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Sexy Shoe Sunday: Missoni

B So Chic!  Missoni Peep Toe PumpB So Chic! Missioni Red Peep Toe PumpBSCMissoniShoe3 BSCMissoniShoe5

Of the 250+ shoes I own, I’m very fond of these peep toe Missoni lovelies I snatched up on GILT. I bought them for my birthday back in November but have only been able to wear them once, to a cupcakes and cocktails party in Miami for a few hours. My current frenzy over these last few months has kept them tucked away and uninviting to wear. They’re an amazing color combo of a deep red and navy with a tweed pattern that lends them perfect to be paired with most anything.

Classic and timeless! And just so delicious.

Italians just know how to do it right. I can’t wait to properly wear these and shoe you. For now, they’ll remain in they’re dust bag until I show them off.

Missoni, S/S 12

*for purposes of being authentic, I did do some light airbrushing to my leg (clearly not a perfect job, as I wasn’t going for that) because I have a nasty cut on my leg right now from biking! 😉 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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12 thoughts on “Sexy Shoe Sunday: Missoni

  1. Way gorgeous and FIERCE. One of these days I'll be able/want to wear high heels on a daily basis. Til then, I'll just get crushes on those shoes I fawn over 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Now those are WOW!! If shoes could have attitude I&#39;d say those are &quot;puro business,don&#39;t mess with me, soy mujer &amp; I know what I want. and I&#39;m going to get it.&quot;<br /><br />Y Bren- that&#39;s pure you.<br /><br />BB2u

  3. cute! I love the color combo. I miss wearing heels totally haven&#39;t dared to after having the kids. This mama is in need of a shoe makeover!

  4. Love them! I love heels – wore them throughout my pregnancy and still wear them now. Nothing is going to take them away from me – except for my LAMB stilettos. The kids are just too fast for me to catch them in those.<br /><br />Missoni is one of my favs. Their accessories, shoes and clothes are classic.

  5. Very sexy and chic. I can see myself wearing these on a date night or to the office. Me encantan! My bday is in November too!

  6. 250 + shoes? Dame! Lol. Great look. Love the red and black pattern and the peep toe. I have shoes with a similar pattern and style in deep brown and tan. Not Missoni but still cute! I must wear them soon!

  7. oh my! Those are wonderfully sexy. Great poses to show them off. Classic shoes are always a winner. They&#39;re so worth the investment.

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