It didn’t come easy, though. Initially, I found it too bold and bitter.  I was looking for floral and heightened aromatic senses. Then I started tweaking different Earl Grey’s until I found a few distinct brands that made me put the java aside. I would say the English are experts in drinking tea, with their dedicated tea times and trysts, an idea I think Americans should implement. When you taste Darjeeling’s like Mariage Frères, you wonder how anyone could not love drinking it. This particular Earl Grey has the characteristics I’d been yearning for: perfum-y, sweet and floral. The slim black box exudes its intoxicating flavor.  The robust whiff of it was almost enough until I poured hot water over the pretty sachets.

To enjoy the rest of this post, click here to read this week’s column in Dean & DeLuca’s ‘Gourmet Blog’.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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36 thoughts on “Earl Grey Tea And Nutty Biscotti For a Rainy Day

  1. si .es cierto tomar te con este tiempo de lluvia es delicioso estar en casa oyendo musica y tomando te que relajante .gracias por la idea y los biscochos que rico .

  2. Rosa: me, too! I feel in love with that darjeeling! So deeelish. Great aroma!

    Carmen: té is tan rico cuando esta lloviendo. Y, sabias que té verde es buenisimo par ayudar en perder peso??

  3. Going to have to search for this particular Earl Gray. Looks so sophisticated and sounds delish. I cup of this would have been perfect to sip on today, which was a total wash out.

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