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{Hollywood Lens in Atlanta}

Fashion Week is well under way and all kinds of glamour is lacing the culture of Manhattan. Some of the coverage I’ve seen in the last few days has me gasping and barely able to keep up, let alone have any kind of level of sanity.

It’s that serious. So, I really need to get my thoughts (and images together) for a thorough and drool-worthy recap, filled with inspirations and wish lists, before I can do the artistic work any true justice. That means I have to fill this space with other lovely things, in the form of art, though this time with A-liust entertainers in their element as the subject of the lens.

If you remember one of my 1st posts after I revived this dormant blog, I featured my friend and photographer, Shannon, who whisked his fiancée away to Paris and married her. If you missed it, look here and be jealous. Really jealous.

Shannon is a well-known and revered photog in Atlanta and his sick, crazy talent has landed him gigs with big shots and strip-worthy men like John Legend, one of his main clients and my future husband (Shannon’s working on that). But his work isn’t limited to pop culture icons we know. He’s traveled the world and documented poor yet wise women to homeless children with infectious smiles.

The wedding in Paris started a whole new life for Shannon and his wife, so to celebrate and introduce his new home, a NY-style flat in the crux of Atlanta, he hosted a chic and well displayed exhibit of his dope art.

I went and this is what I saw–through my lens.

John Legend playing piano
Dizzy Gillespie killing the horn 
Performer’s shoes
Janelle Monae, who performed at Sunday’s Grammy’s
Local model 
Local fashion model
Hip-hop artist Lil’ Wayne
Jazz icon Wynton Marsalis
School wall message
John Legend and Kanye West
Erykah Badu
Wise African woman
Guest and I, Shannon and I in my kick-ass booties I’ve featured before (not Shannon’s work)

On me: F21 sequin beret; vintage crystal earrings; Murano rosette ring, Gold lamé dress, silk Helmut Lang coat, Pour La Victoire booties

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7 thoughts on “{Hollywood Lens in Atlanta}

  1. Hey Cynthia! The exhibit was great and Shannon is so talented. Was great to see a lot of his work. He's shot me before but I need a re-do! And yes, those boots are smokin'! Hugs, chica!

  2. Wow, seriously wow. I would love for my husband to whisk me away to Paris 😉 And these photos! The perspective is so exaggerated – love that!

  3. Shan: thanks for letting me capture your images from my POV! <br /><br />E: i know, right! did did u see the post where I shared pics from the intimate ceremony in Paris. Too sexy! Thanks for stopping by. xo. <br /><br />Barcelonette: hey back! the exhibit was great and it was fun taking pictures of pictures… gives the original image a whole other perspective, right! 🙂 xo.

  4. finally got some time to catch up today and have to comment here lades!<br /><br />one b/c all those images are causing a drool sesh. love janelle monae, dizzy, miss badu (who i got to see in concert one time and almost died from joy!) &amp; mr legend total!!!! <br /><br />two, your awesome sparkly beret and killer stomps rock!<br /><br />three, Shannon is such a cool dude and of course i

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