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LATISM Food Blogger Nominee. Your Vote is Kindly Requested… For Food!

(Working during Blogalicious Conference in Vegas 9/12. Image c/o Latina Bloggers Connect)

I’m not ever caught up on the social logistics on the Interwebs. Knowing my personality, I’d get so consumed that my work productivity would taper off  in attempt to keep up with everyone and everything. Things have proven to be quite interesting and even tear-jerking at times. You never know what someone will be so audacious to say or share. It helps that I’m not a lurker or idle spirit. I like to keep things moving. There’s a contradiction in all of this, though. While I don’t make time for staying in all the know, I do like to familiarize myself with mood-altering and career-elevating news. Not sure how all that works itself out, but I get bites that help me and my biz. Yet, somehow I lose few beats. Yesterday morning was a case of losing a big beat. And here I thought I was on top of most things LATISM, the organization that hypes the Latin diaspora in the age of social media; or Latinos in Social Media.

A friend and blogger colleague pinged me on Facebook yesterday morning to congratulate me on being nominated for a LATISM award in the food category. Yep. Food blogger. I was thrown off, momentarily, and then got to asking and digging. Sure enough, there, right in the middle of 3 other names, Flanboyant Eats was digitally penned. Why the big deal? It’s just an award, right? Yes, so  true. But when you consider their work and mission, to “seek{s} to equip our members with the tools they need to transform their communities by integrating community and networking resources that enable our members to make choices, take part in actions and decisions that affect their lives, and become agents for change,” then I take it in good stride and humbly accept the recognition. I mean, when they’re connected to the White House and send off a distinct group of Latin bloggers to hob knob with press secretaries and decision-makers, you don’t mind their endorsement.

When I started this blog almost 5 years ago, I didn’t intentionally position it to be what it’s become. It’s home to a lot of  my thoughts and doings, both personal and professional and most importantly, a catalog of curated recipes and stories which I hope inspire, motivate and challenge you to be awesome in whatever you do; outside of the cocina, too! So many wonderful things have happened in my life because of this very space! And to think so much more is set to take shape.



So, while LATISM’s annual conference is this coming weekend in Houston, TX and I won’t be there, I’ll be cheering on the crowd and hope for my name to be called! I’d love for you to vote for moi! Things like this help propel me into higher places and that translates into more sexy deliciousness for you!

And if I don’t say it enough, thanks a mil for the support, comments, shares, questions and personal engagement. You fuel my writing.

Click aqui to VOTE! You can scroll down or do a search for my name if you just can’t wait to find that radio button! 😉


Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

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