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NYC: I Love You.

 (I love the owl one and should have bought it)

Before heading back to Atlanta, my parents, sis and I went to Manhattan for a few hours. It was our annual day trip to the city. This year was no different other than sis and I were sick and she was quickly developing a fever. This meant we needed to scurry long the city super fast. Fortunately, the weather was cool, not cold but with some drizzle at sunset and longer.

The drizzle effect took away all fun in taking pictures. These are combo of shots from my camera and mom’s point and shoot (which I need to get). I’m not too mad about the lack of solid pictures because truthfully, waking up at 4 am and getting dressed (with 2 hours of sleep) can’t possibly yield the most cohesive ensemble. In this case, the matchy-matchy result was by accident. It kinda worked, but the most important thing is that I was comfortable. 2 NYPD didn’t think so–“hey are those 6″ or 7″?” Speaking of the shoes, which I’ve recently acquired and just love. My coat is the most versatile coat I have. I think. It’s a lovely navy blue Italian cashmere military style coat I found at a boutique and whose designer logo I can’t even make out. The bag is my go-to for long days and day trips. It’s the perfect cross-over bag. Great color, too. And since I’m equally obsessive about hats, this one did the trick in keeping me from having a cough attack.

We ate in the East Village (where dad posed for pic!) (and I’ll review the Sicilian restaurant here), visited Times Square and some theatres (which I feature here), walked through the fashion district (where I snapped pics of knock-off Burberry scarves) and saw the tree at Rockefeller (which was insane).

NY was dirty, smelly and slushy, but I still love it. It’s just that kinda place.

Hope you New Year has started off right!

Snap button leggings // DKNY tights // Banana Republic knotted hat // Abercrombie & Fitch wool sweater // vintage fringed scarf // Regina leather // Jeffery Campbell shoes // Italian cashmere coat 

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7 thoughts on “NYC: I Love You.

  1. thanks for sharing such a great photos! Like how you`ve said that NY is dirty and smelly but you still liked it:) I feel the same about London:)<br /><br />www.elekonchicboutique.com

  2. sounds like it was a pretty blissed out stop off, sorry you girls were sick though. you sure don&#39;t look it or like you only got minimal sleep, you look as always so fab! what a handsome fella your dad is!!! oh, i love new york too, wishing to get there this year for a long awaited visit. ♥

  3. Elekon: thanks for visiting. love it when you and Lynn come over. Isn&#39;t NY just so fabulous!?!? Ugh, I just love it… have contemplated living there, but…<br /><br />as Lynn knows, I&#39;m off to Paris! Girl, it wasn&#39;t so cold in the city that day as much as the rain crippled a real enjoyment of all there is to see…

  4. Yes for sure we can follow eachother, but you din&#39;t follow us?<br />We are now follow you!<br /><br />Xo<br />htpp://sistersandsisters2.blogspot.com<br />htpp://sistersandsisters2.blogspot.com<br />htpp://sistersandsisters2.blogspot.com<br />htpp://sistersandsisters2.blogspot.com

  5. I have the same JC shoes! They are great! just a little hard to walk in hehe.<br /><br />Thanks for visiting my blog!<br /><br />xx<br /><br />Marian.<br /><br />www.allineedisshoes.com

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