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UltraShape Session 3 Recap: Inches Off? {vid}

Did you think I was going to go through with this fat burning procedure?! I hope you did because I was a little iffy on the whole idea of permanently burning fat off my stomach. I was questioning myself: Am I cheating? Am I selling out? After much consideration, study, and pestering my trainer-friend in Florida, I decided this could be a really good things for different reasons. After three sessions with Ultrashape, I learned that I’m all about pushing myself way out of my comfort zone. If nothing else, I benefited in that way. But, I am so glad to share positive results!

Who knew this really could work? Granted, and for the purpose of being fully transparent, I do workout and have cut back on my frivolous eating. I can’t be 100% certain the results are exclusive to Ultrashape, but at least in tandem with my fitness routine, I am content. The only thing I will caution on if you ever decide to splurge on contouring your abs (other areas are doable, too)… don’t go crazy in your eating or adding things just because you think you’re killing fat cells. It doesn’t work that way. Trust me.  I mentioned in my first video that my frustration is fueled by the amount of eating I do. I’m working on cookbook, so naturally, I’m eating everything in sight!


My thoughts on this is that I’ve gained weight. I can see it in my arms. I do think my ab area looks narrower. And according to the numbers, I did lose 1.5″! But perception is everything, right!

Ultrashape before and after final


Not sure how I feel about this angle. It’s brave. It’s bold. And something I’d never do. But I really want to show you a real before and after from this perspective. I don’t see much of a difference, tho interestingly, my arms look a slither smaller here.  Go figure.Ultrashape 1 and 3 side


And finally, this one blows my mind. It’s fascinating. I had just finished working out on the left, shortly after my 1st session. My abs haven’t looked that decent in one year. The picture on the right was taken shortly after the second session, again, after a workout. I am definitely bloated.

Ultrashape session 1 and 2 after

*I was personally invited by UltraShape to be a DC-based ambassador through SocialMoms. I received mplimentary treatments in order to review the service. However, all opinions and results I post are honest and true. 

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

78 thoughts on “UltraShape Session 3 Recap: Inches Off? {vid}

  1. Ultrashape…who knew?? So what I need. I’ve never heard of this procedure, but I’m sure it will help millions. Seems the way to go when those last few pound of chips stay snug and warm not wanting to dip out on you. 🙂 By the way you look great Bren!!

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