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My Food Life on Instagram

Bridal chocolate salon redo

Sometimes, I don’t get around to blogging about everything I’m doing in the kitchen. And oddly enough, as much as I’d love to share the haps as they develop , mainly on Instagram (hence the ‘INSTA’ element), I go back and realize I posted nada. But when I post on IG, it’s fun and reminds people I do cook! Especially since my feed is a mire poix of everything I do in the realm of lifestyle; so you know —  travel, beauty, fashion, media events, some personal stuff… But I miss posting more of the nitty gritty, behind-the-scenes of the culinary work. It takes up a great portion of my every day, so there’s really no excuse. It’s just so overwhelming sometimes, though that alone can be exhilaration. I just really need to get better and find a far more efficient way of sharing and promoting this blog on there but without shoving it down your throat, you know. Proverbially, speaking that is. I mean, isn’t food the number one performing topic on the Facebook-owned, over-sharing platform? I need to leverage that and just find that method to the madness.

So, perhaps one of way of sharing with you — especially those of you not on Instagram — is to do a monthly round-up of my sharings on there. They make for a great post when I’m still tweaking a recipe or a set pictures and not quite ready to post. Plus, it’ll allow me to share with you what’s really going on as of late if it was something that simply didn’t make it here to Flanboyant Eats.

So without further adieu, here’s the latest as share on IG, which most times Tweets out and gets posted on one of my Facebook timelines.


I sit on a delicious panel of culinary judges whose purpose is to decide which confectioner takes the cakes in an annual bridal salon suite. I get to taste decadent and gourmet chocolates entered into the competition. This is my 4th year receiving a plentiful box full of chocolates I have to nibble on and analyze. It takes me about two weeks to get through the box and am left so empty when I’m done! I have to wait another 11 months before getting another box of sheer bliss. I mean, really?! This is life!


I’m working on this ridiculously, insanely, wildly bold but savory flan, inspired by one particular international ethnic group. Will be debuting it on one of my upcoming ABC-Tampa appearances next month! You must see this on. Will probably be my most one yet.

Instagram flan caramel in mold


Click on each link to see what’s what!

Deserving some explanation is the fried egg. I’ve been talking for some time now, perhaps a bit over a year, on how I’d like to work on an egg series. Eggs are my main source of protein, next to beans, of course. If I didn’t know any better, I’d eat 3 eggs every day. Soft-boiled, preferably. But fried with the yolk running over and saturating my perfectly steamed bowl of white rice? That is what you call glorious dieting. And because I work with eggs so much in making flan, I’m simply fascinated with the varying ways to make eggs. Imma get to that series! There’s just so much to consider. And then I really wonder if anyone would really be interested in reading all kinds of factoids and learning about the different methods to cooking an egg! Because you know, I have heard of certain people that just don’t know where to start. And I think I should fix that. Would you tune in?

Instagram Food Collage

(Clockwise: Steak salad; Garden scallions; Garden cucumber; Eggs Benedict; Garden haul; Perfectly fried egg)


I love Hipstatmic and have back burned for a solid year. I recently got reacquainted with it and love it even more so. The lens and film packs are amazing and super attractive.  I’ve been obsessed as of late with the Loftus lens. This shot below of a our first pico de gallo made with ingredients all hailing from our growing urban garden, was spectacular. So fresh. So clean. So healthy. Well, all the ingredients except for the onions. We’ve gotten scallions to act right, but those unions are not cooperative fellas at all. This was a test image after downloading that pack. Great for foodies!

Instagram pico de gallo small

Who are your favorite foodies on Instagram? Share and I’ll do a round-up on Parade Magazine, where I write on food and travel twice a week!


* Have you entered my giveaway for the Beatriz Ball Collection designer house ware and entertaining pieces? Check it out if not! It’s so worth it. 

** Make sure to read my new magazine B! Inspired, a lifestyle magazine for the person looking to live the best life! Our preview/soft launch issue now online and available for download.

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

6 thoughts on “My Food Life on Instagram

  1. 860800 823242brilliantly insightful post. If only it was as simple to implement some with the solutions as it was to read and nod my head at each of your points 38628

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